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Hostas, also known as hosta or heart leaf lilies, are among the most beautiful and impressive leaf ornamental plants in gardens. They grow slowly, are persistent and easy to care for. Note, however, is the planting time of hostas.

Funkia planting time

Generally, a container hosta can grow throughout the growing season from May until October, to be planted until the first frosts. However, a few things should be taken into account:

  • ideal planting time in spring
  • before the end of the hibernation
  • in February to March
  • don't bet too early
  • Plant on frost-free days
  • Ground must be frost-free
  • New growth in April
  • Beginning of flowering from June

tip: Hostas make excellent ground covers in shady locations. Their runner-forming roots displace a wide variety of weeds, such as the annoyingly rampant ground elder (Aegopodium podagraria).

Why in spring?

If the planting time is after the last frost in spring, the hostas still have enough time to form sufficient roots before the hot season. As a result, they can grow well by summer. The plants are then well prepared for the hot and dry summer months. Alternatively, planting in early autumn is also possible. However, this should then before the first frosts respectively. The ground must still be warm and it would be ideal if there were also a corresponding amount of precipitation. Under no circumstances should these impressive leaf ornamental plants be planted in extreme dryness and heat. The right location and the right planting time are important for the further development of the hostas.

The planting itself is normally easy if a few rules are observed:

  • loosen the soil a bit
  • Work in hummus or compost
  • Planting depth around 10 cm
  • Press the soil down lightly and water it
  • Apply a layer of mulch
  • Layer retains moisture

The plants grow relatively slowly. It takes some patience. A hosta is also ideal for planting in a bucket. However, division and rejuvenation should take place every four to five years, as the plants have then reached a stately size and can very quickly displace the ornamental plants growing in their vicinity. Again, the timing of division and transplanting is crucial.

tip: Hostas always look better when planted in small groups. However, depending on the variety, a planting distance of 30 to 60 cm should be maintained.

Transplant in the fall

The division and thus rejuvenation of the sweetheart lilies ideally takes place in autumn during their rest period after they have drawn in their leaves. The floor still has to Frost free and warm then the divided plants will grow back quickly. Alternatively, there is also the possibility of division and transplanting in early spring in February to March, before the plants begin to sprout. Care must be taken to avoid damage:

  • loosen the root ball with a digging fork
  • then carefully lift it out
  • tap the earth
  • depending on the size division into two or three parts
  • Allow interfaces to dry
  • then brush with charcoal powder
  • use at new location
  • incorporate compost beforehand
  • water lightly

notice: Caution! Snails like to eat the imposing leaves of the heart lilies. However, varieties with very coarse and leathery leaves are usually spared. You should prefer these when planting hostas.

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