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A raised bed is particularly suitable for growing vegetables, as it not only allows you to work comfortably. The filling of decaying material provides nutrients to the plants. Read here when the right time to plant vegetables in raised beds is.

Leafy and Stem Vegetables

Sow chard directly outdoors from April to June. Spinach grows best in spring or fall, so it can be grown twice a year. In spring, sow it from March to May, and again from August to September. In the summer, spinach likes to shoot and is then inedible, which is why it is not worth growing then. On the other hand, you can sow spinach very late in the year to harvest it after winter or dig it in as green manure.


Grow celery and fennel in March and plant them in raised beds in May.


Growing strawberries in the raised bed is also worthwhile, if only because snails cannot eat away the harvest so quickly. Planting time for strawberries is in August or September. It is harvested the following year.

fruit vegetables

Vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, courgettes and pumpkins are always grown under glass or bought as seedlings. The planting time in the raised bed is in May, when no more frost is to be expected. The raised bed is very suitable for this, as these vegetables require a lot of nutrients.


It is best to sow beans at the end of May directly around a trellis placed in the bed. Pre-breeding under glass is also possible, this takes place at the beginning of May or at the end of April. Beans grow very quickly.

Peas also need support. However, this does not have to be that big, as the plants remain smaller. The time for sowing is between the end of March and mid-May.


Potato cultivation in raised beds leads to a high yield due to the many nutrients and the loose soil. The planting time for new potatoes is in April. In cold weather, a film or fleece protects against frost. The right time to grow storage potatoes is in May.

Notice: New potatoes are pre-germinated to give them a head start in growth.


Cabbage is one of the heavy feeders and is therefore very well cared for in a raised bed. Most varieties are pre-prepared from February, while the right time for planting is in April or May. For some varieties, the planting time in raised beds extends until June or July, they are well suited as a follow-up crop for early vegetable varieties.

Types of cabbage:

  • Cauliflower, broccoli, early and late varieties
  • Chinese cabbage, sow very late, from the end of July
  • Kale, very late, prefer from May, plant until the end of July, partially winter hardy
  • Kohlrabi is preferred, comparatively short cultivation time
  • Brussels sprouts, hardy tastes better after frost
  • white and red cabbage
  • Savoy cabbage, early (from March) and late (until July) varieties


Herbs without preculture with sowing in March/April:

  • Borage (annual, self-seeding)
  • dill (annual)
  • chervil
  • cress (short culture)
  • Cumin (also possible to sow in August, biennial)
  • lovage
  • Horseradish (perennial, forms runners, root barrier)
  • parsley (biennial)
  • chives

Herbs with pre-culture from February/March, time of planting or no-till from May:

  • basil (annual)
  • savory
  • dost
  • tarragon
  • lavender (perennial)
  • marjoram
  • Peppermint (forms runners, root barrier)
  • Rosemary (not frost-resistant, overwinter in a bucket)
  • sage (perennial)
  • thyme
  • lemon balm (perennial)


The planting season for lettuce extends throughout the year in the raised bed. Lamb's lettuce is even suitable for the winter. It doesn't grow as fast then, but it is frost-resistant and offers some fresh green in the cold season when not much else grows.

The first lettuce you can sow outdoors is a cut lettuce or lettuce. Both lettuce grow again and again and are harvested continuously.

Sow or plant the following types of lettuce in April:

  • lettuce
  • iceberg lettuce
  • Romaine lettuce
  • arugula

Endive, chicory and radicchio like it warmer. They don't come into the ground until May.

root vegetable

Radishes are a good addition to salads and can be planted in raised beds from March. Cultivation is possible until August. Since the cultivation period is very short, you can sow radishes again and again.

Sow carrots in the bed between March and June and harvest the young vegetables constantly fresh or in autumn for storage. The latest time to sow beetroot in raised beds is June. Beetroot grown too early has a tendency to shoot.

Celeriac has a very long cultivation time. Planting time is in May, sowing under glass is best started in March. Parsnips are also sown in March. It doesn't have to be preferred.

Peculiarity radish

There are many different varieties of this vegetable that are suitable for growing all year round. So the right time for sowing depends entirely on the variety. Sow early radishes from March, late varieties can be grown until the beginning of August.

onion vegetables

harvested onions

There are many different types of onions. The planting season for onion sets is in March, and spring onions and similar varieties are also sown during this period. Winter onions and other onions that are supposed to overwinter do not have to be planted until August. Plant garlic bulbs in the ground in March or April.

Leeks can be grown for summer harvest or for fall and winter. Summer varieties are preferred. The planting time in the raised bed is then in April. Sow late varieties directly into the bed from April to June.

Notice: Leeks are winter-hardy and can remain in the bed for a long time.

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