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A lawn area for relaxing, playing and romping is indispensable in the garden. As beautiful as it is in summer to move on the lush green, caution should be advised. It is not uncommon for the lawn to be infested by small sucking animals, popularly known as grass fleas.

However, other names are also common for grass fleas, for example grass mite, autumn mite, grass or ground lice and harvest and hay mite, since these animals used to cause problems for farmers with "hay". Grass fleas are not dangerous to humans, animals or plants in the sense that they do not transmit diseases. However, their presence in the garden can quickly become annoying. The pests are up to mischief for two months a year.

grass fleas

Even if these animals are colloquially referred to as grass fleas, they are only very closely related to fleas. They really belong to the Arachnida class, as do ticks. Some species are herbivores or omnivores, while others live as parasites and predators.

Strictly speaking, the grass flea or mite is the harvest mite (Neotrombicula autumnalis), also known as the autumn mite. It belongs to the group of running mites, with around 1,000 species.


Grass mites love warmth

In the meantime, grass mites have spread throughout Central Europe. Their habitat is not limited to lawns, but they also live in moss or mulched beds. Once they have nested in the garden, it is very difficult for the hobby gardener to get rid of the grass fleas. They are usually caused by pets that have already been infested or by supplied topsoil brought in.

Adult grass mites usually live below the surface of the soil and at the base of the stems of grasses and mosses. They feed on plant sap or insect eggs. In heavy rain or frost, they withdraw up to 0.5 meters deep into the ground. They pose no danger to humans or animals because they do not bite, unlike the larvae. Grass fleas become active in the garden:

  • in the months of June to July
  • even from April with pleasant weather
  • at temperatures permanently around 10 °C
  • they are most active at 25 °C

Identify grass mites

Grass fleas are barely visible to the naked eye. The eggs are laid in the ground. After about four weeks, the larvae hatch and suddenly migrate to the surface in search of a suitable host and nest there on the tips of blades of grass.


  • 0.2 to 0.3 mm long
  • Body is broadly oval
  • have six legs, each with three claws at the end
  • pale yellow to orange-red in colour
  • have powerful jawed claws for biting
  • are causative agents of the so-called trombidiosis, also known as "harvest scabies" or "gooseberry disease".

adult grass mites

  • up to 2 mm long
  • reddish colored
  • narrower behind the shoulder
  • have eight short legs, each with two claws at each end
  • Body covered with dense bristles

Proof with paper

If there is a suspicion of the presence of grass fleas in the lawn, it can easily be detected. All you need is a sheet of white paper. This is then simply laid out on the lawn on a sunny and dry summer day. The little suckers are finally attracted by the bright, reflective surface of the paper. Their reddish bodies make them stand out slightly from the background.

tip: The smaller the animals are, the greater the number that occurs and consequently the more difficult it is to control them.

pests for humans and animals

Depending on the weather, the parasitic larvae hatch between June and July. you are at warm weather very agile and then stay at the top of blades of grass and also on elevations of up to 20 centimeters. Here they wait for a suitable host, whether human or animal. Once they have found this, they hike up their legs until the right spot is found.

Favorite body parts

They prefer to settle in human skin folds and areas of skin with thin and moist skin. They prefer the following body parts:

  • behind the knees
  • ankle
  • lumbar region
  • armpits

In dogs and cats, an infestation by grass fleas occurs mainly on:

  • thigh bends
  • abdomen and chest
  • Inside of ears, tip and base of tail
  • eyes and nose
  • Neck and paws (in the spaces between)

In the case of an infestation by grass mites, a itching up to skin eczema.

tip: Mainly, pets are a preferred host for grass fleas. The first signs can be severe itching and a rash. Pet owners should pay attention to this warning sign.

grass mite bite

Grass fleas are not bloodsuckers

Unlike fleas and ticks, grass mites do not suck blood. They feed on cell sap and lymph fluids. After the bite, a special salivary secretion occurs in the skin of the host. A bite from a grass mite usually goes unnoticed. The mouthparts penetrate only a few millimeters into the top layer of skin. In humans, the sucking process takes place over several hours. On the other hand, grass fleas remain with the animals for several days. After that, they just fall to the ground and develop into nymphs. After moulting and a further resting stage, the adult grass mites retreat to the ground. After 24 hours at the latest, severe itching occurs.


Multiple bites next to each other

Grass mite bites can easily be mistaken for flea or bed bug bites. Because here too there are many small bites next to each other. People can react differently to these bites. The symptoms of grass flea bites are expressed as follows:

  • small red spots with a diameter of 1 to 3 millimeters
  • sometimes the size of a mosquito bite
  • severe itching that occurs after 24 hours can last for several days or weeks
  • Spots sometimes pustular, signs of trombidiosis (harvest scabies or autumn bite)
  • partial appearance of wheals with a crusty surface
  • blisters filled with liquid are also possible
  • possible development of secondary infections

In addition, allergic reactions or skin inflammation can sometimes occur, especially if the bite is scratched. Sensitive people can easily react with fever.

Measures in case of bites

Caution! Do not scratch

Normally, these bites are not dangerous, since no diseases are transmitted, such as Lyme disease in ticks.

However, scratching the affected areas can cause it allergic reactions and secondary infections streptococci come. The bacteria can easily invade the lymphatic vessels, which can cause what is known as lymphedema. A doctor should be consulted for large-area swellings, especially if the immune system is weak. Treatment will then be with cortisone cream, antihistamines and antibiotics. This is to be considered during the first treatment:

  • Disinfecting the bites with 70% alcohol is necessary
  • this also kills mites that are still sucking
  • Follow-up treatment with antipruritic gels and ointments, such as Fenistil or Soventol
  • wet envelopes for cooling
  • Thermal shock from electronic sting healer or heated teaspoon, just press briefly to bite

tip: Alternatively, salt water, onion and lemon juice can also be used.

prevent and combat

In order to prevent grass flea bites from occurring in the first place, an infestation should simply be prevented when gardening. It doesn't really take much to do this.

  • avoidance of lawns and meadows in warm and dry weather,
    mainly where pets and livestock live
  • do not sit or lay on the ground
  • wear sturdy shoes (rubber boots), long pants, socks
  • Tuck pant legs into stockings
  • take a shower after gardening, put clothes in the washing machine
  • Use of repellents (deterrents), effective for five hours
  • Spray shoes, trouser legs up to knee height and bare skin with repellents
  • Taking vitamin B supplements, resulting in a change in body odor (which deters grass mites)

Fighting grass fleas in the garden is fine difficult, if not hopeless. Complete eradication is not possible. There are neither chemical nor biological agents that stop the little suckers. Therefore, all efforts should be directed towards prophylaxis and decimation of the critters by depriving them of their habitat. A few things should be taken into account.

  • Mowing the lawn at least once a week
  • Dispose of lawn clippings in the household waste/organic waste bin
  • Distance from lawns to the house at least 2 to 3 meters so that mites cannot migrate into the house
  • water the lawn regularly when it is dry, grass fleas then withdraw from the ground
  • scarify mossy lawns in spring
  • Move compost heap as nesting place for mice (popular host of grass mites)
  • Elimination of all nesting places of rodents throughout the garden and also arbors
  • Calcium cyanamide fertilization at the beginning of May (lawn must be mowed shortly
  • to decimate the population of grass mites, use of grass mite concentrates (e.g. from Neudorff) or neem products

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