Cut jasmine or not? With young plants you may still ask yourself this question, but with older trees the need for the right pruning becomes all too clear. This applies to both the real jasmine and the false one. In both cases, it is crucial that the blending is done correctly and at the right time. The appropriate instructions for this can be found here.
reasons for the cut
Although jasmine only wilts in later years, older shoots become lazy comparatively quickly. The climbing plant, which is rich in flowers, has fewer and fewer flowers without cutting and thus less fragrance and beauty. If you want to enjoy the plant for a long time and, above all, you should use secateurs as early and as often as possible.
Another important reason for the blending of jasmine is the form of education. A wild jasmine is initially pretty to look at, but in the long run it will become more of a disruptive factor in the garden or on the balcony. Targeted blends bring order and shape so that the jasmine remains attractive in the long term.
cutting tool
A pair of sharp pruning shears is usually sufficient. Because thick and heavily woody shoots are not found in either real or false jasmine, also known as mock orange.
But important are:
- sharp blades to avoid crushed interfaces
- Cleaning before and after cutting to prevent transmission of germs and parasites
- Avoid using electrical or battery-powered devices that result in "shredding" of the interface and leaves
Sharpness and cleanliness are therefore more important than the cutting power of the tool. The blades should therefore be disinfected before use. In addition, regular sharpening of the cutting edges is important so that the interfaces are as smooth as possible and can close quickly. This way diseases and parasites have less of a chance of getting into them. However, this of course applies to the blend of all plants and not only to the jasmine.

Blending jasmine releases juice that can irritate the skin. Gloves should therefore always be worn for this measure. These should also protect hands when the cutting tool is being cleaned.
The jasmine should be trimmed before it sprout again, i.e. in early spring. On average, March is ideal. If the weather is very mild, however, the blend can also be scheduled for February. In principle, however, the point in time must be chosen depending on the type of cut. Thinning out is possible at any time during the growth phase, but the jasmine best forgives radical cuts in spring and before it sprout again.
The jasmine should be trimmed annually. Step-by-step corrections, which are made as needed from spring to autumn, are ideal. So with jasmine, the earlier and more frequent, the better.

More radical pruning is possible, but not recommended in the long term as it robs the crop of a lot of vigor and delays flowering. In addition, the real jasmine in particular wilts from the inside out in the long run, since the flowers and later the leaves only show up on the young shoot tips. The longer you wait with the waste, the more difficult the subsequent regeneration will be.
care cut
Maintenance cut and thinning
The care cut or thinning out is easy with jasmine and also prevents a radical cut. They can be carried out from spring to autumn. The cut before budding is gentler on the plant, but during budding and flowering bare branches are easier to recognize and therefore easier to remove.
The following factors must also be taken into account during thinning:
- remove woody branches
- Cut off old, non-blooming shoots
- Remove shoots directly at the base
- better several times a year than once radically
- remove no more than a third of the total circumference at a time
In general, it is better to remove a few shoots more frequently than to shorten the jasmine all around when used. The climbing plant can also tolerate this, but it recovers much more slowly. This applies above all to the real jasmine, which appears "plucked" for some time after such a measure. In addition, the flowers form on the young shoots. The more often the jasmine is freed from the old stocks, the more blooming it remains.
Radical cutback
If the jasmine has been neglected for a long time, a caring blend or thinning out is not always enough. Here again, it makes sense to proceed step by step. In order to only weaken the plant as much as possible and to promote rapid sprouting of new plant parts, the following procedure should be followed.

- Remove side shoots that come off the main shoots directly at the base
- Do not shorten the main shoots by more than a third
- cut before sprouting
- If possible, cut only in places and not on the entire plant at the same time
So it would be ideal if the radical waste is spread over two or even three years. However, the gentle procedure is not absolutely necessary, because the jasmine can also cope with a pruning of more than two thirds. Either all shoots can be shortened to a third above the ground, or every second to third woody shoot can be cut off just above the ground. In order to be able to carry out this measure without endangering the jasmine, it should be strengthened in advance and not additionally stressed.
jasmine species
Blend in the false and real jasmine
The real and false jasmine are not very closely related to each other, but they are very similar in terms of smell and appearance. However, there are significant differences when blending these jasmine “types”.
real jasmine
- The real jasmine or Jasminum officinalis - as it is called in the technical jargon - tolerates a blend and also needs it, but recovers from it relatively slowly
- with these plants, therefore, a careful approach and patience are required
- Ideally, the cutting should be done in the spring, before they sprout
- thinning is also possible during growth and flowering
- the time interval already mentioned should only be observed for repotting
Mock orange
- even if the false jasmine smells just like the "real" variant, it has some differences to it
- the false jasmine is also known as farmer's jasmine and chanterelle tree and tolerates a blend, but does not always need it
- as a rule, it only becomes necessary to make corrections from the third to fifth year
- although trimming may seem necessary to control shape or size, timing should still be considered
- unlike the real jasmine, however, this should not be before budding, but after flowering - because in spring there are already inflorescences that would be removed when pruning
- the old inflorescences, woody and bare twigs are removed
- for this purpose, the shoots can also be cut off just above the ground
- as a rule, however, it is sufficient to remove the affected sections

repotting and converting
Although these measures are just as necessary for jasmine as the trimmings, they also put a strain on the plants. Therefore, repotting and transplanting should only be carried out at least four weeks after the trimmings. It is important that neither of the two care steps is neglected, but that they are implemented as regularly as possible. This keeps the jasmine strong and resilient.
In order for the jasmine to be able to sprout again quickly and vigorously, it needs the right amount of nutrients. It should therefore be sufficiently fertilized during the growth phase. For thereal jasmine in tub culture, a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants is recommended every one to two weeks. the False Jasmine On the other hand, it gets along very well with compost, which is applied once or at most twice between April and August.
The blend of jasmine depends on the species and is easy in itself. In any case, the right time and the right approach are important in order not to weaken the plant too much.