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With the right choice of clematis, you can enjoy the colorful blooms all season long. An overview of the different clematis and their flowering time can be found in this article!


Clematis can adorn the garden with their blooms from spring to late autumn - as long as they are combined wisely. Because clematis differ not only in their appearance, but also in their flowering time: from early flowering specimens to those that also bear their flowers in autumn, everything is represented here.

Spring flowering varieties

Spring-blooming varieties promise beautiful blooms from April/May. Because these usually have single and bell-shaped flowers and evergreen or deciduous foliage. To the delight of many hobby gardeners, these species also have the advantage that they can flower a second time in August/September. If you want to enjoy the flowers again, it is best to cut back the shoots a little after the first flowering.

Clematis alpina

  • Synonym: alpine clematis
  • Flowering period: May to August
  • Flower color: bright blue-violet
  • Varieties: for example, Frances Rivis, Markhams Pink, Pamela Jackman, Frankie

Clematis macropetala

  • Synonym: large-flowered clematis
  • Flowering time: April to May
  • Flower color: blue-violet
  • Varieties: for example Georg, Rosy O'Grady', White Swan, Maidwell Hall

Clematis monatana

  • Synonyms: mountain clematis, anemone clematis
  • Flowering period: May to June
  • Flower color: pink, white
  • Varieties: for example Mayleen, Rubens, Tetra Rose, New Dawn
Clematis macropetala 'Rosy O'Grady''

Summer flowering varieties

Before summer really gets going, early-flowering strains will have already finished blooming. However, there are a large number of summer-blooming specimens that show off their magnificent flowers even in the warmest season. In order for the plants to flower in abundance in the following year, they should be pruned in autumn. This care measure is best carried out on a frost-free day in November/December.

Clematis viticella

  • Synonym: Italian clematis
  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Flower color: bluish, pink, red
  • Types: for example Alba Luxurians, Forever Friends, Black Prince, Polish Spirit

Clematis texensis

  • Synonym: Texas clematis
  • Flowering time: June/September to October
  • Flower color: pink, violet, white
  • Varieties: for example Princess Diana, Princess Kate, Maxima, Buckley
Clematis texensis 'Buckley'

Late flowering varieties

Some types of clematis bear their flowers from summer to autumn and sometimes even to October/November. These specimens are fully frost hardy, but shed their foliage in fall for protection. However, they should then be cut back to around 20 to 30 centimeters in November/December.

Clematis orientalis

  • Synonym: Oriental clematis
  • Flowering period: June/July to October/November
  • Flower color: yellow
  • Varieties: for example Orange Peel, Bill MacKenzie, Corry

Clematis tangutica

  • Synonyms: golden clematis, Mongolian clematis
  • Flowering period: June/July to October
  • Flower color: golden yellow
  • Varieties:for example, Aureolin, Golden Tiara, Lambton Park
Clematis tangutica

Clematis vitalba

  • Synonyms: real clematis, common clematis
  • Flowering period: July to September
  • Flower color: white to creamy white
  • Varieties: for example Summer Snow, Potaninii, Virginiana

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