Pears taste so deliciously sweet and juicy that no garden should be without a pear tree. But with which varieties does the garden owner make a good choice? The decision is not that easy, because the list of pear tree species on offer is long. All that remains is to delve into the descriptions and pictures and weigh up the subtle differences. The following list of old, proven and new, promising pear varieties gives you an overview.
Old pear varieties
Varieties from A - B
Abbe Fetel
This pear variety was first discovered in France in 1869 and is still in demand for small gardens today. The tree grows weak to medium strong, developing strong, well-branched shoots.
- bears early, profusely and regularly
- large fruits with white flesh
- juicy and spicy in taste
- Ready to pick at the end of September, ready to eat from November
- Can be stored well until mid-January
Alexander Lucas
The cultivation of the pear species Alexander Lucas began with a random seedling, found in a French forest in 1870. It is one of the hardy varieties and also thrives in rough locations, preferring sandy loam soil.
- Crown strives upwards, with overhanging branches
- early, high yield with large, bright yellow fruits
- white flesh is very juicy and sweet
- suitable for fresh consumption and preservation
- ready to pick from the end of September, but can be stored until December
Bosc's Bottle Pear
It belongs to the pear tree species whose origin is not entirely clear. However, it was probably bred by a Belgian around 1700. The tree prefers dry, warm soil and a sheltered location.
- Cutting measures required for crown build-up
- medium-high yields with large light yellow fruits with cinnamon-colored russets
- yellow-white flesh is very juicy, sweet and spicy
- Ripe in mid-October and ideal for fresh consumption
- must be used within four weeks
Colorful July pear
This French breed has been commercially available since 1857. At the beginning she was called "July Beauty" in this country. The tree prefers nutrient-rich and moist soil, where it nevertheless develops a sparsely branched crown.
- requires regular pruning
- Frustum-shaped, medium-sized fruits with light green and red colouring
- good taste, juicy, with little acidity
- Harvest is late July to early August, just before full maturity
- Consume immediately as it cannot be stored for long
Varieties from C - F
Clapp's favorite
This variety is common and popular. She comes from the USA, where she started garden conquest as early as 1869. A big advantage is that diseases and pests usually avoid the tree.
- expects good care and nutrition
- good yield, fruits gradually ripen, harvest continuously from mid-August
- Grainy flesh, refreshingly sweet and sour in taste
- not storable, consume fruit within a few days
Its triumphal procession began in England in 1894 and today, in terms of acreage, it ranks first on the list of the most important pear varieties in Europe. This old variety loves warmer climates and nutrient-rich soils with a low lime content. It is well suited for low training cuts and can therefore also be used as a fruit hedge.
- regular pruning essential
- bears early, profusely and regularly
- slender, medium-sized fruits with green-yellow skin and brown spots of rust
- soft, very juicy flesh, sweet with a slight acidity
- Ready for trees in mid to late September; Can be stored for about 14 days
Double Phillips bulb
This old variety of pears was first mentioned in Belgium in 1847. In this country, it is also referred to as "Summer Diel" because of its similarity to the Deals butter pear, which ripens later.
- medium-sized, bulbous, spherical fruits with light yellow and brownish sides
- yellow-white flesh is melting and juicy; mostly sweet and spicy
- ready to eat September to early October
- good table pear, but also suitable for compote and juice
- Can only be stored for approx. 14 days
Early from Trevoux
This old summer pear comes from France, where it was first harvested in 1862. It belongs to the pear tree species that like loamy soils, but is not very demanding. It is ideal as espalier fruit.
- profitable already in early years
- large, yellow fruits with rust spots
- are harvested half-ripe in August so that they do not become mealy
- white, juicy flesh with a fine aroma
- Can be stored for several weeks without loss of taste
Varieties with G
Gellert's Butter Pear
In France, this type of pear is called "Beurre Hardy" and has been cultivated since 1838. In this country it got its name after the poet Christian Fürchtegott Gellert. It is one of the modest strains when it comes to climate and soil, but it should be sheltered from the wind.
- Yield starts late but stays rich thereafter
- large fruits with red-brown spots on the sunny side
- Taste juicy and refreshing with a light spice
- ripe from the beginning of September
- Can be stored in the cellar for about 3 weeks
Countess of Paris
The old winter pear Countess of Paris originated in France around 1884 and soon spread to neighboring countries. It develops a well-constructed crown and is therefore also pleasing to the eye.
- medium-sized, regular fruits with green-yellow skin
- juicy and slightly grainy, mainly sweet with a fine spice
- ideal as a table pear and for extracting juice or preserving
- Harvest is mid to late October
- can be stored until January
Big cat head
The origin of this pear variety is unclear. It is certain that it bore fruit as early as the 18th century. It has no demands on the soil and also thrives in cooler regions.
- large, rounded fruits with a thick skin
- not particularly edible when hard, ideal as a cooking pear
- soft, the pears are sweet with a nutmeg note, good for consumption
- ready to pick from mid-October
- Can be stored until spring of the following year
Good Louise
It is an autumn pear from France, which is mentioned as early as 1728. Her full name is "Good Luise von Avranches". It is also suitable for a wall trellis.
- medium-sized, teardrop-shaped fruits
- smooth, shiny shell
- white, tender flesh, very juicy and sweet
- suitable for fresh consumption, juice, dried fruit
- Harvest shortly before tree maturity in early September
- Can be stored for approx. 4 weeks
Varieties of K - P
Delicious of Charneux
This autumn pear variety started around 1800 in Belgium. Often it is also spelled "Delicious of Charneaux". In northern Germany, on the other hand, it is known under the simple name "Bürgermeisterbirne". It has no special climatic requirements, but needs moist soil and plenty of fertilizer.
- medium-sized fruits
- thin, light green skin, brownish on the sunny side
- tender flesh with an excellent taste, low in acid
- Harvest time is in September, as soon as the fruits separate easily
- lasts two to four weeks
- in cold storage up to 5 months
Nordhäuser trout pear
It is one of the rare old German pear varieties that was first grown in Thuringia from 1864. Its range is now many times larger. It likes nutrient-rich soil that is not too wet.
- produces very large fruits if cared for properly
- solid shell is colored yellow and red
- light yellow flesh, slightly grainy and not very flavorful
- ready to pick from October, earlier in warm years
- matures; can be stored until February
parson's pear
It was discovered by a French priest around 1760 in a forest, which gave it this name in this country. In France, on the other hand, it is known by many other names. This pear tree species is vigorous and therefore less suitable for small gardens.
- abundantly bearing winter pear
- large, elongated fruits with deep yellow skin color and isolated spots
- Sweetness depends on location; can also taste quite sour
- Ripeness for picking: end of August to end of September
- Ripeness: December to February
Varieties of S -W
Beautiful Gabriele
This pear variety is also known as summer gray butter pear, gray pear, grizzly pear, summer ambrette and good gray. It probably dates from the 17th century and spread from France.
- grows tall and can become very old
- small, circular fruits
- rough shell with russeting and gray dots
- juicy flesh, sweet and sour with a pleasant spiciness
- Harvest time is late August; not storable
Club dean's pear
Started around 1840 in France as a chance seedling, today one of the most important cultivated varieties in the European Union. In private gardens, this pear species is also suitable as a fruit hedge.
- large, round fruits with orange-red skin
- juicy and sweet flesh with a strong flavor
- Harvest is mid-October to early November
- Can be stored cool until December
William's Christ pear
This pear variety has been known in England since 1770. It requires good soil that is rich in nutrients, permeable and deeply loosened. Today it is a widespread summer pear.
- medium-sized but irregularly shaped fruits
- very profitable early on
- ideal for raw consumption, compote and for burning
- juicy, with a harmoniously balanced taste
- already ready for picking in August
New pear varieties
Varieties from B - C
It is one of the pear varieties cultivated in Germany and has only been around since 1985. Benita is a cross between the typical European pear and the Asian Nashi pear, which combines all the good qualities of the parents.
- Fruits are medium-sized, golden yellow and egg-shaped
- crisp, juicy and aromatic at the same time
- is ready to harvest in mid-August and can be enjoyed from the tree
- Flavor and consistency are retained for 3 weeks at room temperature
- can be kept refrigerated for several months
In England, the new Concorde variety was created in 1977 by crossing the pear tree species Conference and Vereinsdechantsbirne. Then, three years later, it joined the commercially available pear varieties.
- regularly delivers high yields
- the medium-sized fruits have a rough, russet skin
- Crunchy flesh with a lot of sweetness and little acidity
- Harvest begins in mid-September
- can be stored for months
The new Condo variety was also created from a cross between the two pear tree species, Conference and Vereinsdechant. That was in 1965 in the Netherlands, although it was not commercially available until 1985.
- needs a sunny spot, also thrives on a house wall
- delivers a lower yield, but large, yellow-reddish fruits
- Pears have a melon-like aroma
- Ready for harvest in late September to early October
Varieties from D - G
David is a new winter pear that is high yielding and produces pears that keep well as well. The tree grows medium to weak and therefore hardly needs pruning.
- medium-sized, green fruits that ripen to yellow
- firm, juicy flesh, sweetish
- Fruits are ready for picking in mid-October
- Pears can be stored in a cool place for a long time
dessert well
Dessertnaja was bred in the Crimea and is still a little known early pear in this country. It is resistant to fire blight, scab and rust and is therefore particularly interesting for private gardens.
- large fruits with bright yellow, tender skin
- Pears are crunchy, taste sweet and juicy
- Harvest time is mid to late August
- can be stored in the cellar until the end of October
Countess Gepa
The new variety dates back to 2002 and is a cross between Nordhäuser Winterforelle and Baierschmidt. It matures in late autumn and then regularly delivers a high yield.
- green-yellow fruits with a predominantly red top colour
- Pears have a pleasant aroma and are juicy
- Harvest time is late September
- with optimal storage ripe for consumption until November
Varieties of H - U
Harrow Sweet
This pear variety descends from the Williams Christ and was bred in Canada. It is one of the robust varieties, is hardy and uncomplicated to cultivate. It grows moderately and reaches a height of 3-5 m.
- cup-bellied, large fruits with yellow-red skin
- creamy-white flesh with an aromatic sweet taste
- Harvest time is early to mid-September
- Can be stored in the cellar for about 10 days
Hortensia is one of the new varieties that ripen in late autumn. The tree grows loosely but sprawling and therefore needs a lot of space over the years.
- delivers first, high yields very early
- The flesh is juicy and has a balanced taste
- is harvested at the end of September
- Pears remain edible until mid-November
November pear
This pear variety has been on the market since 1962 and originally comes from Moldova, which is why it is also known as "Nojabrskaja". It does not make any great demands on its location.
- green-yellow fruits are very large
- the firm flesh is still aromatic and sweet
- Pears are ready to pick from mid-October
- are ripe for consumption in November and December
Uta is a new pear variety that wants to take its place among the well-established varieties, particularly due to its good storage properties. The tree grows compact and well exposed.
- early, very high and regular yield
- greenish-yellow, large and firm fruits; easy to transport
- Ripening time is mid-November
- can be stored until February