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Funkien have a certain claim to their location. If hobby gardeners do not do justice to this, in the worst case this will lead to death. Find out what to look out for when choosing a location.

Space in the garden

In order for hostas to be able to spread ideally, it is necessary that the location offers enough space around the plant. The planting distance should be chosen according to the maximum growth width of the respective variety. For example, the miniature variety 'Blue Mouse Ears' requires less space than blue-leaved hosta 'Elegans'. In terms of height, space is usually not a problem, as they usually do not exceed 100 centimeters.

The planting distance to plants can be chosen closer if socialization is desired. Ferns and rhododendrons, for example, are suitable for this. They grow together, so that a third less than the normal planting distance in the garden bed is sufficient.

Normal planting distances:

  • Dwarf or compact varieties: 20 to 30 centimeters per plant
  • Large Hostas: at least one square meter per plant

Space in buckets and pots

If the asparagus plant is planted in a pot or bucket, it should have at least twice the diameter of the rootstock. Hostas grow slowly and should be transplanted every three to four years so that the space available in the tub/pot is sufficient and, if necessary, only be larger when transplanted. The pots/tubs should not be chosen too large, otherwise the hosta will look "lost" in it.

Tip: It is advisable to use high-quality ceramic containers for planting hostas. They underline the value of the plant and better express the leaf decoration.

soil condition

An important criterion for ideal locations is the soil conditions. Here the earth should meet the following conditions:

  • rich in humus
  • Not too nutritious (does well in poor soil)
  • Sandy to loamy
  • water permeable
  • Fresh and fluffy
  • PH value: around 6.0
  • Moderately humid
  • low in calcium
  • Plants in tubs/pots: appropriate substrate or garden soil as previously described

lighting conditions

Hostas are shade plants, but under certain conditions they can also tolerate the sun, which ideally allows them to bloom particularly lavishly. This is what the light conditions of the optimal location for sweetheart lilies look like:

  • Penumbra (facing east or west)
  • Shaded, for example, under foliage from trees/tall plants
  • No midday sun
  • After transplanting/moving from a shady area to a sunnier place, first get used to the sun slowly (risk of sunburn)
  • Ideal: in light and wind protection on walls and facades

Damp location

Hosta likes constant moisture, but too much of a good thing quickly leads to rot - too little to withering. For this reason, the following should be considered when choosing a location in the garden:

  • Do not plant hostas on sloping slopes in the garden, as rain and irrigation water run off instead of sinking into the ground
  • Do not plant in depressions as there is a high risk of waterlogging
  • plant away from banks or in riparian zones

Fragrance Sensitivity

Some varieties of the sweetheart lily exude an intense floral scent, such as the Hosta Plantaginea hybrid 'So Sweet'. This is not always perceived as pleasant. If this is the case, a place that is sufficiently far away from where you stay is recommended.

Notice: Hostas are not poisonous. A planting area where children or pets cannot reach the plants unsupervised is therefore not required.

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