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The apple is still the most popular fruit in this country. This may also be due to the fact that the enormous variety of varieties has created the right apple for every taste. Sweetness and acidity are the two determining components. While unripe apples still contain a lot of acid, the sweetness increases as the apples ripen. But some apple varieties are out of line and are still sour at the time of harvest. They too have their fans.

Sour apple varieties

Sour makes fun! Reason enough to enjoy a sour apple again. But which varieties are sour? In the following text we present 10 sour apple varieties.


The Berlepsch apple variety has been cultivated since around 1880. Although she is quite angry, she still enjoys great popularity today. It can be found in many home gardens and is still sold in tree nurseries. Its fruits are medium-sized and yellow-green with red markings. The winter apple can be harvested from the end of September. Optimally stored, it can continue to delight our taste buds well into March. The cream-colored flesh is medium firm, sour and juicy at the same time. The taste is strong and aromatic and is described by connoisseurs as wine-sour.

  • tastes pure as a dessert apple
  • for baked apples, cakes or mush
  • can be pressed into delicious juice
  • also ideal for waking up

tip: This old sour apple variety, like the Boskop, is suitable for people with apple allergies.


The Boskop, often spelled Boskoop, is widely known as a sour apple, if not the quintessential sour apple. The very large fruits are ready to be picked at the end of September to mid-October. However, they are not considered ripe for consumption until December, so they still have to be stored for a while. While they are quite firm at first, they become crumbly over time. They taste strongly sour and at the same time aromatic.

  • ideal for baking cakes or as a baked apple
  • can be used for apple sauce and apple cider
  • if you like it very sour, you can eat it as a dessert apple


Braeburn is one of those apple varieties that came to us from distant lands. This discovery from New Zealand has become indispensable in our latitudes. Acidic ingredients are accompanied by an aromatic sweetness. This mix appeals to a broad group of buyers. This apple variety can be harvested from mid to late October in your own garden. Braeburn is a sour apple variety that produces firm, crunchy fruit. Unfortunately, Braeburn is also one of the apple varieties that are not suitable for allergy sufferers.

  • is mainly used as a table apple
  • also ideal for fruit salad and compote
  • can be juiced

tip: The fruits of this variety do not need to be consumed in a hurry. They can be stored for a very long time in a dark, cool room. So the last copies can still be nibbled in May.


One of the best-known sour apple varieties in this country is a breed by Ingrid Marie and Golden Delicious. While Ingrid Marie brings a balanced acidity, Golden Delicious is responsible for sweetness. These are sweet and sour fruits that are richly loaded with flavorings. When biting, the flesh is crisp and juicy. The apples are ready to eat when they are ripe for picking at the end of September, but can still be stored until the end of March.

  • good dessert apple
  • makes tasty apple sauce
  • delicious in cake
  • suitable for waking up


The hybrid of Richard Delicious and Klarem Glockenapfel from the Hamburg area has been available on the markets since 1969. During this period of time, it managed to temporarily become a popular apple variety. The apples are mostly medium-sized and characterized by a fruity acidity. The flesh is juicy, mild and aromatic. Picking is from mid to late October. This apple variety has excellent storage properties, which is why we can enjoy it until May.

  • Good dessert apple
  • suitable for applesauce
  • also tastes good as a baked apple

Granny Smith

The apples of this variety are easy to recognize because they are bright green in colour. The skin of the medium-sized fruits is also slightly speckled. They take a long time to mature and are only harvested in November. They can be stored from December to April. The firm and yet quite juicy flesh is acidic, but offers little aroma and is often described as bland. However, the apple variety seems to have its fans, as it has secured a permanent place on the shelves of many well-stocked supermarkets.

  • is mainly used as a table apple
  • also suitable for cooking and baking

Holstein Cox

This breed from northern Germany produces a spherical, medium-sized, sour apple. Their harvest time is late September to early October. The fruits are ready to eat from October, but can be stored until January if necessary. The yellowish flesh is medium-firm and has large cells. It is also described as juicy-sour and spicy.

  • is primarily used as a dessert apple
  • also very good as a cake ingredient
  • also suitable for apple sauce and apple juice

Ingrid Marie

The Ingrid Marie variety is ripe from mid to late September and can enrich our menu as early as October. The comparatively small apple can be stored until March. Its initially firm, coarse-celled pulp undergoes a change, becoming soft and crumbly. The greenish interior tastes mild and convinces with a fine acidity.

  • good dessert apple
  • suitable for cakes
  • typical Christmas apple


Jamba is a sour apple variety that ripens very early. You can start harvesting the first fruits as early as mid-August. Harvest time is already over at the beginning of September. The apples taste great immediately after harvest and should be consumed promptly. Because they can only be stored for a short time, just until the end of October. The fruits taste aromatic and offer a fine acidity. Immediately after harvesting, they are juicy and crunchy, becoming softer later.

  • great apple for cooking, steaming and frying
  • also tastes good as a table apple


Topaz belongs to the young sour apple varieties, which were bred in the Czech Republic only in 1994. The apple tree produces medium-sized to large apples with a yellow, red-flamed skin. Its fine acidity ensures an aromatic taste. For those who don't like sour apples, it should be said that sweetness is also part of the game. It is harvested from late September to early October. The firm pulp softens with each day of storage, which is possible until April.

  • very good table apple
  • can also be used in the kitchen

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