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Black flies are relatively unknown and very inconspicuous insects. However, their bite can be tough and result in severe allergic reactions and inflammation. The black fly bite can be both prevented and treated well with the appropriate measures. Here we reveal what is important, how mosquitoes can be recognized and what can be done to combat them.

black flies

The so-called black flies occur worldwide, with over 2,000 species. There are more than 50 black fly species in Germany alone. These are just up to six millimeters in size and are brown, gray or black. Only the females suck blood. Potential hosts are birds and mammals - including humans. The insects prefer to appear on pastures, since the cattle offer large areas of attack. Since grazing in Germany is decreasing, the mosquitoes now seem to be increasingly shifting to other animals and also humans.


The female blackflies lay their eggs in or near flowing water. For example on streams or rivers - but also on watercourses in the garden or park. As mentioned, they prefer close proximity to large animals such as cows and horses. Therefore, they appear more frequently in their vicinity.

Knowing about this is important for two reasons. On the one hand, appropriate precautionary measures should be taken in areas with running water. This includes wearing long clothing with tight cuffs. On the other hand, caution is required when handling the animals from spring to autumn. If horses or cows are bitten, it can also be very painful for them and cause severe itching. Suddenly running and stepping out can be the consequences.

Black fly sting or bite?

Strictly speaking, the blackfly bite is not a bite, but a bite bite. The insects scratch the skin, let saliva run into the wound and suck out blood and lymph.
The saliva contains anesthetic and anticoagulant substances. As a result, the victim initially does not notice the sting and the blood runs stronger and longer. Only then do the itching and pain set in. So far, mosquitoes in Europe have not transmitted diseases or parasites. In the tropics, however, these dangers exist.


The mosquitoes themselves fly silently, and the bite of the black fly is not painful at first. Therefore, the bite of the insects is usually only discovered much later and it is not possible to kill them directly before or at the same time.
However, the sting can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • punctiform bleeding in the skin up to bruising
  • small swelling, about the size of a lentil
  • Formation of a blister filled with a watery or purulent discharge
  • severe itching
  • noticeably severe pain

If there is an allergy to certain proteins in the saliva of the black fly, redness and swelling can be significantly worse and even life-threatening conditions can occur. Shortness of breath, allergic shock and circulatory collapse are possible. In the event of such reactions, you must contact an emergency doctor immediately.
Even if there is no allergy or the symptoms are less severe, the black fly bites can become severely inflamed. The risk is particularly high if it has been scratched.

First aid and treatment

If a black fly bite is noticed or if there have even been several bites, you should first disinfect the area. It is then important to cool the stitches. Water, damp cloths or ice are suitable for this, as are cooling gels. On the one hand, the cooling reduces the pain, on the other hand it reduces the itching. This is important because scratching the bite can further injure the skin and germs can get into the wound. The risk of infection is therefore increased.

An antihistamine should also be used if allergic reactions occur. An emergency doctor must be called immediately if the following symptoms occur after the black fly bite:

  • Fatigue and unusual tiredness
  • difficulty breathing
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • Severe pain and swelling
  • nausea

In such a case, there is an allergic or pseudoallergic reaction that needs to be treated urgently. If fever and purulent inflammation appear, this also requires treatment.


Appropriate preventive measures are necessary to prevent a black fly bite from occurring in the first place. These are quite simple with black flies, as they only occur outdoors and not in closed rooms. In addition, they cannot pierce through clothing. So reducing time outdoors and wearing long clothes already helps. Clothing should have tight cuffs and trousers should be tucked into shoes or stockings so that mosquitoes cannot get between your skin and clothing and still be able to bite.
It also helps to avoid running water and pastures when blackflies are common.


It is not possible to trap or kill blackflies with a trap. Of course, that makes it difficult to fight them. However, instead of fighting them, they can be repelled.

insect repellent

The mosquitoes appear in swarms. If one is found in the garden, on the terrace or on the balcony, they can be killed with insect repellent. Of course, care must be taken to ensure that useful insects or other animals are not affected by the spray and that the next swarm can follow at any time.

Essential Oils

Scented candles, cloths soaked in essential oils, or a spray will not fight or kill the mosquitoes, but will keep them away. Suitable scents include lavender, citronella and citrus scents, as well as eucalyptus.

coconut oil

The fatty acids in coconut oil don't get the blackfly. Therefore, it can be used as a skin protection. A mixture of coconut oil and an essential oil is also possible to increase the repellent effect.

skin protection

So-called repellents from the trade often also work with essential oils and fragrances. They can be sprayed or rubbed on clothing, skin, and hair. However, it is necessary to refresh the protection regularly and to treat at least the free skin to cover it up. Spraying just the arms and face isn't enough, the ears and neck are also great spots for blackflies to sting.

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