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The dragon tree is a popular houseplant and can be found in many living rooms. Due to its tropical origin, however, it is not easy to care for. Unfortunately, yellow leaves, brown tips and loss of leaves are not uncommon. Here we tell those who are interested what the causes of this can be and what can be done to remedy the situation.

Brown tips

One of the most common dragon tree problems is brown leaf tips. They usually arise in a short time and often directly after the purchase. The following factors are responsible for this:

  • very dry room air
  • high temperatures, for example due to a location directly next to a radiator
  • lack of water

A risk factor for brown tips is therefore winter, when rooms are (more) heated and the air becomes drier as a result. The problem is very easy to prevent.

  • Do not place Dracaena next to a heater
  • Spray the plant regularly with water
  • place a damp cloth on the heater or set up a bowl of water, alternatively use a humidifier
  • water sufficiently

These measures are also recommended if brownish tips are already visible. To improve the look, the dried tips of the leaves can be cut off.

Yellow leaves

Yellow leaves are also not uncommon on the dragon tree. There are several reasons for this. These include:


The dragon tree likes it bright, but does not tolerate the blazing summer sun. In the warm seasons, the plant should therefore not stand directly by the window. In winter, however, this is possible without any problems.


Both too little and too much fertilizer can cause leaf color to change. It may turn yellow or fade.


Very high and very low temperatures stress the plant and can turn the leaf color yellow. Sudden temperature fluctuations can also be responsible for this.


If the plant is watered too much, root rot can occur. A possible consequence of this disease is yellowing of the leaf green. They also become wilted and often fall off.
If the leaves turn yellow, the conditions at the location and care should be checked. If you notice wet soil or waterlogging, you must act quickly. A complete change of earth is imperative. In addition, damaged, rotten areas of the roots should be removed.
In the event of over-fertilization, it is also advisable to carry out a complete change of soil. In addition, the nutrient supply should be checked and adjusted.

(Natural) loss of leaves

The drying up and leaf loss of the Dracaena are not always due to diseases and care errors. This is because the trunk develops when the lower leaves dry up and fall off. The loss of leaves can therefore be a completely natural growth phenomenon.

If the location is chosen appropriately, the watering is correct and the dragon tree is not exposed to temperature fluctuations, so growth can be responsible. After it has dried completely, it will fall off on its own. However, the leaves can also be cut off.

cracks in the leaves

In addition to discoloration, cracks can also appear on the leaves of the dragon tree. The reason for this lies in turn in abrupt temperature fluctuations. To avoid this, the plant should be well packed during transport and slowly acclimated to new temperatures. Avoid sudden changes of location.

culture conditions

To prevent yellow or brown leaves, the culture should be adjusted accordingly. The following factors are important:


Bright but no direct summer sun is crucial for healthy growth. The location should therefore be chosen appropriately. A place near a window in a room with sufficient humidity is ideal - for example the bathroom or the kitchen.


Consistent temperatures between 18 and 24°C all year round are ideal. The areas below 15°C and above 30°C are harmful. As well as abrupt changes.


The dragon tree makes no special demands on the substrate. Green plant or houseplant soil is sufficient. The substrate should not tend to compact and be able to ensure good water drainage. A drainage layer can also be added.


Casting needs to be adjusted. The soil should at least be allowed to dry superficially before watering again.


When it comes to fertilizing, less is more. Fertilizer can be applied weekly during the growth phase from March to September, but supplying additional nutrients every two weeks is also sufficient. A special fertilizer for Dracaena species is ideal. Alternatively, a green plant fertilizer can be used.

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