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Oregano (Origanum vulgare), also known as oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a perennial, very aromatic herb that gives many dishes, mainly in Mediterranean cuisine, a special touch. Above all, it is a typical pizza spice. Its spiciness is almost equally intense when fresh and dried. Useful parts of the plant are leaves and flowers. Depending on requirements, it can be harvested fresh or dried for a longer period of time.

harvest time

Right time to harvest

There is actually no specific time for harvesting. In principle, it can be harvested fresh in portions at any time from spring to autumn. Depending on the variety and the time of picking, the seasoning can be more or less intense. For example, it is stronger in the mornings and midday than in the evenings or on rainy days. For storing large quantities, oregano should be harvested when its flavor is at its most intense. This is the case between the end of June and September, when the dandelions are in bloom.

During this time, the essential oil content is particularly high. The sun does not play an insignificant role in this, because oregano is a true sun worshiper and intense sunlight also enhances its aroma. Consequently, this spicy herb should preferably be in bloom and harvested on a sunny day. Ideally, it could soak up the sun for a few days immediately before harvest. Bees and other insects can also provide information about the optimal time, because they buzz around the dost busily during flowering.

Harvest flowering stems

You really can't go wrong when harvesting oregano. What you need is a sharp cutting tool, a harvesting container and, depending on the type of preservation, lockable storage containers, twine or ice cube trays for freezing. Due to its comparatively long flowering period, Dost can be harvested several times in bloom.

To do this, on a sunny and dry day, it is best to cut the entire stem about a hand's breadth above the ground. You should make sure that the stems do not bend over, because valuable essential oils could escape at the break points and the plants would lose their aroma. Cut or remove brown and stained or damaged leaves from the stems.

Make durable

By air drying

Freshly harvested oregano should be used as soon as possible. The part of the harvest that is intended for longer storage can be preserved by drying or freezing. If possible, you should not wash the herb after harvesting or before drying, as this would unnecessarily prolong the drying process.

It is usually sufficient to shake them vigorously several times and wipe off loosely adhering dirt with your hands. The situation is different if the plants were sprayed for whatever reason. Then they should be washed and then pre-dried on absorbent paper towels. However, this would mean that the aroma would suffer.

  • Tie several stems together in loose little bundles for air drying
  • hang in a dark, warm and dry place
  • The drying area should be sheltered from the wind, but still well ventilated
  • make sure there is enough space between the individual bundles
  • Air must circulate and the herbs must be able to dry well all around
  • Room temperature should not rise above 35 degrees
  • higher temperatures have a negative impact on the quality of the dried herbs
  • light also affects the quality
  • both can accelerate the decomposition process of the active ingredients and flavors contained
  • horizontal drying as an alternative to air drying
  • To do this, spread out the stalks on a grid that is not too large-meshed but is permeable to air
  • this ensures optimal ventilation

After about three weeks, the herbs are completely dry and can be stored accordingly. Since flowers and leaves can be used differently, it makes sense to separate them after drying. The leaves are usually easy to strip off the stems. It is best to cut off the blossoms of the oregano.

When stored in a cool, dry place, protected from light, this herb will keep for up to a year, after which time the aroma and flavor will gradually fade. Herbs should be harvested and dried every year anyway. It is best to use airtight jars or cans.

Tip: The use of a commercially available dehydrator is not recommended, as it would completely destroy the flavorings. The plants would also lose a large part of their aroma if they were dried in the oven.

By freezing

Freezing is a good alternative to drying, but tedious for larger quantities. This works best with the help of ice cube trays. First, you pluck the healthy leaves and flowers from the stems. The leaves are crushed and placed in the ice cube tray. Then you fill the individual compartments with water so that the herbs are completely covered with water and freeze the whole thing. The frozen cubes can then be transferred to larger containers and stored in the freezer. Depending on your needs, you can easily remove them individually later on.

possible uses

The possible uses of this herb are very diverse. It is not only a typical pizza spice, its spicy, slightly bitter and, depending on the cultivation conditions, sometimes also a bit hot taste gives sauces, soups, egg dishes, fish and meat dishes or salads a special aroma.

This herb goes particularly well with tomatoes and cucumbers. Unlike most other herbs, it can be cooked without any problems. It can also be used to make a tasty oil that can be used in dressings, marinating or frying. Its flowers are more of a decorative ingredient, but can also be used for herbal pillows.

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