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Autumn time is pumpkin time. One of the most popular edible pumpkins in this country is the Hokkaido pumpkin. Because it is not only versatile, but is also available everywhere in the trade. The preparation of this fruit vegetable is considered easy, since the pumpkin softens very quickly. This pumpkin variety has been cultivated in Europe since the 1990s. Harvest time is between September and December. You can find out here whether you have to peel the Hokkaido or whether the peel can be eaten.

Hokkaido pumpkin

The typical characteristic of the Hokkaido pumpkin is its bright orange-red color. Its shape is round. Its weight is usually between 500 and 1,500 grams. The pulp is less fibrous than that of other pumpkins. Like the skin, it is orange-red in color. The pumpkin peel is thin. It becomes soft when boiled or fried. Therefore, the shell of the Hokkaido can be consumed.

Peel Hokkaido

The pulp of the Hokkaido pumpkin tastes nutty and is reminiscent of the taste of chestnuts. The pumpkin skin tastes more intense and gives the food a spicy note. It also contains ingredients that are valuable to humans. Because it is particularly rich in beta-carotene, which also gives the Hokkaido its bright color. Beta-carotene is important for humans because it is converted into vitamin A in the body.

To peel or not to peel?

You don't need to peel the Hokkaido. The pumpkin peel becomes soft with all preparation methods. If the pumpkin has to be pureed after cooking, then it mixes easily with the pulp. The only exception to this rule is when the squash needs to be grated raw. In this case, it is recommended to peel the squash, as there is a risk that the peel will not become buttery soft with this method of preparation. It can also be cheaper to remove the pumpkin skin when eating it raw, for example in a salad.

notice: The woody end of the stem is not suitable for consumption. In any case, you have to cut it off with a sharp knife.

Prepare Hokkaido

Before you process the Hokkaido pumpkin, you should

  • wash thoroughly
  • under running, lukewarm water
  • rub well
  • a vegetable brush is ideal

Pay attention to quality

Since the skin can be eaten with Hokkaido, you should pay attention to the quality of the pumpkin when buying it. The pumpkin skin should have no or very few damaged areas, because you can cut them out generously. However, if there are rotten spots all over the pumpkin skin, then you should refrain from eating all of the fruit vegetables.

Irrespective of this, with organic pumpkins you can be sure that there are no residues of pesticides on or in the pumpkin skin. This can certainly be the case with pumpkins from conventional cultivation. In this case, of course, you can remove the pumpkin skin.

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