Anyone who hears or reads the word water vein usually immediately thinks of dowsers. They are actually still trying to find water today. There is not the slightest scientific evidence that it works. Even more: There is not even such a thing as a water vein in our latitudes. Groundwater occurs in our area. In order to develop it, you definitely don't need a dowsing rod, but some knowledge.

water vein

If you think of a water vein as a kind of channel that runs underground and has to be drilled in order to be able to pump water from a well, you are completely wrong. Groundwater does not flow in channels or veins. Rather, it is flat and does not flow, but at most moves very, very slowly. Groundwater is available more or less everywhere in Europe. You just have to dig deep enough to tap into it. However, there are certain geological formations, where the water is relatively close to the surface.


If one considers the findings of geology and hydrogeology, then there can no longer be any question of water veins. The assertion that these alleged veins would then also belong to the realm of charlatanry radiation send out. And an even bigger nonsense is that particularly capable people use this radiation by means of a dowsing can perceive. To put it bluntly again: There is not the slightest scientific evidence for this to date. So if you want to drill a well in your garden, you can safely do without using a dowser.

find water

There are hydrogeologists who state that if you drill deep enough, you will find water anywhere in Europe. Since the talk of the water vein is simply nonsense from a scientific point of view, such a water-containing channel does not have to be tracked down first. In principle, you can every garden areal detect groundwater and then encourage it. However, the effort involved can vary. Hydrogeological overview maps are therefore more effective and usually cheaper than the dowsing rod.

overview maps

These hydrogeological overview maps provide relatively detailed information about how productive the water-bearing layer in the earth is. These maps can be viewed, for example, at district offices, city and municipal administrations and water management offices. With their help, you can first of all assess whether drilling a hole in your own garden really makes sense. Access is usually free. Printouts are available for a small fee.

Cracked rock

The rock of a water-impermeable soil layer is decisive for the yield of a possible well. In general, it can be said that the more fissured this rock is, the greater the chance of a productive, sustainable well. The rock fissures ensure that there is always enough groundwater flow can if water is taken from the drilled well. Ultimately, they ensure a reliable water supply.

plan wells

If you are considering drilling a well in your garden in order to be able to supply the plants with water, you would do well to first of all deal with the geology of your residential area. Areas with the following subsoil are particularly promising:

  • sand
  • gravel
  • fissured rock: limestone, dolomite, basalt, sandstone

If these formations cannot be found in your own garden, it usually makes little sense to want to drill a well - water vein or not. The first step in planning a well is therefore to deal as intensively as possible with the hydrogeology of the subsoil.

Clear hints

In order to be able to determine whether a borehole makes sense, you do not necessarily need in-depth geological knowledge. There are other indications, some of which are very clear. For example, if there was already a well on the property, there is a high probability that it will be worth drilling again. This also applies if there are wells on neighboring properties. Ground formations usually extend over very large areas. In most cases, they are not limited to a single piece of land. It is therefore more than likely that a well on your own property is worthwhile if the neighbor already has a well.

Groundwater level

With these findings, however, it has not yet been clarified where exactly drilling is to take place on the company's own property. This is exactly what the charlatans are trying to score with the dowsing rod by supposedly being able to determine exactly where to drill. However, a number of independent tests have shown that these are mostly coincidental hits. That's usually why you die test drilling Don't mess around if the basic requirements are right. These test drillings can be made much easier if you know the groundwater level in your region. If you don't come across water at a certain depth, you can save yourself from drilling further at this point. You can get information about the groundwater level from your water supplier.

negative findings

If the well mainly unearths sand and gravel as well as loose rock, you are basically on the right track. Of course, there are also negative findings. This is especially the case when mainly clay and loam are transported to the surface. Both materials are almost waterproof. This also means that no water could flow through them. The prerequisites for a productive well are not given and you can save yourself the further work.

Patience and test drilling

Finding water in your own garden usually requires a lot of patience. It is often not possible without test drilling. On the other hand, it is also relatively common for a hit to be landed on the first try. This is especially true when the hydrogeological conditions are fundamentally correct. The effort required to find water and establish a well pays off over time in the truest sense of the word - you simply save on water charges.

groundwater measurement

Water vein goodbye

It almost goes without saying that the temptation is great, despite all the effort, to get involved with the man or woman with the dowsing rod. So once again: There are no water veins. There is consequently no radiation to which the dowsing rod could react. If dowsers are still successful, it is usually because they use exactly that hydrogeological knowledge that you can get anywhere. A precision landing is also very rare for them. A water vein is basically not to be found. It all depends on the groundwater.
