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Green facades, pergolas, arcades, pavilions, walls and fences are much more than attractive design elements. Because they offer insects and small animals a valuable habitat. At the same time, however, they also have a positive effect on the well-being of building users. Because a professionally designed facade greening protects the building fabric, reduces energy consumption and contributes to air quality and noise reduction.

Greening pergola, fence & house walls

The location, the solar radiation and the wind conditions decide on the selection of the plants. Below we present eight popular climbing plants that are suitable for greening pergola, house walls, etc.

location factors

1. Light, sun, warmth

The question of how bright, sunny and warm a location is is decisive for the choice of plants. Because in order to decide on the right plants, it is important to know how long the sunshine lasts on the object to be greened.
The following categorization is helpful:

  • 8 to 12 hours of sunshine a day: full sun
  • 5 to 8 hours of sunshine a day: sunny
  • 2 to 5 hours of sunshine a day: semi-shady
  • 0 to 2 hours of sunshine per day: shady

It is best to measure the hours of sunshine in May for a realistic result.

notice: Many climbing plants are real sun worshipers and react to too little sun by not flowering.

2. Wind

Choose locations that are sheltered from the wind if possible for climbing plants. Within the usual urban development, almost every location can be considered wind-protected. However, it is more difficult to green house walls, walls and fences in open spaces.

Climbing plants for greening

Climbing plants are divided into two types:

  • self-climbing climbing plants
  • trellis climbers

Due to their adhesive roots, adhesive feet or adhesive discs, self-climbing plants are able to grow even smooth house walls without additional support from climbing aids. They are suitable for greening large areas. The plants are vigorous and need a regular pruning, about three times a year.

Scaffold climbing plants need climbing aids. Without these, they cannot find a footing. They twine and twine around the trellis. Most climbing plants are trellis climbing plants.


The decorative wisteria (bot. Wisteria) grows very quickly and in no time at all your pergola, pavilion or house wall will shine in bright blue. The climbing plant develops so much strength that gutters can be damaged. In order to prevent structural damage, regular pruning and a suitable climbing aid are required.

  • Location sunny and sheltered from the wind
  • a lot of moisture in spring, otherwise the buds will fall off
  • stable climbing aid necessary
  • all parts of the plant poisonous
  • a plant can grow 8 to 10 meters wide
  • Flowers in new breeds from white to pink
  • Suitable for greening facades, fences, pergolas, walls

tip: In China, the country of origin of the Chinese wisteria, the climbing plant grows up large trees.


Clematis, also known as clematis, belongs to the buttercup family. About 300 different species are known. The clematis is one of the scaffold climbers, it can grow beautifully on trellises and fences due to its curving petioles. However, only climbing plants with a growth height of more than three meters are suitable for greening a pergola. Noble varieties with large flowers rarely grow higher than two to three meters. However, the robust, strong-growing varieties of the Clematis montana family are also able to green large areas, such as a house wall. They reach a growth height of up to ten meters. Her flowers open one after the other and unfortunately the flowering period is over after three weeks.

  • Location sunny to semi-shady
  • Protection necessary in strong midday sun
  • sufficient moisture required
  • Drainage to prevent waterlogging
  • Grids are recommended as a climbing aid
  • decorative flowers in many variations
  • Suitable for greening fences, gates, privacy screens
  • only the different varieties of Clematis Montana can be used for large-scale greening


Ivy is the best-known evergreen climbing plant. It has strong adhesive roots and greens buildings, walls and fences in no time at all. With ivy (bot. Hedera helix), care must also be taken to ensure that the plant cannot grow uncontrollably into the roof truss.

  • Location shady to semi-shady
  • does not tolerate strong sun
  • regular pruning necessary
  • humic soil and moisture required
  • climbing aids recommended for heights of more than six meters
  • white, fragrant flowers in September
  • fruits poisonous
  • Suitable for greening facades, fences, pergolas, walls

danger: Ivy can cause damage to cracked masonry.

bell vine

The bell vine (bot. Cobaea scandens) from Mexico can cover large areas in a short time. It is one of the self-climbers and reaches a growth height of up to 8 meters. On smooth walls, however, it needs rope systems as climbing aids.

  • Location in full sun to semi-shade
  • nutrient-rich, well-drained soil
  • regular watering
  • Pruning the shoot tips motivates the formation of new flowers
  • Flowering time July to October
  • Flowers white, pink, violet
  • suitable for greening facades, balconies, fences, pergolas, poles

climbing hydrangea

A beautiful plant is the climbing hydrangea (bot. Hydrangea petiolaris). It is also one of the self-climbers and climbs with the help of its adhesive roots on the house wall or the pergola. The climbing hydrangea is easy to care for, it grows slowly and should only be cut in the spring to stimulate growth and for nice branching.

  • Location shady to semi-shady
  • regular watering required
  • humic soil
  • weak-growing
  • white flowers
  • red shoots
  • golden yellow autumn colour
  • Suitable for greening facades, fences, pergolas, walls

climbing roses

How can a house entrance or a fence be greened more attractively than with climbing roses? Roses are simply magical and undoubtedly the favorite among climbing plants. They are scaffold climbers.

  • Location sunny to semi-shady
  • sandy-loamy soil, not too moist
  • Ropes, grids, nets as climbing aids
  • Growth height depends on variety
  • Once blooming, repeat blooming and perennial varieties available
  • partial formation of rose hips after flowering
  • sensitive and susceptible to disease
  • Suitable for greening facades, fences, pergolas, walls

notice: The term "climbing rose" is used for varieties with particularly long shoots. These are particularly suitable for greening your fence or a pergola. Historical climbing roses often react sensitively to the heat that builds up on the house wall in midsummer. Various shrub roses for facade greening are then better suited.

climbing trumpets

When it comes to the question of what to green the fence, arbor or pergola, more and more owners are opting for the exotic-looking trumpet vines (bot. Campsis radicans). Because the robust, healthy, strong-growing climbing plant is a self-climbing plant. With the help of strong adhesive roots, it paves its way. If you want to cultivate the trumpet flower as a topiary, you need a trellis or climbing aid. Since the flowering branches are very heavy and can break off quickly, safety ropes are recommended. The impressive plant can also grow overhanging.

  • Location sunny to semi-shady
  • nutrient-rich soil
  • Due to the long flowering branches, a lot of space is required in front
  • Flower colors yellow, orange, red
  • Flowering from July to September
  • decorative long capsule fruits
  • Summer and winter pruning required
  • suitable for greening facades, pergolas, walls, pavilions

Wild Wine

Virginia creeper is a popular climbing plant. It belongs to the genus of virgin vines. 13 different types of wild wine are known. Virginia creeper is very decorative with its autumn colours. When greening your house wall with Virginia creeper, make sure that it cannot grow unhindered into the roof. Although Virginia creeper produces only small, inconspicuous light yellow flowers in spring, these are extremely popular with bees. The varieties Engelmannii and Veitchii are also very popular in autumn due to their strong red foliage colour.

  • Location in full sun to semi-shade
  • undemanding, easy-care plant
  • thrives in almost any soil
  • Self-climber with adhesive disks
  • vigorous
  • regular pruning necessary
  • Propagation by cuttings
  • Danger from voles
  • suitable for greening facades, pergolas, walls, pavilions

notice: When choosing plants for covering fences, pay attention to the weight of the plant, as well as the wind and snow load. If you want to green a fence or a house wall on the property line, talk to the neighbors beforehand. In this way, disputes can be avoided.

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