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If the zucchini plant gets yellow or brown leaves, there can be numerous reasons for this. Pests, diseases and mistakes in care come into question. In order to be able to take the appropriate countermeasures, the cause of the discolored zucchini leaves must first be known. With the appropriate knowledge, the triggers can be recognized and treated quite easily.


care mistakes

Care mistakes are quite often responsible for yellow and brown leaves. Possible triggers include:

Too little or too much water

The zucchini can have discolored leaves due to both drought and waterlogging. When it is dry, the zucchini leaves can no longer be adequately supplied, when they are wet they die off due to root rot.

Incorrect fertilization or lack of nutrients

Both an excess of nutrients and a lack of them can lead to discoloration of the zucchini leaves. Due to their fast and strong growth, the plants have a high requirement. This increases both the risk of a deficiency and of oversupply due to well-intentioned fertilization.

Burns and lack of light

A location in direct sun can burn zucchini. Shoot and leaf tips, or larger sections, may turn yellow and brown when burned. However, discoloration of the green leaves can also occur if a location that is too dark has been chosen for the plants.
If discoloration is observed, site conditions and care should be reviewed. Small changes in these areas can often lead to significant improvements. In addition, zucchini plants are much more resilient under optimal conditions and are therefore less susceptible to diseases and pests.


Both lice and snails like to feed on the zucchini and can cause considerable damage. In the case of snails, in addition to discoloration, signs of feeding are also typical. With lice, spots and deformations on the large leaves are more likely to appear. If lice or snails are noticed, the following measures can help:

Encourage or introduce natural predators

Ladybugs, which are also available in specialist shops, help against lice. Birds, shrews and martens are ideal against snails. If the garden is designed to be appropriately inviting, a balance can be quickly established.


Collecting lice is not recommended. However, snails can be removed from the plants manually.


Garlic and nettle, as well as vegetable pesticides, can be repellent and easy to use.


Whether it's powdery mildew or zucchini yellow mosaic virus, treatment can be done through the following steps:

Remove and destroy infested plant sections

  • Leafy greens, shoots and fruits should not end up on the compost

use appropriate means

  • Fungicides and pesticides can treat the diseases in their early stages.

carry out precise checks

  • Pests are not always easy to identify and treat
  • The earlier it is detected, the easier it is to treat
  • Visual inspections of all parts of the plant help to prevent pronounced infestations and not only to prevent yellow leaves


As mentioned, coordinated culture conditions are the best prevention. However, also:


The earlier detected, the better banned. Checks carried out at least once a week enable rapid intervention.

Selection of resistant varieties

Some breeds are more resistant than others. If you choose carefully, you have to take fewer precautions.

Good care

Anyone who takes the requirements of the plant into account from the outset can specifically prevent yellow and brown leaves.

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