Snails are the terror of every garden. The voracious little beasts love to eat salad and other types of vegetables, but of course they don't spurn fruit either. Whoever is struggling with a plague of snails quickly sees their entire harvest in danger. Action is urgently required. However, the snail eggs are usually forgotten. They represent at least as great a danger as the adult animals - but only in the coming year.

snail eggs

Above all slugs are a big problem in many gardens - even if they have long since been removed. The animals lay eggs from which the young snails hatch after a while. Each slug can easily produce up to 400 eggs a year. If the animals hatch, there is a probability bordering on certainty that there will be a veritable snail invasion in the garden. It is therefore necessary to track down and destroy the clutches. Of course, you have to know what they look like and where they are stored with a certain preference.

color and shape

The first and most important question is, of course, what snail eggs actually look like and how you can identify them without a doubt. The answer to this is relatively simple: the eggs of slugs in particular are usually small white to slightly yellowish balls. A single egg is about the size of a pinhead. Frequently, several of these mini balls lie loosely together in small clumps. If you touch them, you will find that they are very soft and react to pressure. Their light color alone makes them clearly stand out from the ground below.

storage locations

Of course, recognizing such a clutch is much easier if you know exactly where to look. Snails have a number of preferred places where they leave their eggs. Small ones are the most popular burrows. These often arise when harvesting the vegetables. We therefore recommend smoothing the bed surface with a rake immediately after harvesting. In addition, clutches can be found under mulch and mulch, on sidewalk edges, near barrels or under loose stones. If you winterize the garden in autumn, you should specifically look for these places. You can then collect the clutches with a jar and put them directly in the closed household waste. On the other hand, they have no place on the compost heap.


Again and again, garden owners believe that they have discovered snail eggs in the garden or potting soil they have bought. However, this is always a mix-up. What at first glance looks like eggs is nothing but more valuable depot fertilizer. It consists of individual grains that can actually resemble snail eggs in color and size. However, the grains are also relatively hard. With a short feel test, it is easy to distinguish what exactly is in the ground.
