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When April is in full swing, the gardens are almost in full bloom. Numerous plants inspire with their abundance of flowers, the most diverse colors and already give an outlook on what you can expect in the coming months. Spring has finally arrived and is showing itself in all its glory. The variety of plants that bloom in April alone is fascinating and makes it possible to create different projects that will delight in the warmer and longer days. Many fruit trees are in full bloom right now, especially apples and cherries, which with their lovely flower shapes are among the most popular spring bloomers.

Another highlight are of course the willows, whose pussy willows should not be missing in any vase. But not only trees and bushes cause a stir in April. Flowers of all shapes and sizes sprout from the ground and attract insects such as bees and butterflies. April is the month when the dandelions appear and summer is not far off. An extensive list of suitable species can be found just below this section.

flowering plants in April

  • Sweetheart Flower, Anthurium clarinervium: Care A-Z

    With its heart-shaped, whitish-green veined leaves and slightly wavy edges, the sweetheart flower immediately catches the eye. They are the greatest ornament of this attractive ornamental foliage plant.

  • Beard Iris, Iris barbata: care from A-Z

    There are high (Iris Barbata-Elatior) and low (Iris barbata-nana) varieties of the decorative bearded iris (Iris barbata). However, the relatively simple care is similar for the different species of bearded iris. Instructions are in the following article.

  • Persian Crown Imperial, Fritillaria persica: care

    Unfortunately, the demanding Persian Imperial Crown also requires a lot of care. However, it offers a visual highlight in every garden with its beautiful flowers. If you follow our instructions for care, nothing stands in the way of the rich flowering.

  • Milkwort, Polygala myrtifolia - care from A-Z + overwintering

    The myrtle or myrtle-leaved milkwort, also known as milkwort for short, is one of the permanent bloomers from spring to autumn. It is considered easy to care for, but is extremely sensitive to too much moisture.

  • Dwarf palm, Chamaerops humilis: Care from A-Z

    Exotic palm trees are high on the popularity list. Dwarf palms of the Chamaerops humilis variety can often be seen in gardens and on terraces. The attractive little palm tree requires little care.

  • Indoor begonias, Begonia elatior hybrids: care

    The indoor begonia can be a wonderful addition to the interior, but it also requires some care. You can find out what to look out for here.

  • Coral begonia, Begonia corallina: care from A-Z

    The coral begonia impresses with large, striking leaves and intense coral red flowers and rapid growth. We explain everything you need to know about caring for the popular Begonia corallina.

  • Hanging willow, hanging willow, Salix caprea: care & pruning

    When bees and butterflies gather around the hanging kitten willow, spring is not far away. The characteristic willow plants have adorned German gardens and communities for centuries and have not lost their popularity over this time. The "fluffy" pussy willows are particularly popular and are cut off in large numbers with the twig at Easter, placed in vases and tied into flower arrangements. Care and pruning are important for keeping a healthy hanging willow.

  • Tree magnolia, Magnolia kobus: Care from A-Z

    Like its relatives, the tree magnolia impresses with its impressive blossoms in spring. However, it takes patience for the tree magnolia to show its full bloom. The tree magnolia is easy to care for if it has been given the right location. Because in terms of location, the Kobushi magnolia is a real diva. The tree magnolia tolerates the German winter well, frost protection is only necessary for young plants. It also doesn't need any special care in winter.

  • White Pine, Pinus strobus: care from A-Z

    The Weymouth pine originally comes from the temperate regions of America and also thrives very well in Central Europe. Anyone who chooses this tree, which is also called Strobe, based on the botanical name, should choose a good location right from the start, because it is a life decision. The white pine can be several hundred years old and reach considerable heights. Due to its robustness, this pine species is on the rise in Europe.

  • Himalayan birch, Betula utilis: Care from A-Z

    The most beautiful decoration of a Himalayan birch is the radiant white trunk bark. Fancy catkin blossoms greet the viewer in spring when the picturesque tree puts on its lush green robe of leaves. In autumn, the majestic wood with golden-yellow foliage bids farewell to the well-deserved winter break. Betula utilis combines these impressive attributes with good-natured undemanding and is recommended as an ideal house tree for a representative garden. Read all the information about expert care from A-Z in this green guide.

  • Teardrop pine, Pinus wallichiana: Care from A-Z

    The teardrop pine is considered one of the most beautiful ornamental trees. The conifer owes this reputation to its long, bluish-grey needles and its imposing cones. Although the teardrop pine is not native to us, it thrives in many regions. In public parks you will find specimens that are over 20 meters high and up to 12 meters wide. But don't worry, there are also smaller varieties for gardens and terraces.

  • Forest forget-me-not, Myosotis sylvatica: care from A-Z

    The forest forget-me-not conjures up sky-blue carpets of flowers in the garden from late spring. In the pot or balcony box, the many small flowers are also a real eye-catcher. The name "Forget-me-not", which is surrounded by many myths, dates back to the 15th century. So it is unclear whether the flowers were given by the man to the woman as a token of love and fidelity, or whether the woman was meant to remind her of her lover.

  • Cottonwood Tree, Populus: Growth, Planting and Care ABC

    The poplar (Populus) is a popular avenue tree thanks to its slender, upright growth. However, it also does extremely well as a stylish solitaire in the home garden. Although its flowers are generally considered inconspicuous, many hobby gardeners find the colorful catkins appealing. The filigree, heart-shaped leaves are also extremely decorative.

  • Palm catkins, palm cats, Salix caprea: care and cutting

    Bouquets with catkins are one of the typical Easter traditions in this country. They are cut on Palm Sunday and used as Easter decorations with blown, painted eggs. But they don't just cut a good figure when they're prettied up. Because even in the garden or in the bucket, they are a real eye-catcher with their catkin flowers, which herald the spring. Since they flower before the leaves emerge, catkins are also one of the first food sources for bees.

  • Cranesbill, Geranium: Pruning and care from A-Z

    A particularly popular garden plant is the cranesbill, of which there are around 400 different species. The plant is notable for its attractive foliage and beautiful flowers that bloom from March to October. Not to be forgotten are the decorative fruit stands, which also adorn the garden. As beautiful as the cranesbill is, it is also easy to care for. Because from sowing to wintering, the popular perennial does not require a green thumb and can also be cultivated by beginners without any problems.

  • Zigzag Shrub, Corokia cotoneaster: care from A-Z

    There are various zigzag shrubs, one of which is the Corokia cotoneaster. It is mainly used as a container plant and is visually impressive due to its striking, bizarre growth. When it comes to grooming, he doesn't make any great demands. But the ones he owns should do justice to plant lovers so that he grows healthy and brings joy for many years to come. In this article you will find out what is important when it comes to care and how to plant, water, fertilize and cut correctly.

  • Spruce, Picea: types, growth, plants and care ABC

    We encounter spruces in many places in this country. However, only the Norway spruce (Picea abies) is native to Central Europe. However, there are many species that you can plant out in the garden. Dwarf forms can be kept in buckets. The easy-care conifers are suitable in the garden as individual or group trees. However, you should not plant the flat-rooted plants near house walls or garden paths, as their root power can cause serious damage.

  • Oak, Quercus: planting an oak tree | Care A-Z

    The oak is one of the most important trees in Germany. With its characteristic leaves and sprawling growth, it has stimulated people's imagination for thousands of years and is of great importance in local customs. Quite a few have an oak tree in the garden or are considering planting a new specimen and thereby expanding it. Luckily, the oak is a low-maintenance tree with outstanding character and hardy qualities.

  • French herb, button herb, Galinsoga: care from A-Z

    The French herb also has the nickname "garden pest", but this is wrong if the tasty and healthy herb is cared for properly. Since the button herb feels at home almost everywhere, caring for it is also quite easy. Because it also prefers to grow on field and roadsides in fields and in many gardens. Farmers aren't thrilled when the herb appears between their potatoes and turnips, while chefs are increasingly using galinsoga in their kitchens as it's great for salads.

  • Snow forsythia, Abeliophyllum distichum: Care from A-Z

    The yellow forsythia is well known: the snow forsythia (Abeliophyllum distichum) is different. She is a real rarity. With its white to delicate pink flowers, which cover the tree from March to May, it provides beautiful contrasts in the spring garden. They also exude a sweet scent of almonds. Although it can be a real asset, snow forsythia is a rare find in home gardens.

  • Apricot tree, Prunus armeniaca: Care of the apricot from A-Z

    Although the apricot is still considered exotic, it is increasingly being cultivated in local regions. Rightly so, because the apricot tree not only adorns the home garden with its bright pink blossoms, but also bears a large number of tasty fruits if cared for properly.

  • Easter cactus, Hatiora: Care from A-Z | spring cactus

    The Easter cactus, also known as the spring cactus, is often described as a low-maintenance diva. This is because it is easy to care for but has special demands when it comes to flowering. Because if its conditions are not met, it refuses to bloom or simply throws off buds and flowers, very diva-like. However, if he is satisfied with the location and care, he will thank you with new flowers every year.

  • African violets, Saintpaulia ionantha: care and location

    African violets have been popular houseplants for decades due to their abundance of flowers. The classic flower colors of the plants are dark purple, white and pink. Today there are around 2,000 hybrid varieties, so that no wish is left unfulfilled when it comes to selection. The flower color today ranges from white to dark violet, with the most diverse shades being offered. You can also choose between simple and double flowers. The growth height of the plants, including the flower, is 10 to 40 centimetres.

  • Flower ash, Fraxinus ornus: Care from A-Z | Is she poisonous?

    The flower ash, which is originally native to the eastern Mediterranean and the mountains of southern Europe, is also becoming increasingly popular in our latitudes. Due to its flower decoration, it was given the name flower ash. The inflorescences look like small bouquets of flowers hanging in the tree. Despite its origin, Fraxinus ornus is also absolutely hardy here and only needs a little protection as a young tree. The plant is otherwise very easy to care for and therefore well suited for hobby gardeners with little time.

  • Rosemary willow, gray willow, Salix rosmarinifolia: Care from A-Z

    In the trade, the rosemary willow is often equated with the lavender willow and under the misleading name Salix rosmarinifolia hort. sold. However, the scientifically valid name for this species is Salix eleagnos 'Angustifolia'. Except for the relationship, the rosemary willow has nothing to do with the lavender willow. The confusion becomes even greater when the rosemary willow is referred to as gray willow, because gray willow is actually the species Salix cinerea. The focus of this article, however, should be the actual Salix rosmarinifolia.

  • Japanese umbrella fir, Sciadopitys verticillata: Care from A-Z

    As a sacred temple tree in Japan, the Japanese umbrella fir is worshiped there. Despite its susceptibility to yellow needles, it is still a popular ornamental tree in local latitudes. Sciadopitys verticillata grows up to 30 meters high in its homeland, but in our gardens usually only up to 10 meters. The slow-growing umbrella fir has also become a popular container plant, but it is often also cultivated in city parks or in your own front yard.

  • Japanese Cherry, Prunus serrulata 'Amanogawa': care

    The Japanese cherry (bot. Prunus serrulata) is a national treasure in Japan: its beautiful pink blossoms attract countless visitors to the Hanami Festival, the cherry blossom festival. In fact, the ornamental cherry is also widespread outside of Japan and adorns numerous gardens, parks and avenues. The Amanogawa variety, also known as the columnar cherry because of its narrow growth habit, flowers just as splendidly as the species, but requires less space and is therefore also suitable for front gardens or small gardens.

  • Pillar cherry, Prunus serrulata 'Royal Burgundy': care information

    The Japanese cherry Prunus serrulata 'Royal Burgundy' is also finding more and more fans in this country. No wonder, as it usually develops into a colorful and impressive eye-catcher in the garden. In order for this to really work, however, the location and care must be right. Regular cutting plays a particularly important role in this. Overall, however, it is a relatively undemanding cherry that, despite its splendor, requires relatively little maintenance.

  • Zimmerlinde, Sparmannia africana: Care from A-Z | Is she poisonous?

    The name Zimmerlinde is deceptive. What reminds us of a native linden tree with its light green, heart-shaped, hairy and almost translucent leaves is actually an African tree. Indoors, its growth remains modest but can still reach the ceiling. This linden tree improves the room climate and, according to Far Eastern Feng Shui, also the flow of energy. If it is well cared for in this country, this immigrant tree even contributes a few enchanting flowers.

  • Hemp palm, Trachycarpus fortunei - care from A-Z

    Hemp palms are not only robust and resilient, but also relatively undemanding. However, for the Trachycarpus fortunei to thrive successfully, a few factors should be considered. From the choice of location to professional care and overwintering - we have summarized the most important information for you so that you can be sure that you will succeed in cultivating the popular fan palm!

  • Nectarine tree care from A-Z | Information on diseases and varieties

    A wonderfully blooming nectarine tree can also bear juicy, sweet fruit in this country. However, a feel-good atmosphere must be created for him in a targeted manner. However, the harsh climate and the modest number of hours of sunshine do not make it easy for the owner. The ideal location has to be found and care needs to be fine-tuned from A to Z. This is the only way for the nectarines to develop an aromatic taste. Read here in detail what makes this little plant thrive optimally.

  • Walnut tree, Juglans regia: location, fertilizing and care from A-Z

    Along with hazelnuts, walnuts are one of the most popular nuts, and not just at Christmas time. No wonder: it tastes just as good in a salad as it does in cake or ice cream. Growing walnuts in your own garden is a natural choice. In fact, a walnut tree looks extremely good in the garden with its massive appearance and lush green leaves. And with the right care, a rich nut harvest is guaranteed.

  • Tulip magnolia, Magnolia soulangiana: Care from A-Z

    In Europe, the tulip magnolia is usually just known as magnolia and is one of the most popular ornamental trees of the genus in the local latitudes.The hybrid is used exclusively as an ornamental tree and not as a source of fragrance or wood like the related evergreen magnolia (bot. Magnolia grandiflora). It can be kept outdoors in Germany without any major problems, as long as care and location are right, and it is one of the ornamental trees with early flowering.

  • Star magnolia, Magnolia stellata: planting, care and pruning

    The star magnolia (Magnolia stellata) is a real gem in the garden. With its enchanting, star-shaped flowers and an irresistible fragrance, it captivates everyone who sees it. Even before a single leaf can be seen, this ornamental tree is in full bloom and shows its full splendour. It comes into its own at its best when planted alone, but it also cuts a fine figure alongside rhododendrons and hazel, provided the location and care are right.

  • Honeyberry, Lonicera Kamtschatica: Care of the Mayberry from A-Z

    The taste is reminiscent of the blueberry, but it is the mayberry or honeyberry that provides a fruity treat in your own garden. The cheeky little fruit is easy to care for, decorative and hardy and is actually a must for fruit lovers.

  • Parrot flower, Strelitzia: Care from A-Z | Is she poisonous?

    The Strelitzia, also known as the bird of paradise or parrot flower, is exotic in the plant kingdom thanks to its extravagant flowers. It is multicolored, with strong shades of orange and blue, and externally resembles the head of an exotic bird. Under optimal conditions, it lasts at least four weeks, with a flower reaching a length of up to 20 cm. In our latitudes, this extraordinary plant is not hardy and is therefore cultivated as a houseplant in pots.

  • Flaming Katy, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - care from A-Z

    Flaming Katy is a robust plant that does not require much care. Originally, the little beauty from Madagascar was only available with red flowers, but now it also delights us with yellow, pink, white and purple flowers. However, in order for these to develop, a little trick is required.

  • Snow banana, Ensete glaucum - care from A-Z

    The snow banana is a robust banana tree from the genus Ensete, which impresses with its rapid growth and impressive stature. It not only grows up to five meters high, but also forms leaves that can reach a length of two meters. Only with a lot of luck does it form fruits that are inedible to humans but contain seeds. These are used to propagate Ensete glaucum because other methods do not work.

  • Corkscrew hazel, Corylus avellana 'Contorta' - care and cutting

    The corkscrew hazel, botanically Corylus avellana Contorta, impresses with its spirally twisted branches. In early spring, the shrub produces male catkins, which bring the first dashes of color into the garden with their golden yellow color. Corylus avellana is not very demanding when it comes to care, but allergy sufferers should do without the non-toxic ornamental shrub, as the pollen can trigger hay fever.

  • Hoya kerrii: care of the sweetheart plant from A-Z | Is she poisonous?

    Especially in February for Valentine's Day, the sweetheart plant can be found in nurseries and flower shops. However, this is usually just a single, thick-fleshed leaf that was placed in the ground as a cutting. Hoya kerrii actually grows much larger and is a popular flowering houseplant in the local latitudes. But since it is slightly poisonous, there should be no small children and free-ranging and flying pets in the household.

  • Saxifrage, Saxifraga arendsii - location, care and flowering time

    Moss Saxifrage belongs to the Saxifrage genus. The small cushion perennial is an ideal ground cover, which is popular due to its variety of varieties. Numerous colors provide attractive accents in the garden during the flowering period in spring, because the moss-like cushions form many flowers that can be combined in a picturesque way. Thanks to their undemanding nature, they require little care, even in winter, as long as Saxifraga arendsii is in the right location. They don't like drought and too much sun.

  • Rockseed, Lithodora diffusa - species, location and care

    Stone seeds are attractive plants from the alpine region of southern Europe and are very popular with gardeners due to their undemanding nature. The flowers in different colors provide a splash of color in the garden, because the borage plant can be used well for planting in rock gardens and borders, as well as a lush growing ground cover. The stone seed is an evergreen plant that is often offered as a perennial, although it is a dwarf tree.

  • Noble geraniums, Pelargonium grandiflorum: Care from A-Z

    With a sea of trumpet-shaped flowers and an alluring fragrance, Pelargonium grandiflorum is a feast for the senses. The noble geranium inspires as lavish indoor plants and transforms the balcony into a floral summer fairy tale. The South African flower species has long made a name for itself as a floral talent factory for various balcony plants of the year. The following profile expresses the unique attributes of this noble geranium species, which even made it to the flower of the year in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in 2006. Finally, practice-oriented instructions for maintenance from A-Z leave no questions unanswered.

  • Red and Yellow Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia - Care from A-Z

    The pitcher plant is one of the rarer garden and balcony plants, which is guaranteed to be an eye-catcher with its exotic appearance. The marbled, long hose with its hood is a special plant species that is so rare to admire.

  • Curcuma plant, saffron root - location and care | Curcuma alismatifolia

    The saffron root comes from the ginger family. It is native to Australia and Asia, but it can also be cultivated as a houseplant or garden plant in this country. It is a bulbous plant that grows not only in height but also in width.

  • Laburnum, Laburnum - location, planting and care instructions

    The small genus of laburnum has enjoyed great popularity as an ornamental plant for several centuries due to the intense yellow color of the flowers. Its unpretentiousness and adaptable nature make Laburnum the ideal ornamental shrubs that do not require much care and even endure the winter without protection. However, you must exercise caution if you have a laburnum in the garden, as the papillae are extremely toxic to people, pets, and farm animals.

  • Dwarf lilac, Syringa meyeri - care in the garden/pot and cutting

    The dwarf lilac shows itself as the miniature version of the lilac. It is in no way inferior to conventional lilacs in terms of fragrance, compactness and extraordinarily lush abundance of flowers. Not only does it look good in the flower bed, its small format makes it particularly suitable for pot cultivation. Everything you should know about the care of the dwarf lilac is described in detail at Plantopedia.

  • Date palm, phoenix palm - care from A-Z and wintering

    With a touch of the Caribbean, the date palm fills rooms and decorates gardens. It has low maintenance requirements and is considered a frugal plant that, depending on the species, can even overwinter outdoors if properly prepared. You can read about what it is and what else you should know about the phoenix palm at Plantopedia.

  • Citron, Buddha's hand, Citrus medica - care of the lemon

    The citron 'Buddha's Hand' is probably the most unusual form of Citrus medica. It comes from Southeast Asia and is mainly used to make lemon peel. Her scent is sweet. The flowering period is all year round. The approx. 10-20cm long fruits are reminiscent of hands and fingers: hence the name 'Buddha's hand'. In Buddhism, it is used as an offering in temples.

  • Phalaenopsis, Butterfly Orchid - Care & Repotting

    The Phalaenopsis is one of the front runners among house plants and the most popular of all orchids. The shapely and flowering plants are available in countless color variations. Even if orchids are often decried as little divas, the Phalaenopsis tolerates minor care mistakes, so that even beginners can try them out. With the right care, they impress with their breathtaking blooms for many weeks of the year.

  • Yucca palm, palm lily - care instructions

    The yucca palm, nicknamed the yucca because of its lily-like shape, is a timeless plant. It once adorned hippie apartments in the 1960s and today embellishes modern living spaces. The yucca became popular and well-known thanks to its exotic appearance. Amazingly, this plant genus is an 'asparagus plant' originating in Central America. Despite their great instinct for self-preservation, the yucca cannot do without human care.

  • Garden Pansies, Viola - Planting and Care Instructions

    With their almost endless variety of colors from white to blue and violet to orange, yellow and red as well as the long flowering period, garden pansies (Viola) are among the classics in public and private gardens. Especially in spring they provide the first splash of color in the otherwise dreary garden. But they are also one of the last plants to decorate house entrances and balconies in late autumn.

  • Tillandsia, Tillandsia - Types & Care Guide

    With over 550 species, the plant genus Tillandsia is considered to be the most species-rich within the bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae). Due to their easy care and their attractive leaves, tillandsias have been enjoying increasing popularity as houseplants for years. The shape and color of the plant, which is also often referred to as an air plant, amazes many. The following care instructions show how it grows and thrives optimally.

  • Yew hedge, yew, taxus - planting, care and cutting

    The yew, which can be found as a yew hedge or solitaire in numerous gardens, is very popular. But this plant is also beautiful in the tub and sets colorful accents with its red fruit berries. It is easy to care for, but needs regular pruning. The planting, care and pruning instructions show you how to meet the needs of a yew tree.

  • Bird of paradise flower, Strelitzia reginae - care instructions

    The bird of paradise flower spreads a tropical flair with its magnificent flowers and large green leaves. The bright orange, yellow and blue petals stretch towards the sky like an exotic fan. You don't see it, but the Strelitzia reginae is comparatively undemanding. It rewards good care with intensive growth and large flowers. The care instructions explain the best way to do this.

  • Spiraea, Spiraea - species, care - instructions

    Spiraea is one of the most popular garden plants, as there is hardly a plant that is less demanding in terms of care and location. It belongs to the rose family and is native to the Nordic climate. Every year, the different Spiraea species surprise with an abundance of flowers and colors and blend wonderfully into the garden landscape.

  • Grape hyacinth, muscari - growing from seeds + care instructions

    The graceful grape hyacinth, which got its name because its flowers are reminiscent of upside-down grapes, comes from Turkey. The mostly blue to violet flowers appear between April and May, so this is an early bloomer. The decorative onion plant was introduced to Europe from Turkey as early as between 1560 and 1620.

  • Coffee plant, Coffea arabica - grow your own coffee + care

    The coffee plant Coffea arabica, also known as Java or mountain coffee, is one of the more exotic beauties in your own four walls. As a rule, coffee is only known as ground or roasted beans. You only get to see the associated red fruits if you call a coffee plant your own. In order for these plants to produce fruit at all, proper care is the be-all and end-all.

  • Calla, Zantedeschia, Zimmercalla - plants and care instructions

    The calla or room calla is originally at home in the South African swamps. As her name suggests, she should generally be cultivated in a room. But there is nothing wrong with allowing the graceful beauty to enjoy the fresh air outside in summer, if the appropriate warmth allows it. But with its yellow, purple, white or pink flowers, it also captivates on every windowsill.

  • Hibiscus - care instructions as a garden and houseplant

    As a houseplant, the hibiscus needs a little more care than in the garden. This is normal, because the conditions in the tub are different from those in the field. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a look at the care instructions, because the so-called Chinese room hibiscus feels very comfortable indoors and spoils its owners with beautiful flowers.

  • Korbmarante, Calathea - species and care instructions

    The Korbmarante is an extremely decorative foliage plant. Their elegant leaves attract attention with their different colors and distinctive patterns. In tropical regions they were used as a roof covering and for weaving baskets, earning it the name 'Calathea'. It comes from the Greek and means something like 'basket'. All this makes this typical jungle plant an attractive and unusual houseplant.

  • Ginkgo tree/Ginkgo Biloba in the garden - profile + care instructions

    With its beautiful foliage, the ginkgo tree is a real sight and is in no way inferior to any flower, no matter how attractive. Many myths and legends are entwined around this ancient and fascinating plant. Its initially green, fan-shaped leaves turn bright yellow in autumn. All this makes the ginkgo tree an extraordinary, extremely decorative eye-catcher in the garden.

  • Gerbera as a houseplant - care instructions

    The gerbera belongs to the daisy family and is one of the most popular cut flowers out there. However, if you don't just want to admire this true beauty among plants in the garden and in the vase, you can easily bring it into the house as a houseplant. This allows you to enjoy the beautiful gerbera all year round.

  • Triplet flower, bougainvillea - planting, care and wintering

    As a floral ambassador of tropical blooms, the triplet attracts everyone's attention in the summer garden. The exotic bougainvillea owes its catchy name to three dainty, cream-colored flowers surrounded by three colorful, large bracts. From spring to autumn, the wondrous ornamental tree inspires with its opulent flower dress. So much splendor needs to be professionally cared for. All information about plants, care and wintering can be found here.

  • Fuchsia, fuchsia - planting, care and wintering

    Fuchsias have made a name for themselves as classics in creative plant compositions for the summer garden. Thanks to hardy varieties, the colorful festival with the unmistakable flowers is not limited to the balcony and terrace. Find out here how to skilfully plant the woody flower beauties in tubs and beds. Benefit from detailed instructions on care and overwintering.

  • Forsythia, forsythia - care and pruning properly

    Forsythia is one of the first plants to add color to your home garden in spring. With their yellow flowers, which form in abundance on the branches as early as April, the ornamental shrubs are very popular. Especially as a robust hedge plant, it adorns many a garden. Forsythia are not very demanding, but they cannot do without care.

  • Anthurium, anthurium, flamingo flowers - care and propagation

    Everyone knows them, the bright red flamingo flower. With rich green leaves and the beautiful red bracts, it sets accents in private homes or in business premises. In our special care instructions for the flamingo flower, we explain how anthuriums are cared for, because that is what these originally tropical plants are called.

  • Peonies, Paeonia - planting, care and cutting

    Its flowering splendor is a revelation for every gardener, from which his grandchildren will benefit. Peonies provide a floral wow effect in the spring garden for decades. The romantic cottage garden plants combine a unique abundance of flowers with robust longevity. With these advantages, they convince both as a perennial and as a bushy shrub. This guide explains in detail how to properly plant, care for and cut Paeonia.

  • Cyclamen, cyclamen, cyclamen - care

    Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) has been decorating Europe's rooms since the 1960s, filling them with fresh color, especially on gray winter days. Numerous varieties offer a wide range of colors. The cyclamen, primrose plant, can be cultivated for up to 30 years with good care.Find out in professional care instructions how you too can enjoy your indoor cyclamen for a long time with the right care.

  • Amaryllis, knight star - wintering and care after flowering

    With its large, intensely colored flowers, the knight's star illuminates the gloomy winter. The hippeastrum is particularly popular as a pot plant and cut flower during the Advent and Christmas season. Since it needs different conditions in each of its growth phases, the care is demanding. The instructions will give you the knowledge you need to care for the amaryllis in a species-appropriate manner.

  • Flowering mallow, abutilon, room maple - care and wintering

    Even if the flower maple is also known as the house maple, the decorative plant loves to spend the summer outdoors as a container plant on the balcony or terrace. But in winter it has to be kept warm because it is not hardy. It forms its decorative flowers in a wide variety of colors, especially in the summer months.

  • Lady's slipper orchid, Venus' slipper, Paphiopedilum - care from A-Z

    One of the most popular types of orchids on the local window sills is the lady's slipper orchid, also known here as the Venus slipper. Due to its origin from Thailand, the Philippines or Borneo and Sumatra, it is used to subtropical climates and is therefore also very sensitive to cold. Cultivation in a bucket is therefore essential. Caring for the lady's slipper orchid is a bit time-consuming, but if you give it the right care, it will thank you with many beautiful flowers and a long life.

  • Bulrush cactus, Rhipsalis baccifera - care, tips & tricks

    The rush cactus, Rhipsalis baccifera, is a low-maintenance and easy-to-keep cactus that needs a suitable location. It is not hardy, but can be kept outdoors during the summer months. In terms of growth, the rush cactus is not reminiscent of classic cacti, as it almost always grows overhanging and also has no spines. Nevertheless, it belongs to the cactus family.

  • Rod cactus, Rhipsalis pilocarpa - care, tips & tricks

    Ripsalis pilocarpa is a cactus from the genus Rhipsalis. Its homeland is the Brazilian rainforests. The rod cactus is an easy-care plant that needs little watering and a permeable substrate. The cactus can be cultivated indoors all year round and develops white flowers in spring and red berries as fruits after flowering. In summer, Ripsalis pilocarpa is happy about an outdoor location, it does not need a special winter quarters.

  • Coral cactus, Rhipsalis cassutha - care, tips & tricks

    The coral cactus, botanically Rhipsalis cassutha, is an extremely easy-care plant that is also ideal for beginners. With its long shoots, it is particularly suitable as a traffic light plant. The flowering time of the cactus is in November. Rhipsalis cassutha can be cultivated indoors all year round.

  • Coral cactus, rush cactus, Rhipsalis cereuscula - care, tips & tricks

    The coral cactus, also known as the rush cactus, is an easy-care houseplant. The term cactus is a bit misleading here, because even if it belongs to the cacti genus, it does not have the typical appearance. It has many green shoots with round white fruits that create an impressive picture. Spines do not form on the decorative cactus, to the delight of many hobby gardeners. The plant, which mainly comes from Brazil, is also ideal for beginners due to its easy care.

  • Dendrobium nobile - care, pruning and propagation of the orchid

    Dendrobium nobile is also known in Germany as a grape orchid, since the numerous flowers are almost clustered together like vines and, in contrast to the moth orchid (Phalaenopsis), are formed directly on the stem. The East Asian orchid species enchants blooming during the cold season and enchants with a pleasantly intense scent, which unfolds in all living rooms with the right care thanks to the numerous flowers.

  • Vanda Orchidee - husbandry, care in the glass and propagation

    Deep blue flowers and a stately size characterize the Vanda orchid, which, along with Phalaenopsis and grape orchids, is one of the most well-known indoor orchids in Germany. Despite its blooms and the intense, lovely aroma, it is not the easiest orchid and requires a lot of care and a suitable location. Its rich colors make it a popular flower that likes to grow tall and sprout vigorously when cared for in a species-appropriate manner.

  • Brunfelsie, Brunfelsia uniflora - care instructions

    The flora of the tropics has a lot to offer. In addition to orchids, the fragrant flowers of the Brunfelsia are intoxicating with their aroma and appealing colors. In addition to Brunfelsia americana and Brunfelsia lactea, Brunfelsia uniflora, also known as Manaka, is a real eye-catcher over the winter. Once the blue flowers bloom in all their glory, the dreary winter will be over. For this, only the care of the poisonous drop plant has to be right.

  • Paeonia Hybrid Peony Etched Salmon - Care Info

    The peony named Etched Salmon is a cultivar of the classic peony from 1981 and comes from the USA. The hybrid is very popular because of its perfect bloom and is often used for weddings in bridal bouquets because the color is not too obtrusive and elegant. Like other peonies, this hybrid is easy to care for if the location is right and watered enough.

  • Bluebells, Hyacinthoides - species, care and propagation

    When the garden dresses in a deep blue in spring, bluebells present themselves in all their beauty. Hyacinthoides is a poisonous ornamental and aromatic plant that likes to spread in the garden and entices with its picturesque color and aromatic scent. The hanging bells are what makes this plant so popular and the more specimens there are in the garden, the more intense the fragrance. A real herald of spring!

  • Checkered flower, checkered flower, Fritillaria meleagris - care from A-Z

    The chess flower lives up to its name: It is characterized by hanging flowers whose pattern is reminiscent of that of a chess board. Beauty can only rarely be found in nature. It is all the more worthwhile to cultivate the checkered flower at home - whether in the garden, on the balcony or in the apartment or house. The article explains in great detail what needs to be considered when caring for this perennial herb.

  • Imperial crown, Fritillaria imperialis - information on care and propagation

    The imperial crown (bot. Fritillaria imperialis) is a real ornament in every garden with its impressive flowers. It can be planted very well individually, with its size it attracts attention everywhere. However, a whole group of imperial crowns is very decorative. However, because the Crown Imperial is poisonous, it should not be grown within the reach of small children. It should be ideal for driving voles out of your garden.

  • Almond tree, Prunus dulcis, edible almonds - varieties, plants and care

    The almond blossom is often seen as a sign of the beginning of spring, especially in southern climes. You can often admire this splendor during a holiday in Mallorca as early as February. In this country you have to wait a little longer for it. Unfortunately, late frosts can quickly destroy the blossom. Nevertheless, almond trees (bot. Prunus dulcis) also thrive in our climate and it is even possible to harvest the almonds, provided your almond tree gets enough warmth and is sheltered from the wind.

  • Almond trees, almond bushes, Prunus triloba - care and pruning

    The almond tree delights garden owners with delicious fruits, although in Central Europe it is mainly planted for ornament due to its fantastic abundance of flowers. For this, however, the Prunus triloba requires a certain amount of certain care measures. With the professional care instructions from the plant expert, it works without any problems.

  • Japanese Maple, Acer japonicum - care instructions

    The Japanese maple, botanically called Acer japonicum, is considered a magnificent specimen among the maple plants and is the epitome of beauty and vitality. The short-stemmed small tree has been cultivated in Japan for hundreds of years. The color peak comes at the beginning of autumn, when the maple leaves turn a breathtakingly bright orange to fiery red. Many varieties also have a lot to offer optically in spring and summer.

  • Ranunculus, Ranunculus asiaticus - plant and care properly

    Buttercups (Ranunculus asiaticus) are reminiscent of the noble English roses with their beautiful, double flowers. With its countless flowers, which are available in almost every color and also in two colors, the ranunculus is one of the most attractive harbingers of summer. However, the pretty flower has nothing in common with the rose. The buttercup plant came to England from Turkey as early as the 16th century and for a long time was as important as tulips.

  • Ball primrose, Primula denticulata - care from A-Z

    The ball primrose (Primula denticulata) is an enchanting early bloomer. It immediately impresses in the garden bed with its spherical or ball-shaped flowers and thus gets you in the mood for the coming spring. The ball primrose is also particularly suitable for locations in partial shade, as well as for perennial beds, rock gardens and even as a pond edge planting. It also finds a nice place in the planter or balcony box.

  • Olive tree, olive tree, Olea europaea - basics of care

    The olive tree, botanically called Olea europaea, is one of the oldest cultivated plants. The tree, which forms a characteristically gnarled and primeval-looking trunk as it ages, has its origins in the countries around the Mediterranean. Olive trees can also be grown here and even bear fruit. The prerequisite for this, however, is that a few basic rules are observed. Because of the conditional winter hardiness of the tree (Olea europaea), the right overwintering is particularly important.

  • Mother-in-law's chair, gold ball cactus, Echinocactus grusonii - care

    The golden ball cactus (Echinocactus grusonii), jokingly referred to as the "mother-in-law's chair" because of its growth form, which is quite similar to a piece of seating furniture, and the long, sharp spines, is one of the probably most popular cacti kept in indoor culture. In fact, the species is easy to care for and can also grow very old and large. Over the years, the fast-growing golden ball cactus develops an impressive size. The yellow flowers only appear on specimens from the age of about 20 years.

  • Rhododendron - care from A-Z - basics + expert knowledge

    Rhododendrons are a genus of flowering plants in the heather family. The genus itself now includes a good 1,000 species. They range from small in stature to shrubs that can grow to several meters in height. There are almost no limits to the colors of the flowers. Botanically, azaleas also belong to the rhododendrons. However, the plant lover distinguishes between the deciduous azaleas and the evergreen rhododendrons. If the plant is to be planted in the garden, it is usually an evergreen rhododendron.

  • Lucky chestnut, Pachira aquatica - basics of care explained

    There is something majestic about chestnut trees in the wild. They inspire above all by the large, decorative leaves. If you don't have a huge garden, you don't have to do without the sight of such a plant: the lucky chestnut, botanically Pachira aquatica, is also available as a houseplant. This article describes everything you need to know about beauty care.

  • Clivie, Clivia - care from A-Z - make clivia bloom properly

    The clivia is one of the loveliest flowering plants available in Germany. The older it gets, the more magnificently it thrives, provided it is properly cared for and the plant is optimally prepared for the flowering season. The plant expert has detailed care instructions with tips on what to look out for.

  • Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis - care - instructions

    Rosemary is a perennial plant from the mint family. The plant comes from the western Mediterranean area and is an indispensable spice in Mediterranean cuisine. As a medicinal plant, rosemary helps against indigestion and high blood pressure. The herb can be cultivated very well in the garden or in a pot.

  • Woodruff, Galium odoratum: care instructions

    The woodruff is an aromatic wild plant that is used for various desserts. The herb is not easy to care for, because the May herb needs the right location in the garden.

  • Wild garlic, Allium ursinum: care and profile

    Wild garlic is a wild plant that is valued as a kitchen herb because of its intense aroma. Due to the risk of confusion with other plants, it makes more sense to cultivate the forest garlic in the garden.

  • Daisies, Bellis perennis: care from A-Z

    The first warm rays of sunshine in spring lure the daisy (Bellis perennis) with its colorful pompom flowers to the surface. There, the extremely easy-care perennial bloomers provide lots of little splashes of color.

  • Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale: Care Instructions

    For many it is just an annoying weed, but the dandelion is much more, a jack of all trades that can replace many a vitamin pill. If you already have it in your garden, you should take care of it.

  • Coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara: care and profile

    Coltsfoot is a native plant that is increasingly losing habitat. She prefers gravel soils where there is little competition. Coltsfoot is easy to care for and a magnet for insects.

  • Keeping and caring for the Venus flytrap - this is how you feed it correctly

    The Venus flytrap has the botanical name Dionaea muscipula and belongs to the sundew family. The plant is very unusual, as it is one of the carnivorous specimens, the carnivores. The Venus flytrap has very specific requirements when it comes to keeping, site conditions and care. These must be strictly adhered to so that it can thrive well. The plant is very peculiar, especially with the watering units, and it also has to be fed if necessary.

  • Quiver flowers, Cuphea - profile, care and wintering

    Quiver flowers set surprising accents in the bed, on the balcony and the windowsill with their distinctive tubular flowers. The Mexican floral beauties add exotic flair to your design plan for indoors and outdoors. With their lush appearance and never-ending bloom time, Cuphea are much more than a floral vehicle for classic perennials. The following profile summarizes all wonderful attributes. You can find out here how to properly care for the pretty cigarette flowers and how to overwinter them successfully.

  • Gold dust plant, Mecardoni 'Gold Dust' - profile and care

    Quite inconspicuous at first glance, the gold dust plant Mecardoni 'Gold Dust' unfolds its full splendor throughout the summer until the first frost. That's when this grateful bed and balcony flower has a cushion-like, creeping growth, covered with countless small, bright yellow flowers. These filigree yellow flowers can be seen from afar and look equally good in hanging baskets, window boxes or as ground cover. Unfortunately it is not hardy.

  • Mountain laurel, laurel rose, Kalmia latifolia - is it poisonous? care info

    The mountain laurel is still rarely seen in domestic gardens. Kalmia latifolia is also not very common as a container plant. And this despite the fact that it produces beautiful flowers from April to June. The shrub from the heather family is also easy to care for. Only the location should be carefully considered. The plant grows slowly and reaches a height of around one meter. It is therefore also suitable for small ornamental gardens. It is also not often attacked by pests and diseases are fortunately very rare. So what's the catch? The mountain laurel is very poisonous. Its venom is deadly to animals and humans. The laurel rose does not fit in households with small children or in those with pets or farm animals. For the mindful plant lover, however, it is a real asset.

  • Alpine clematis, Clematis alpina 'Day Lundell' - profile, varieties and care

    The creeping alpine clematis is a majestic beauty with its tendrils up to 3 m long. The nickname "Queen of Climbing Plants" is no coincidence. During the flowering period, which extends from April to June, the perennial enchants the silent viewer with its bell-shaped flowers, which shine in shades of blue to violet. Clematis alpina, Alpine clematis is a perennial and easy to cultivate in the garden.

  • Clematis, wild species, Clematis macropetala - profile and care

    The trivial name of Clematis macropetala is: large-flowered alpine clematis. And this is exactly where the peculiarity of this plant genus lies.The buttercup family is closely related to Clematis alpina, but captivates with its 10 cm large, bell-shaped flowers. The perennial grows effortlessly on fences and stone walls. With a length of more than 3 m, the shoots are a visual eye-catcher. Passionate hobby gardeners only have to put in a little effort to meet the needs of clematis.

  • White Jasmine, Summer Jasmine, Solanum laxum/Jasminoides - care

    White jasmine is an attractive plant that easily climbs garden fences and trellis with its long stems. With a growth height of over 3 m, the South American nightshade plant is anything but inconspicuous. The heavy scent of the white flowers attracts many butterflies and bumblebees from March to late September. Summer jasmine is not a perennial that can be left to its own devices in summer. For successful cultivation, some requirements must be met.

  • Prairie lily, Camassia - varieties, care and propagation

    Prairie lilies are filigree beauties that decorate the garden in late spring with their bright, star-shaped flowers. Hardly a viewer can escape the sight of these distinctive perennials. The bulbous plants are perennial and little effort is required to cultivate prairie lilies in ornamental beds or in tubs. Beginners and passionate hobby gardeners alike should enjoy the robust and hardy asparagus plant.

  • Harlequin willow, ornamental willow 'Hakuro Nishiki', Salix integra - care information

    The harlequin willow, or lat. Salix integra, belongs to the willow family. There are over 400 species of the genus Salix. Around 70 species are native to our latitudes, 115 in North America and 280 in Asia. The Salix integra originally comes from East Asia. It occurs as a tall plant or shrub. It develops white young shoots that later turn pink and are often mistaken for flowers. Together with the variegated foliage, the harlequin willow is a perfect focal point for the garden.

  • Fingerleaf Akebia, Climbing Cucumber, Akebia quinata - Care Instructions

    The climbing cucumber is still relatively unknown in our latitudes. This is also known under the names finger-leaf akebie or chocolate wine. The easy-care climbing plant impresses above all with its filigree leaves, which look like the five fingers of a hand. But until the Akebia quinata shows its beautiful, violet flowers, the hobby gardener needs a little patience. Even its leaves can embellish house walls, fences or a privacy screen, and due to the easy care they hardly do any work.

  • Laurel snowball, Mediterranean snowball, Viburnum tinus - care & pruning

    Laurel snowball inspires as a feast for the senses. The gently shimmering, evergreen foliage banishes the sadness from the wintry garden. In late winter, the dainty, white flowers with a seductive scent awaken the anticipation of spring, only to transform into black and blue fruit decorations in summer. These instructions will guide you practically through the professional care program for the Viburnum tinus. Read here how you can skilfully cut the floral gem and hibernate it safely.

  • Large Leafed Periwinkle, Vinca Major - Care Info

    As a compact ground cover, large-leaved periwinkle is versatile in the garden. With its vigorous growth and star-shaped, decorative flowers in blue, white or reddish-violet, Vinca Major is recommended for rock gardens or borders. It is suitable for planting in hanging gardens and hill beds and also looks attractive in tubs. Large periwinkle grows into a beautiful semi-shrub within a short period of time. It effectively suppresses weeds at its location.

  • Laurel tree, laurel, Laurus nobilis - care and pruning

    In the bucket, the laurel tree is a feast for the eyes on the balcony and conservatory. As a spice plant, bay leaves give hearty meat dishes and soups a special aroma. How to skilfully care for the Mediterranean Laurus nobilis in the ornamental and herb garden and pruning it gracefully will no longer remain hidden from you when you read these care instructions. How to successfully overwinter the classic, how to propagate it correctly and how to ward off pests is dealt with in this green guide in a practical and detailed way.

  • Lilac tree, lilac, Syringa - profile, location and flowering time

    The common lilac is experiencing a furious renaissance. Garden lovers with a penchant for opulent flowers with a romantic flair have rediscovered the classic. This profile tells you what special attributes a Syringa vulgaris has. Explore all relevant aspects here to properly plant and propagate a lilac tree in the ideal location. Benefit from useful tips for a long flowering period.

  • Gämswurz, Gemswurz, Doronicum - profile, care and use

    The gemswurz, also known as chamois, is a popular plant for the perennial garden. About 35 species are native to Europe, Asia and North Africa. The plants are between ten and sixty centimeters high. Few species of chamois reach 90 centimeters. Very rare species grow to a height of 150 centimeters. Doronicum, the botanical name of the perennial, has bright yellow flowers. The plant belongs to the daisy family and has an excellent reputation as a bee pasture.

  • Bishop's Cap Cactus, Astrophytum myriostigma - care

    The bishop's cap (Astrophytum myriostigma) is a cactus plant with special properties. Spherical in young plants, it assumes a cylindrical shape by the age of two. The spherical shape is very reminiscent of bishop's hats, hence the name. This cactus has no spines, but is covered with tiny, silvery woolly tufts. After three years at the earliest, bright yellow-red flowers 5 - 7 cm in size crown it continuously from March to October.

  • Canadian Judas Tree, Cercis canadensis - care instructions

    The Judas tree is one of the most extraordinary ornamental trees and not only an absolute eye-catcher when it is in flower. What is special about this plant is its stem flowering, which is otherwise only known from tropical plants. In spring there are countless purple-pink flowers on the trunk, branches and twigs. No less attractive is the varietal blue-green or purple, yellowing in autumn, heart-shaped foliage that appears after flowering. This fascinating flowering shrub grows as a large shrub, small tree or standard tree.

  • Japanese cake tree, gingerbread tree - care and pruning

    The delicate smell of gingerbread in autumn does not necessarily have to come from the open kitchen window. The Japanese cake tree does not have its trivial name by accident. When the leaves are wilted and damp, they give off an intense scent of gingerbread and caramel. The Asian cake trees are a rarity in domestic gardens. A few important requirements must be met so that Cercidiphyllum japonicum also feels at home in our regions.

  • Bleeding Heart, Bleeding Heart - Location and Care Instructions

    Marienherz, Herzerlstock or Herzblume - hardly any of these names do justice to the filigree beauty of Lamprocapnos spectabilis. The plant with the arching overhanging inflorescences is perennial and robust. In addition to the heart blossoms, the feathery foliage attracts attention. In combination with other spring bloomers, Bleeding Heart forms an interesting contrast. The poppies used to be an integral part of cottage gardens, and in pagan traditions they are considered to be magical plants.

  • Blue rain, Wisteria - Care of the wisteria in the garden/pot

    Wisteria is a climbing shrub of superlatives and transforms the garden into a breathtaking spring fairy tale with 50 cm long flower clusters above decorative feather foliage. Although the exotic flower dream is undemanding, its vehement vigour, with careful care, should be taken into account. Read all the information about the magical wisteria here. This green guide explains in detail how to properly plant and care for the magnificent wisteria in the garden and tub.

  • Properly care for and cut shrub peonies, Paeonia suffruticosa

    Tree peonies Paeonia suffruticosa are woody mountain plants with up to 25 cm large, double or single, strongly fragrant flowers. They are among the oldest breeding lines with the most diverse range of flower shapes and colors and growth forms. Under optimal conditions, the abundance of flowers increases continuously year after year. In doing so, these beautiful plants can reach an age well beyond that of a human with the potential to become a collector's item.

  • Schildblatt, Darmera peltata - care instructions

    The shield leaf is a fascinating plant beauty whose trivial name doesn't do it justice at all. With its large, shield-shaped leaves and pink umbel of flowers, it is an eye-catcher in any garden. Officially, the perennial belongs to the category of aquatic or pond plants, with a little preparation it can be cultivated without any problems even without artificial water. In combination with other spring bloomers, this results in a colorful picture in the home ornamental bed.

  • Common golden nettle, golden dead-nettle, Lamium galeobdolon - care

    The golden nettle Lamium galeobdolon is anything but a conventional dead nettle. This perennial with wild plant character presents its bright yellow flowers in an impressive way, some with orange markings on the lower lip. The flowering time is also the harvest time, because all parts of the plant can be used in a variety of ways in the kitchen and medicine chest. While the golden deadnettle looks similar to the common stinging nettle, it does not have their burning properties and can show off its advantages much better.

  • Scalewort, Lathraea squamaria - profile and care instructions

    In the spring after the snow has melted, the 10 to 30 cm high sprout of the scalewort pushes its way through the foliage of hazel bushes, beeches or alders. The plant bears quite impressive pink-purple flowers, which appear a bit pale and at first glance almost a bit like an orchid. One looks in vain for its leaves, because the whimsical plant, which belongs to the broomrape family, has a rather unusual way of life.

  • Ranunculus shrub, Kerria japonica - care instructions

    The ranunculus shrub - also known as Kerria japonica - is easy to care for and an eye-catcher at the same time. Ideally suited for beginners, only little effort is required for its culture in tubs or outdoors and no green fingers are required. However, targeted propagation and the right cut require the right knowledge - and you can find that here. Golden-yellow blossoms in spring and late summer add cheerful dashes of color to the garden or balcony. Dense and fast-growing shoots protect as a hedge from prying eyes. The culture is simple. The ranunculus shrub combines several advantages. But what to do if brown spots appear or the leaves dry up? Interesting information and practical tips about the Kerrie can be found here.

  • Double Ranunculus, Kerria japonica Pleniflora - Care + Pictures

    With its densely filled, bright yellow flowers, the ranunculus shrub Pleniflora conjures up spring in your garden. The Asian ornamental tree comes along with undemanding frugality and reliable winter hardiness. Of course, a Kerrie makes no secret of its urge to spread by boldly sending out its runners into the bed. These care instructions and pictures give you the gardening tools to transform a Kerria japonica into a decorative eye-catcher on both sides of the garden fence.

  • Mandrake, mandrake root, Mandragora officinarum - plant information

    The Mandragora officinarum grows with a basal rosette of leaves from a tuberous root that is usually split two or three times. Since the leaves can grow to over 40 cm long, adult mandrakes can reach diameters of up to 90 cm. The mandrake root resembles the human body in appearance. Therefore, our ancestors believed that she had strong magical powers. From a horticultural point of view, there is hardly any demand for the flowering plant, which is why it is one of the real rarities.

  • Hussar button, Hussar button - sowing and care by Sanvitalia

    The hussar's button is a decorative and easy-care plant with countless small, bright yellow flower heads that stand out clearly against the green foliage. It owes its name to the uniform buttons of the hussars, which the flowers are said to resemble. Due to its size of around 30 cm, Sanvitalia procumbens is also known as a miniature sunflower. The hussar button grows as an annual, decumbent and quickly forms a closed bloom cover, an ideal balcony plant that does not fail to have an effect in the bed.

  • Marsh marigold, Caltha palustris - profile, location + care

    Marsh marigold, Caltha palustris, is a native wetland plant with bright yellow flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. They sit on filigree flower stalks and form a beautiful contrast to the glossy green foliage. The decorative spring bloomer provides the first dash of color in the garden pond. It reaches growth heights of 20 - 40 cm and is very adaptable. It is becoming increasingly rare to find it in the wild, so it is under nature protection in some federal states.

  • Mishchenko Squill, Scilla mischchenkoana - Care Info + Pictures

    The squill lives up to its name. The beautiful bloom in bright blue and white adorns garden paths and flower borders. Known botanically as Scilla mishchenkoana, it not only enchants garden lovers with its enchanting flowers, but also with a striking sweet honey scent. We describe how to care for squills in our care instructions. Luckily, the Scilla mischtschenkoana is a very easy-care spring bloomer that will bring you a lot of joy with its pretty flowers.

  • Small periwinkle, maidenhair, vinca minor - care, flowering period + pictures

    The small periwinkle, also known as maidenwort, is a small evergreen subshrub with charming purple flowers. In the flowering period between March and June, the small periwinkle decorates large areas as a protective ground cover. It was already growing in Central Europe in Roman times and was documented as early as the 16th century. The maidenwort is even used in conventional medicine and homeopathy. We describe how to care for this pretty garden plant in our practical guide.

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