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They look more like small flies and are only vaguely reminiscent of mosquitoes. Nevertheless, the so-called black flies are exactly that. Consequently, they also sting or bite mammals and humans in order to suck their blood. The body's reactions to this are more or less identical to conventional mosquito bites. That is why a black fly bite can be treated in a very similar way, primarily to relieve the itching. Diseases can also be transmitted through the bite.

black fly

The black fly, whose zoological name is Simuliidae, belongs to the large, almost unmanageable family of dipterans. While the animal itself doesn't necessarily look like it, it's clearly a mosquito. It is relatively easy to recognize by the following characteristics:

  • stocky, somewhat chubby body shape
  • looks more like a fly
  • 2 to 6 mm long
  • reddish-yellow to black in colour

The black fly can only be found near stagnant water where its larvae grow. This can be a garden pond as well as a filled, unlocked rain barrel. The insect basically feeds on plant nectar. However, the females of this particular mosquito species need blood during the laying of the brood, which appears to be necessary for the development of the eggs. They sting or bite warm-blooded animals, including humans.

black fly bite

The bite of the black fly can be very painful. Most of the time, there are significant consequences skin reactions. Typical are a reddening of the affected skin area, swelling and itching. In addition, depending on the predisposition, bruising and allergic shock conditions can also occur. The reason for this is that when a mosquito bites, anticoagulants and histamine get into the blood via the saliva of the mosquito. Since the animals usually appear in larger swarms, you usually have to deal with several stings at once - and that can be extremely unpleasant.

tip: In order to at least minimize the risk of being stung, you should only approach water points in spring and summer with long clothing (sleeves and trouser legs). Or you avoid them altogether.

fight bites

If you have been bitten by a black fly, it is advisable to immediately cool the affected area of skin with cold water. This can relieve the symptoms, at least for a short time. The actual problems, namely the anticoagulants and histamines in the small wound, which trigger the physical reactions, have not yet been solved. In order to treat a black fly bite really effectively, only an electric one usually helps stitch healer. These are small, battery-operated devices that generate concentrated heat of around 50 °C at their tip. This tip is placed briefly on the wound. As a result, the proteins of the anticoagulants and histamine break down and permanent relief quickly occurs.


A teaspoon heated in boiling water or over a flame works much like a sting healer. However, it is far less effective at doing so. In addition, the temperature cannot really be regulated in this way. However, if the spoon is too hot, it can cause painful burns on the skin. In the pharmacy there is also a whole range of remedies that promise relief from a black fly bite. They are usually offered as an ointment, gel or spray. They are applied directly to the wound caused by the bite.


If you want to prevent a black fly bite, it is best to avoid the animals or only approach them with suitable, high-necked clothing. Since Simuliidae can always be found near bodies of water or water sources, this shouldn't be too difficult. Rain barrels or water basins in the garden should always be covered so that the animals do not have any storage space for their eggs. It is also advisable not to place a rain barrel under the open bedroom window. Preventive insect sprays that are applied to the skin usually only help for a short time and do not offer continuous protection.

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