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Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is an attractive flowering perennial. Their tubers are harvested from autumn and are considered very healthy and tasty. With our tips you can harvest and store Jerusalem artichokes - very easily.

In a nutshell

  • Harvest from autumn and throughout the winter
  • as with potatoes: pull or dig up tubers from the ground
  • short shelf life: can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of two weeks
  • 3 months shelf life: covered with sand in the dark cellar
  • freezing is also possible

Best harvest time

The main harvest time of the Jerusalem artichoke begins as soon as the above-ground parts of the plant die off. This is how the plant prepares for hibernation by drawing all the nutrients stored in the stems and leaves into the tubers. New shoots will sprout from them next spring, provided you have not harvested the tubers beforehand. Depending on the variety and flowering time, the harvest time begins at the end of August, whereby you can dig up the healthy tubers freshly throughout the winter if the ground is frost-free. Since Jerusalem artichoke can only be stored for a short time, you should only harvest as much as you need anyway - the winter vegetables are guaranteed to stay fresh in the ground until spring. However, it tastes best in autumn, when the tubers are still plump and crunchy.

Tip: Basically, Jerusalem artichokes can be harvested all year round, you should only refrain from doing so in summer. At this point, the tubers are wrinkled and have little taste.

Harvest Jerusalem artichokes

You harvest Jerusalem artichoke like potatoes by pulling the tubers out of the ground by the stalk. You can cut off the dead plant stems beforehand and then proceed as follows:

  • Use a spade or digging fork
  • Prick the soil about 20 centimeters from the stem
  • Loosen soil with leverage
  • Collect tubers

You can chop up the dried stems and use them as mulch, provided the parts of the plant are free of contagious diseases.

Tip: Plant the small tubers about 15 centimeters deep back into the ground so that you can also harvest Jerusalem artichokes next year. You should replant one or two tubers per stem.

Store Jerusalem artichokes

Since Jerusalem artichokes can only be stored for a short time, you should always pull the tubers out of the ground as needed. Provided the ground is not frozen, you will always harvest fresh vegetables throughout the winter. If this is not possible or not desired, the best storage option is this:

  • Do not wash or brush unearthed tubers
  • place in a box (e.g. wooden box).
  • cover with sand
  • put in a dark and cool place (e.g. basement)

This way Jerusalem artichoke will keep for about three months. In the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, however, the delicious tubers can only be stored for a maximum of two weeks.

Freezing the tuber

You can also freeze fresh Jerusalem artichokes to make them last longer. This works very simply:

  • Harvest and wash tubers
  • clean thoroughly with a vegetable brush
  • peeling is not absolutely necessary
  • chop or leave whole
  • Blanch in boiling, lightly salted water for a few seconds
  • quench with cold water
  • dry thoroughly
  • place in a freezer bag or freezer safe container
  • seal tightly and freeze immediately

If you freeze the Jerusalem artichoke, it can be kept in the freezer for up to a year. Blanching is not absolutely necessary, but recommended. You can also process the tubers into a mush and freeze it.

Tip: Jerusalem artichoke chips are delicious and can also be kept for a few weeks: cut the washed and brushed tubers into thin slices and dry them in the oven or in a dehydrator.

frequently asked Questions

Is Jerusalem artichoke hardy?

Unlike potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke is hardy and can therefore be left outside all winter without any problems. Anyway, staying in the ground is the best way to store Jerusalem artichokes. This keeps the tubers fresh until spring.

How to recognize spoiled Jerusalem artichoke?

Jerusalem artichoke is no longer good if the tuber feels soft and/or mushy. By then, the putrefaction process has already started and you should stop eating the vegetables. Green or dark spots or dots are also an indication that the tubers are no longer fresh. However, you can simply cut them out as long as the tubers are otherwise firm.

Do you have to peel Jerusalem artichoke?

Jerusalem artichoke cannot be stored for so long because its skin is very thin. But that also means that you don't necessarily have to peel the tubers: just wash them thoroughly and clean them with a vegetable brush. You should only cut out dark or green areas. If you do want to peel the tubers, this is best done when they are cooked.

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