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Thuja, the tree of life, is a popular guest in numerous ornamental and front gardens. Because of its dense and compact growth, it forms opaque hedges very quickly or can be optimally shaped as a solitary plant. However, when choosing the locations, the root depth of the thuja should be taken into account. But how deep does the thuja actually root? We will tell you and clarify what requirements he needs in this regard.

Thuja roots

If you consult the classic literature, you will generally find the blanket statement that Thuja is a so-called shallow roots are plants that spread their roots horizontally and very close to the surface of the earth to absorb nutrients and water.

notice: Shallow roots are often mentioned in the same breath as sidewalk slabs, kerbstones and other components raised by roots. The tree of life is also able to develop a certain root pressure under severely restricted conditions. Light, loosely laid terrace slabs can actually change their position under this pressure. However, the Thuja simply lacks the strength to damage sidewalks and sewage pipes laid at the correct depth!

root depth

But it's not quite that simple. Because although Thuja Brabant tends to spread its roots over a large area near the surface, different situations can have a significant influence on the type of root formation:


If thuja are planted as hedges, dense, connected root networks of the individual plants sometimes develop. If they hinder each other, they lead root veins into the depths in order to get the nutrients and water reserves they need there.


Whether it is a hedge or a solitary plant, root formation is hindered laterally and the root systems move downwards. Any obstacles can be:

  • Other plantings with stronger roots
  • discounts
  • Areas with compacted ground, such as sidewalks or driveways
  • Soil materials unsuitable for root penetration, such as gravel, coarse gravel, etc., e.g. in seepage areas, eaves strips, etc.

notice: Although not every soil condition is considered a real obstacle, the soil's root penetration capacity has an influence on the spread of the root ball. The easier it is for the root system to thrive in loose soil, the more root veins penetrate into the depths. Viewed the other way around, thuja plants root particularly shallowly in heavy, compact soil with only a superficial, loose layer of humus.


The tree of life is actually considered to be quite insensitive and frugal. However, if it does not find the small amounts of nutrients and water that it absolutely needs near the surface, it searches for them in the depths and increasingly expands its root network in this direction.


The larger a plant gets, the more intensively it has to take care of itself through its root system. Although the size of the roots and the root ball also increases with age, if a thuja is pruned back regularly, the root pressure is significantly lower than in the case of sprawling growth with a constant increase in plant volume.

Root depth example

Of course, it always depends on the specific environmental conditions, on the individual plant and the supply situation, how deep Thuja plants extend their roots. Under "normal" conditions, i.e. a good supply and a largely unhindered development space in width, one can assume that the Thuja roots in the first few years are no deeper than 30 to 50 centimeters advance. In the case of significantly older and larger specimens, however, it can also go beyond this. With a growth height of around five meters, roots can also grow down to depths of 70 to 100 centimeters be found.

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