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The thuja, also known as the tree of life, is an extremely popular plant for an opaque hedge, but can also stand as a solitary plant. But both in the hedge and in the individual planting, the planting distance for thujas must be taken into account. Interested hobby gardeners can find out here how far apart the plants need to be and how far away they need to be from the fence.

Planting distance tree of life

The planting distance for thujas is decisive for how quickly a thuja hedge becomes opaque and whether the plants can thrive well. However, even the perfectly selected distance is of little use if the conditions at the location are not right. In any case, thujas should be sunny and sheltered from the wind. Half shade is also tolerated. However, the tree of life does not thrive if the location is too shady or if cold winds are to be expected frequently.

fences and neighboring properties

If a hedge is to be created, not only the distance between the individual plants, but also the distance to the neighboring property and the fence must be taken into account. On the one hand, this is important so that the neighbor is not bothered by falling plant parts or spreading roots. On the other hand, a sufficiently large distance also makes it easier to care for the plants.
How far the Thuja has to be from fences or borders is regulated by the municipality. Before planning begins, you must ask here. A good guide is the final height of the plants. If the trees of life are to be 1.5 meters high, there must also be 1.5 meters between the plants and the property line. The height of the plants corresponds to the distance between the plants and the property line.

However, this is not the case in every municipality, which is why it is important to know in advance how far the plants have to be from the fence.

In the hedge

How big the individual trees of life have to be apart depends mainly on two factors. On the one hand by the type of thuja. The popular Thuja Smaragd requires a comparatively large distance of 60 to 80 centimeters. For other species, however, a distance of 40 to 60 centimeters is sufficient.
Another crucial factor in spacing between crops is time. If you want an opaque hedge as quickly as possible, you should choose a slightly smaller distance. With the Thuja Smaragd that would be 60 centimeters. In other species about 40 centimeters. However, the shorter the distance, the greater the subsequent maintenance effort.

tip: Already when buying you should find out how far away the respective species should be in the thuja hedge or from other plants.


Trees of life are flat-rooted. This means that the roots spread out shallow below the surface of the earth. The advantage of this is that there is no risk of damage to pipes and supply lines. The disadvantage, however, is that the roots need a comparatively large area in order to be able to take care of the plant. If the plants are too close together, they compete and, to a certain extent, dig up the nutrients they need from each other. If the thujas were planted closer than recommended, fertilizer and water must be added regularly. This increases the maintenance effort.

If you want a hedge that is as easy to care for as possible, you should therefore choose a larger planting distance for thujas. As a result, you have to expect a longer waiting time until the gaps close. However, in the long run it is the better and easier choice.
This also applies to the supply of sunlight. If the thujas are too close together, not enough sunlight can reach the lower branches. The branches turn brown and bare when they lack light.

Thuja and ways

A sufficient distance must not only be maintained to other plants and fences or property borders - the thujas must not be too close to paths and roads either. There are several reasons for this:

  • Roots can permanently damage paving stones and asphalt
  • Paving slabs and stones can be lifted
  • Road salt and dirty spray water can damage the plants
  • Pollution from exhaust fumes and other potentially toxic substances get into the soil more quickly through rainwater

Thujen should therefore have sufficient planting distance to roads or paths that heavy traffic or in winter with road salt be de-iced. There is an exception if paths and roads are sloping and neither spray nor running water can reach the plants or the ground. Because the trees of life are particularly sensitive to road salt, they quickly turn brown and can become bare in places or even die with continued contact.

Tree of Life, Thuja

How many plants per linear meter?

This depends on the one hand on the species and on the other hand on the final height of the trees of life. A good starting point here is to estimate the expected final size of the tree of life. At a height of up to 175 centimeters, three thujas must be planted per meter. With trees of life over 175 centimeters high, however, you should only set two thujas per meter.

In any case, however, the respective species must be taken into account. Depending on nutrient requirements and width growth, there may be slight differences between the different thujas, which can affect the optimal spacing.

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