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Green is undoubtedly a color that we can't get enough of in the garden. However, if some green spots have legs and go by the name of louse, there is no joy. The reasons are obvious: ruffled leaves, stunted flower buds, sticky excretions… They also multiply diligently and go on a spree of conquest. Experienced gardeners therefore have many home remedies at hand with which they can combat green aphids. Let's take a look.

Control measures from A to G


If the number of aphids is manageable, you always have the best home remedy with you: your hands. Simply strip the pests off the stems. The soft animals are crushed in the process and can no longer cause any damage. If you don't like direct contact, you can put on thin disposable gloves.

nettle extract

In the early to middle stage of the infestation, the impressive stinging nettle can unfold its active ingredients. For the spraying, prepare an extract as follows:

nettle brew
  1. Pick about 200 grams of fresh nettles. Alternatively, you can use 20 grams of dried nettles.
  2. Crush the nettle shoots and place in a large bowl.
  3. Pour 1 liter of cold water over the leaves.
  4. Let the mixture steep for about eight hours. It must not start to ferment.
  5. Remove the plant parts.
  6. Spray the affected plant with the undiluted nettle extract.


You can also fight green aphids with a homemade vinegar spray. Cheap household vinegar is sufficient for this. Add twice the amount of low-lime water. Spray infested plants in the garden with it. Indoor use is not recommended as the mixture has a strong odor.

rock flour

The fine powder suffocates green aphids and gives their eggs no chance either. However, powdering the plant is labor intensive. When an infestation begins, however, this home remedy is a good decision to combat the sucking pests.

Control measures from K to N


You don't like cold coffee? Don't throw it away! With the caffeine it contains, you can get rid of green aphids. Coffee is a home remedy that is particularly good for infested indoor plants. Spray them with it and also water the soil. You can also offer coffee grounds to your plants in the garden bed to combat lice. This is spread around the root ball and worked into the soil. It is not only a good remedy against these pests, but also a good natural fertilizer.

Tip: Cold black tea is also effective against these pests, but less so than coffee.

potato water

Roses infested with lice can be watered and sprayed with cooled potato water. The solanine it contains is the active ingredient with which you can effectively combat green aphids. However, do not add salt to the water when boiling.


Stick one or more cloves of garlic into the soil. The affected plant will absorb the active ingredients through its roots. The green pests can be driven away even faster with a garlic spray. Finely chop 50 grams of fresh garlic and pour 1 liter of hot water over it. After half an hour, sift the garlic. The spray against green lice is ready.

milk-water mixture

The mixture should consist of 10% milk and 90% low-lime water. This is the best way to combat green lice and also powdery mildew.

Tip: Use fresh and not pasteurized milk for this spray, as it does not contain any live lactic acid bacteria. Only with these you can get rid of green aphids.

baking soda solution

The versatile soda promises a remedy here too. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of baking soda in 1 liter of water. Pour the mixture into a squirt bottle and spray the affected plant all over. With the addition of 1 teaspoon of cooking oil and ½ teaspoon of grated curd soap, the mixture sticks to the leaves even after it has rained. Repeat the spray about every 10 days. Shake the mixture well beforehand.

Natural predators

Ladybird larva, Source: Zeynel Cebeci, Coccinella septempunctata - Seven-spot ladybird 01, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

Green aphids also have predators in nature. First and foremost are the ladybird larvae and lacewing larvae. Each individual larva can eat up to 500 lice per day. Set up an insect hotel in the garden to encourage these beneficial insects. You can find instructions on how to build one yourself cheaply on the Internet. If you have an urgent need, you can purchase the predators from an online shop.

neem oil

The oil extracted from a plant is a good helper in the garden. That is why it is now on the shelves in many households. Use sparingly and diluted to get rid of green lice. A squirt of washing-up liquid should also be added to the spray mixture for optimum mixing.

  • Spray the plant with it in the morning
  • do not spray when it rains
  • not even in strong sunshine

Control measures from O to S

Oregano Tea

Pour hot water over 100 grams of fresh or 10 grams of dried leaves. Let the tea steep for about 20 minutes and then strain out the oregano. Diluted 3:1 it is an effective spray against green aphids.

Origanum vulgare

plant scent

Green aphids are frequent guests in the garden. So, in addition to a fast-acting remedy, one that keeps the lice from recapturing is also required. Some plants are able to do this through their scent. For example, plant the following crops close to an endangered plant and lice will give them a wide berth:

  • savory
  • Nasturtium
  • lavender


If green aphids have only invaded part of the plant, using secateurs can stop the infestation from progressing. If the plant tolerates pruning and quickly sprouts again, you should remove the affected shoots as soon as possible. Dispose of the shoots in the residual waste bin.

soft soap

The liquid soft soap is biodegradable and does not harm the plants. Dissolve 30 ml in 1 liter of water and spray the plant with it. Alternatively, you can also use solid curd soap. However, it is more difficult to dissolve.


You can easily get rid of lice with a washing-up liquid solution, provided the plant variety is robust and tolerates these sprays. Add a few drops of washing-up liquid and some rapeseed oil to the water. Spray on affected areas. You can also apply the mixture directly to the lice with a brush. To get rid of the pests completely, you should repeat the process for several days in a row.

Control measures from T to W

tea tree oil

You can also effectively combat green aphids with the ingredients in this oil. No pure oil should be sprayed on the plant. So not only the pests die, but also the crop. Add a few drops of the oil and a dash of dish soap to 1 liter of water. On a cloudy day you can spray the affected parts of the plant with it.

water showers

Green aphids have nothing to oppose to a powerful jet of water. They are washed away from the plant. Of course, some specimens will survive this procedure and crawl back. But the road is long, and the water shower can be repeated at will. This home remedy is clean, inexpensive and a good choice if the infestation is not so severe. Only use it if the plant can then dry quickly again. Otherwise, the moisture favors the outbreak of fungal diseases.

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