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The varieties cultivated today are descended from the wild carrot Daucus carota. The cultivated form bears the scientific name Daucus carota subsp. sativus and was already cultivated in ancient Greece and Rome. Over time, different cultivated forms have emerged, which differ in color and shape. Their ingredients also vary depending on the shade. Because of the variety of flavors, colorful carrot varieties are becoming increasingly popular.


The color variants of the old carrot varieties range from white and yellow to orange, light and dark red to violet. Colorful carrots come from old varieties, whereby the color says something about the area of origin. White carrots originated in the Mediterranean region, while yellow and red-purple varieties were bred in Afghanistan. In the 17th century, Dutch farmers cultivated carrots with a bright orange colouration, which is still the norm today. It is probably a cross between different colorings. But the color also depends on cultivation conditions and the weather and is formed by carotenoids, anthocyanins and chlorophyll. These dyes develop under different conditions. In terms of taste, the different color variants differ in this respect:

  • white carrots contain no carotenoids and taste mild and neutral
  • yellow varieties have a low concentration of beta-carotene and taste subtly sweet
  • orange carrot variety provides a lot of beta-carotene and tastes sweet
  • Purple carrot variety contains anthocyanins, which taste particularly aromatic and decompose when cooked

Notice: The designation F1 stands for hybrid breeds in the first generation. If you sow seeds of these strains, the next generation will not produce the same characteristics.

Early carrots

Early carrot varieties are sown from late February to early April. They are ripe after 70 to 90 days and do not grow particularly large. That's why they are very delicate. Such small carrots of the Daucus carota are often referred to as carrots. In colloquial language, the designations have a synonymous use. A rounded to squat or short and thick shape is characteristic. The roots can be easily pulled out of the ground and stored in the refrigerator for several weeks together with the greenery.

Adelaide (F1)

  • Growth: compact carrot variety with small roots
  • Coloring: orange
  • Size: finger thick and eight to twelve centimeters long
  • Harvest time: from mid-June to October
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: sweet and juicy
  • Suitability for balcony: yes


  • Special feature: traditional variety from Italy
  • Growth: straight, not tapering downwards
  • Coloring: orange
  • Size: up to 20 centimeters long
  • Harvest time: from May to June, suitable for storage
  • Sun tolerance: good, also thrives in semi-shade
  • Flavor: Strongly spicy and juicy
  • Suitability for balcony: no
Source: AnRo0002, 20110716Hockenheim27, Edited by Plantopedia, CC0 1.0


  • Special feature: traditional French carrot from the 18th century
  • Growth: Quite short, conical roots with a blunt tip
  • Colouring: intense orange-red, light on the inside
  • Size: 12 to 15 centimeters
  • Harvest time: from early May to October
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Flavor: crispy sweet
  • Suitability for balcony: no

Duwick dispute

  • Special feature: old variety
  • Growth: short and circular roots
  • Coloring: orange
  • Size: five to nine centimeters long, two to five centimeters thick at the base
  • Harvest time: 65 days after sowing until the end of September at the latest
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: sweet and aromatic
  • Suitability for balcony: yes

Paris market 5

  • Growth: Spherical and squat
  • Colouring: intense orange to red
  • Harvest time: July to October
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: pleasantly sweet
  • Suitability for balcony: yes

Mid-early summer carrots

From March to mid-June, summer carrots are sown, which require about 110-135 days to ripen. The main harvest takes place between June and September. Pre-cultivation is possible in the cold frame or in the mini greenhouse on the windowsill. Although mainly early carrots are referred to as carrots, there are also carrots with their typical shape in the mid-early varieties. Most summer carrots are elongated in shape with cylindrical to conical roots. They may be heavier and larger than early carrots. An optimal carrot has the thickest possible rind and a thin pith, which is also known as the heart.

Tip: The typical washed carrots from the trade, which are offered without greens, are good examples of later summer carrots. They are also known as wash carrots.

Blanche a Collet Vert

  • Special feature: very old feed and table carrot
  • Growth: elongated and slender
  • Coloring: yellow, tends to green-headed
  • Size: up to 40 centimeters long
  • Harvest time: May to October
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: less sweet and very aromatic
  • Suitability for balcony: no


  • Special feature: new breed from Thuringia
  • Growth: strong, wedge-shaped beets
  • coloring: multicolored; orange to yellow inside, partly violet; outside deep violet, red to light yellow
  • Size: short stature
  • Harvest time: from June
  • Suitability for balcony: yes

Gonsenheim drive

Source: AnRo0002, 20110716Hockenheim28, Edited by Plantopedia, CC0 1.0
  • Growth: wedge-shaped and semi-long roots
  • Colouring: dark orange to red
  • Size: ten to twelve, sometimes up to 18 centimeters
  • Harvest time: June to August
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Flavor: delicious and savory sweet
  • Suitability for balcony: no

Jaune du Doubs

  • Special feature: good forage plant for small animals
  • Growth: elongated with a rounded tip
  • Colouring: yellow with slightly green shoulder
  • Size: up to 25 centimeters long
  • Harvest time: May to October
  • Tolerance to the sun: very good, also likes to be in semi-shade
  • Taste: less sweet
  • Suitability for balcony: no


  • Special feature: “healthy carrot” with a very high carotene content
  • Growth: long, blunted with a smooth skin
  • Colouring: intense red to orange-red
  • Size: 15 to 18 centimeters long
  • Harvest time: mid-June to August, stores well
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: sweet and juicy
  • Suitability for balcony: no


  • Special feature: high-yielding and proven variety
  • Growth: long and cylindrical
  • Coloring: yellow
  • Size: 25 to 30 centimeters
  • Harvest time: 14 to 18 weeks after sowing
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: juicy, tasty and very spicy, low sugar content
  • Suitability for balcony: no

Purple Elite F1

  • Growth: long, smooth-skinned and shiny
  • Colouring: red-violet on the outside and yellow-orange on the inside
  • Size: up to 25 centimeters long
  • Harvest time: June to November
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: mild and sweet
  • Suitability for balcony: no

Purple Haze F1

  • Special feature: original type of carrot with a high vitamin and carotene content
  • Growth: very robust
  • coloring: multicolored; purple on the outside and orange on the inside
  • Size: up to 25 centimeters long
  • Harvest time: 14-18 weeks after sowing,
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: tasty and very sweet
  • Suitability for balcony: no

Notice: So-called original varieties are not traditional or old varieties. Rather, they are new editions of these old breeds.

Rubyprince F1

  • Special feature: health carrot with a high proportion of lycopene
  • Growth: elongated
  • Colouring: red carrot variety with a yellow centre
  • Harvest time: August to October
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: very sweet and crisp

Black Spanish

  • Special feature: old carrot variety from the Orient
  • Growth: tapering downwards, irregular
  • coloring: multicolored; deep violet on the outside with a white heart
  • Size: medium length
  • Harvest time: from May to October
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: very strong taste


  • Growth: smooth-skinned and slender
  • Colouring: intense yellow
  • Size: 18 to 20 centimeters long
  • Harvest time: three months after sowing, from June to October
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: mildly sweet to subtly aromatic
  • Suitability for balcony: no

Late carrots

Late varieties of Daucus carota need between 170 and 220 days to mature. They are considered excellent storage carrots and can usually remain in the ground until the first frost. They are harvested as soon as the leaf tips turn yellow or red. In order to make the most of the bed, you should combine late varieties with fast-growing herbs such as dill or parsley. In this way, gaps are closed and the ground does not lie fallow all summer.

Palatinate Yellow

  • Special feature: carrot variety with very good storage capacity until spring
  • Growth: long and cylindrical, strong
  • Colouring: orange-yellow
  • Harvest time: mid-June to October
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Flavor: intense carrot flavor, very tasty
  • Suitability for balcony: no

Red Giants 2

  • Growth: very long and strong, tapering to a point
  • Coloring: dark orange
  • Size: up to six centimeters in diameter
  • Harvest time: October to November
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: very aromatic and sweet
  • Suitability for balcony: no


  • Growth: Elongated and regular with a smooth skin
  • Coloring: intense orange
  • Harvest time: from August
  • Tolerance to sun: good, likes half-shade
  • Taste: aromatic
  • Suitability for balcony: no

White chicks

Source: Irmgard, KuettigerRueebli, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Special feature: old country variety from Switzerland
  • Growth: pointed cone, thickened at the top
  • Colouring: white shell and light heart with a slight yellow tinge
  • Size: up to 20 centimeters long
  • Harvest time: September to November
  • Sun tolerance: very good
  • Taste: very aromatic for a white variety
  • Suitability for balcony: no

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