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Lavandula species are among the most popular herbs in the garden because they look beautiful and give off an aromatic scent. If you want to plant lavender in the garden, you not only have to consider planting time and distance. Although the varieties can be planted at the same time, they are characterized by different growth characteristics. You should take this into account when planting, so that the shrubs are not too close together and can develop undisturbed.

plant lavender

Planting time of lavender

Lavandula species grow slowly and need several months until the roots have spread in the substrate. It is therefore important that you place hardy plants in the desired location in the bed early in the year. This gives the plants enough time to grow optimally until winter. If you buy early specimens in pots, you can plant them out in spring. They are relatively insensitive to late frosts.

  • Plant outdoors between late March and mid-May
  • Earlier planting possible if plants are strong enough
  • Planting distance between 40 and 60 centimeters depending on the species
  • water well and avoid waterlogging

plant seedlings

Start sowing as early as possible so that the plant will flower in the same year. Cultivation takes place in seed trays in the greenhouse. As soon as the seedlings have reached a few centimetres, they are separated. Young plants should not be planted in the bed before the ice saints in May, as they can be damaged by late frosts.

  • plant in the greenhouse and cold frame from the end of February
  • Maintain a distance of 15 to 20 centimeters
  • put outdoors from mid-May
  • Depending on the species, ensure a planting distance of between 40 and 60 centimeters
  • Then keep the soil moist

Certain Lavandula species are only suitable for cultivation in tubs, as they do not survive the winter outdoors. In the planter, lavender is less demanding when it comes to the planting time. However, choosing a suitable time will save the plant from unnecessary stress:

  • repotting possible all year round
  • the ideal time for repotting is before they sprout in March
  • new bucket must be ten centimeters larger than the root ball

planting distance

Basically, the spice plants should not be planted too close together. Lavandula species grow bushy and sprawling. Since the shrubs are very sun-hungry, individuals that are too close together can rob each other of light. The nutrient supply also suffers when the plants root through the soil and compete for nutrients.

tip: Plant lavender in the soil so that the planting distance is about half of its height.

low species

There are numerous varieties with low growth, which reach low stature heights and only moderately expand in width. These Lavandula varieties have a small space requirement and can be planted more closely than tall growing varieties. A distance of 20 to 30 centimeters between the individual plants is ideal.

French lavender (Lavandula stocheas)

  • 'Kew Red': Red-white inflorescences, compact habit
  • 'Otto Quast': pink-purple flowers, dense growth, spreading
  • 'Merle': red-violet inflorescences, compact growth

Provence lavender (Lavandula x intermedia)

  • 'Julien': slow growth, purple flowers
  • 'Bleu de Collines': compact growth, floriferous and aromatically scented
  • 'Speciale': grows luxuriantly and flowers late, purple flowers

Tall growing species

Tall varieties spread much more and have a larger demand for space. You should leave at least 40 to 50 centimeters between these plants to allow undisturbed growth. Plants that are too dense are not ventilated optimally, so that pathogens and mold spores can spread.

True lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

  • 'Hidcote Pink': pale pink flowers, vigorous growth
  • 'Blue Cushion': compact variety, light purple flowers, suitable for rock gardens or pot cultivation
  • 'Dwarf Blue': medium-tall, violet flowers, suitable for edging beds
  • 'Melissa': white flowering

Lavandin (Lavandula angustifolia x latifolia)

  • 'Impress Purple': up to 90 centimeters high
  • 'Abrialii': about 75 centimeters high
  • 'Fragant Memories': about 60 to 75 centimeters high
  • 'Grappenhall': approx. 60 to 75 centimeters high

tubs and balcony boxes

Many plants that are suitable for tubs do not like planters that are too large. This is not the case with lavender. The species feel all the more comfortable the more space the bucket offers. If you plant different species in a tub, you should match the number of plants to the size of the tub. Low Lavandula species perfectly harmonize with roses. Since these are very demanding and also need space, you should not put too many specimens in the same planter. Non-hardy varieties of Provence lavender are recommended for planting in tubs and balcony boxes. You can spend the cold season in the sheltered winter quarters.

  • 'Peter Pan': between 25 and 35 centimeters high
  • 'Nana Alba': between 25 and 35 centimeters high
  • Lavandula pinnata: between 50 and 70 centimeters high
  • Varieties of Lavandula stocheas

Plant lavender in the bed

Very few lavender varieties are suitable for direct planting outdoors, as they require Mediterranean conditions and cannot survive the frosty winter temperatures in Central Europe. Only true lavender grows at higher altitudes and can cope with lower temperatures. There are some robust varieties that can withstand temperatures down to -15 °C for short periods. These varieties are among the classics in the garden bed:

  • 'Blue Scent': undemanding and robust with purple-blue flowers
  • 'Jamlitz': particularly suitable for rough locations, grows tall and needs sufficient distance
  • 'Ellagance Purple': bushy growth, hardy, violet flowers

tip: Waterlogging is the greatest enemy of all Lavandula species. Therefore, place the shrubs on south-facing slopes where excess water can simply run off.

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