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Locust Yew, Podocarpus

The yew (Taxus baccata), which has become rare in the wild, is on the red list of endangered species and should therefore be planted more in gardens - especially since it is an ideal hedge and topiary. Yews also get along very well in difficult locations, are absolutely tolerant of pruning and sprout again even after a radical pruning. In addition, the EIbe can be easily propagated by cuttings - you can find out how in the following article.

Propagating yew by cuttings

Why go to the trouble of propagating the yew with cuttings when you can simply dig up the seedlings that are often found in abundance under adult trees and plant them again in the desired location? This form of propagation is practical, but not always useful. Because seedlings always carry the genetic material of both parents and are therefore not pure. So if you want to win a certain variety such as the columnar yew (Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata'), the low-growing pillow yew (Taxus baccata 'Repandens') or a variety with yellow needles (Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata Aureomarginata'), you should use vegetative propagation To fall back on. The young plants obtained have exactly the same properties as their mother plant, so there are no surprises and the planned hedge has an even appearance.

However, propagating cuttings has one disadvantage: yew trees grow very slowly, averaging 10 to 15 centimeters per year, which is why the plants also need a lot of time to root. It takes between six months and a year for the yew cuttings to develop their own roots and for new shoots to sprout. For you as a gardener, this means: You need a lot of patience to get the desired number of young yews.

Cephalotaxus, head yews

notice: Yew varieties with green needles are generally easier to root than those with yellow hues. From the latter you need to cut more shoots, since not all of them will develop.

Selection of the cuttings

Furthermore, to cut suitable shoots, you first need a mature tree. Yew trees are rare both in nature and in the garden and are therefore not easy to find. In addition, only healthy specimens are suitable for propagation, since the propagation of cuttings - which is basically a form of cloning - in addition to the desired characteristics, of course, also undesirable ones such as diseases are transmitted to the offspring. So the selected mother plant should

  • make a healthy impression
  • show vigorous, species-typical growth
  • have brightly colored needles
  • these must not have any stains
  • or brown/ dried up
  • have no pests on them

tip: It does not matter whether you take the cuttings from a female or a male tree. Yews are usually dioecious, i. H. segregated sex. The well-known red fruits only develop on female specimens.

Propagating yew with cuttings: instructions

Once you have found a suitable yew tree, it is best to cut the desired number of shoots in early summer. Between the end of May and the end of June is the right time to implement the project. It is best to proceed as follows:

1. Cut and prepare shoots

  • specify the desired number
  • If possible, choose shoots that are two to three years old
  • use sharp and disinfected secateurs
  • be sure to wear gardening gloves: yew is highly toxic
  • 15 to 30 centimeters long
  • Remove side shoots and needles in the lower area
  • Depending on the length of the cutting, the planting site should be between five and seven centimeters long
  • Shorten other side shoots by half
  • as well as the tip of the shoot

2. Plant and care for cuttings

Now you have several options for rooting the shoots that have been prepared in this way.

a) Cultivation in pots

  • Clean and prepare several small growing pots
  • fill with potting soil
  • Plant yew cuttings individually
  • Keep substrate evenly moist
  • Avoid wetness, do not fertilize
  • Put the cut-off PET bottle over it or cover it with cling film
  • put in a warm and bright place
  • must not be directly sunny
  • air daily
  • hibernate cool and bright
  • Plant out next spring or repot into a suitable substrate

b) Direct planting

However, you do not necessarily have to prefer the cuttings of the yew in pots, you can also plant them straight away in the desired location in the garden: Choose a light, shaded, wind-protected spot with sandy, humus-rich and slightly moist soil. Alternatively, the small plants can also be grown in a suitable place and planted in the desired location in the following spring or autumn - depending on how quickly the cuttings root. If necessary, protect the young plants from frost, moisture or snow in winter by covering them with brushwood.

Taxus baccata, Yew

Rooting in the water glass

Especially at Christmas time, many people like to put a bouquet of yew branches in the vase. These, too, often take root, as long as you change the water daily and place the container in a warm and bright location. Plant these small yews in spring either directly in the intended location or in a plant pot filled with nutrient-rich, humus-rich soil.

Care of the young yew

While a slightly moist substrate is important for rooting, cuttings must not be fertilized - the yew could not absorb the nutrients anyway due to the lack of roots. Therefore, fertilization only makes sense when the young plants develop their first new shoots and thus show the successful development of strong roots. An annual composting, which takes place in early spring, is sufficient for this. You should also wait another two to three years before pruning until the sapling has increased significantly in growth. Cutting them too early would weaken them and severely impair their development.

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