The ivy is an undemanding, attractive climbing plant that looks good in any interior. Epipremnum aureum requires almost no care at all, unless it expresses symptoms. This includes, for example, the plant losing its leaves or turning them yellow.


Why are the leaves changing color?

First of all, it is quite normal if a leaf of the ivy occasionally turns yellow. However, there must not be too many sheets at once, because then there are almost always care mistakes to blame. You can prevent your Epipremnum aureum from developing yellow foliage with proper watering and other maintenance practices.
The most common reasons for yellow leaves are:

  • the substrate is too moist
  • the earth is too dry
  • the individual tendrils have been tied too tightly

lack of nutrition

Epipremnum loses foliage

Some care is required when watering, because both dehydration and waterlogging are poison for the ivy.
If you want to tie or clamp the individual tendrils, you have to be careful. If you have wrapped or clamped the twines or clips too tightly, you are cutting off the plant's nutrient supply. Water can no longer be transported through the tendrils and the foliage changes color and falls off. In the first step, you should therefore loosen the brackets.

Too little humidity causes yellow leaves

the dry desire for heating can cause problems for the ivy, so that yellow foliage in particular in the winter developed. To prevent damage, you should regularly wet the plant with low-lime tap water. Calcareous water is unsuitable, otherwise limescale deposits on the leaves.
You can also add some water bowls next to the plant's pot or bring an indoor fountain to life. But make sure that the irrigation water not in the coaster remains. This increases the humidity, but at the same time increases the risk of waterlogging.

Dripping leaves - now what?

From time to time you may see drops on the tips of the leaves. This will tell you that you have watered incorrectly and the plant has a problem.
If you moisten the substrate too much, the plant will absorb excess water. This is released through the leaf crevices and the dripping effect occurs. The plant is able to regulate its water balance independently.

No danger for the plant, but for humans and animals

If the ivy drips, it does not harm the plant. It's their normal way of getting rid of excess water. Humans and animals, on the other hand, can be harmed because the drops are by no means pure water. Rather are toxins in the liquid contain, which can cause damage to the human and animal organism.
When choosing a location, you should make sure that drops do not have a chance to reach the ground where they would be accessible to children or pets.

Prevent dripping foliage

If you want to prevent your Epipremnum aureum from dripping, be careful when watering. First of all, it is important that you water regularly, but not excessively. The root ball must not dry out completely. Excess irrigation water must be poured off to avoid waterlogging.
Even if the ivy can regulate its water balance independently, you must not keep it too moist permanently. Persistent waterlogging is one of the main reasons why foliage changes color and is eventually shed.

The right location

Even if Epipremnum aureum is easy to care for, the plant needs a suitable location. A position near the heater is unsuitable. The air is too dry here, which can cause yellow leaves. It can also happen that the plant loses its leaves. The ivy plant does not appreciate direct sunlight either.
If the location is on the windowsill, you should block out the midday sun with the help of curtains. Alternatively, a stand away from the windowsill is also suitable. However, make sure that the plant gets enough light.

The perfect location at a glance:

  • no direct sunlight
  • no space on the heater
  • Humidity should be appropriate
  • Windowsill with curtains is well suited

Casting made easy

Lime-poor water is best suited for watering, as lime settles on the foliage. The irrigation water from the saucer must be disposed of immediately. You can also water the plant from below and
In addition, the ivy will not get it in the long run if it is kept too moist. Although she never wants to dry out completely, she tolerates it no waterlogging.
