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Blackberries were not particularly popular for a long time, as the bushes grew profusely and, thanks to the many spines, were difficult to harvest. For some years now there have been some new breeds that are less vigorous, do not proliferate and also have only a few spines or are even completely spineless. Nevertheless, some old varieties such as the popular 'Theodor Reimers' have lost none of their attractiveness.

13 high-yielding blackberry varieties for the garden and balcony

Whether old or new varieties: blackberries are enjoying growing popularity in the home garden again. This is not least due to the many new breeds, which often grow less vigorously and are thornless - but whose fruits now taste just as good as those of wild archetypes. Here we present 13 of the most popular types for gardens and containers.

Old blackberry varieties

Old blackberry varieties can hardly be found in stores these days - with two exceptions, the two tried and tested varieties 'Theodor Reimers' and 'Wilsons Frühe'. These are still in high demand today for their robust health and aromatic fruit.

'Theodor Reimers'

'Theodor Reimers' is one of the most popular blackberry varieties because it delivers a consistently high yield over a very long period of time and delights with sweet, aromatic fruits. In view of the advantages, some will certainly overlook the relatively strong spines (which are actually spines) compared to other species.

  • Thorns: yes, strong
  • Growth: upright, bushy
  • Growth height: up to 150 centimeters
  • Growth width: up to 250 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Harvest time: July to mid-September
  • Fruits: black, sweet, very aromatic
  • Special features: high-yield, hardy

'Wilson's Early'

The classic was bred in the USA as early as 1854 and has by no means lost its popularity since then - on the contrary, because the old variety is one of the small species that can be cultivated even when there is little space and even in a bucket on the balcony. A trellis is an advantage.

  • Thorns: yes
  • Growth: bushy, small
  • Growth height: up to 150 centimeters
  • Growth width: between 100 and 150 centimeters
  • Growth rate: between 50 and 120 centimeters per year
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Harvest time: late July to mid-August
  • Fruits: sweet, black-red to black, long-oval
  • Special features: suitable for keeping in buckets

New blackberry varieties - with and without thorns

New blackberry varieties are always thornless? This assessment is not entirely correct, because some modern breeds also come with more or less strong spines. If you prefer to pick the sweet fruit without risk of injury, you can use thornless species. In the past, these were considered to be quite tasteless, a prejudice that has persisted to this day. However, the newer thornless strains are just as good as those with thorns when it comes to aroma and sweetness.

Blackberries with spikes

In this section you will find both strong-growing varieties for the garden and small blackberry specialties for pot culture.

'Baby Cakes'

This is a very special new breed that was specially selected for pot culture. The blackberry plant resembles a blueberry bush and therefore easily fits on every balcony. However, the yield is significantly lower than with other varieties, which is why keeping it is basically only worthwhile as a hobby to snack on.

  • Spines: almost thornless
  • Growth: compact, stays small
  • Growth height: up to 100 centimeters
  • Growth width: up to 100 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Harvest time: July to August
  • Fruits: large, black, intense blackberry flavor
  • Special features: ideal for tubs and balconies


'Kiowa' is one of the newer blackberry varieties. It is vigorous and healthy, but quite susceptible to frost. Cultivation is worthwhile because of the very large, quite firm and tasty fruits. These are great for eating fresh, but also for preserving or for further processing.

  • Spining: yes, but small
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: up to 200 centimeters
  • Growth width: up to 100 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Harvest time: late July to August
  • Fruits: strikingly large, sweet and sour taste, black
  • Special features: suitable for keeping in tubs, winter protection required

'Primocane Reuben'

In contrast to other blackberry varieties, this autumn blackberry bears its fruit on the annual shoots. It is also well suited for a container culture.

Growth: vigorous, upright
Growth height: up to 300 centimeters
Growth width: up to 180 centimeters
Flowering period: June to July
Harvest time: early September to early October
Fruits: large, black, oblong, sweet, aromatic
Special features: self-fertile, bears the one-year shoot

'Tayberry Medana'

Blackberries have to be deep black? Not these! Some newer varieties such as 'Tayberry Medana' surprise with particularly large, purple fruits when ripe. It is a cross between raspberry and blackberry and combines the positive properties of both species. The plant is quite undemanding and hardy.

  • Growth: bushy, develops long rods
  • Growth height: up to 180 centimeters
  • Growth width: up to 250 centimeters
  • Flowering time: April to May
  • Harvest time: late June to August
  • Fruits: large, red, sweet and sour
  • Special features: cross between blackberries and raspberries

Tip: The 'Buckingham Tayberry' variety is also a cross product and has delicious red fruits. Here the fruits are visually reminiscent of large raspberries, but taste like sweet blackberries.

Stingless Blackberries

Blackberries without thorns offer a great advantage over their prickly relatives: you can harvest them without having to worry about your clothes or even your skin. We present the best varieties for the home garden in this section. Our favorites deliver high yields of aromatic fruits.

'Black Satin'

The low-maintenance blackberry is also suitable for smaller gardens due to its rather low growth. It also scores with a very long harvest time.

  • Growth: shrubby
  • Growth height: up to 150 centimeters
  • Growth width: up to 150 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Harvest time: early August to early October
  • Fruits: very large, black, juicy, sour
  • Special features: long harvest time


This strain is currently one of the earliest on the market. It is best to combine it with one that ripens later, so you can nibble delicious fruit from July to autumn.

  • Growth: upright, bushy
  • Growth height: up to 200 centimeters
  • Growth width: up to 100 centimeters
  • Flowering period: late May to June
  • Harvest time: mid-July to August
  • Fruits: very large, sweet
  • Special features: Winter protection advisable


Because of the particularly large fruits, the 'Jumbo' blackberries are one of the most popular varieties. The plant also produces high yields and is thornless - perfect for any blackberry lover. The only disadvantage is the low frost tolerance, which is why winter protection is essential.

  • Growth: strong, vigorous
  • Growth height: up to 150 centimeters
  • Growth width: up to 150 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Harvest time: August to September
  • Fruits: very large, black, sweet-sour taste
  • Special features: productive

'Loch Ness'

This medium-sized variety produces many large and tasty fruits. 'Nessy', as it is sometimes known, is one of the best thornless blackberries, which is why it is worth growing despite its susceptibility to blight or downy mildew.

  • Growth: shrubby
  • Growth height: up to 160 centimeters
  • Growth width: up to 150 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Harvest time: mid-July to September
  • Fruits: black, sweet and sour
  • Special features: very productive variety

Tip: The cultivar 'Loch Tay' is related to 'Loch Ness' but produces smaller fruits. In addition, the harvest period is significantly shorter. Nevertheless, the berries taste very aromatic and they ripen a little earlier.


'Navaho' is one of the most popular types of blackberries, after all, you don't only harvest here in summer! A second harvest of the aromatic fruits is often possible between September and October.

  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: up to 200 centimeters
  • Growth width: up to 130 centimeters
  • Flowering period: early June to late July
  • Harvest time: July to October
  • Fruits: large, black, sweet-aromatic
  • Special features: very resistant to diseases

'Oregon Thornless' (also 'Thornless Evergreen')

Among the thornless blackberries, 'Thornless Evergreen' is one of the most popular varieties, as it convinces with numerous, aromatic fruits.

  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: up to 200 centimeters
  • Growth width: up to 150 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Harvest time: late August to mid-October
  • Fruits: black, sweet and sour, storable
  • Special features: self-fertile, evergreen


Blackberries of the 'Thornfree' variety are best harvested when the fruits are fully ripe and soft. Before they taste, still firm, quite sour. In any case, the taste is not very aromatic compared to the other species presented here, but the variety scores with a high, continuous yield from the second year of growth. It is best to cultivate 'Thornfree' in a mild climate, as this is where the aroma develops best.

  • Growth: vigorous, climbing
  • Growth height: up to 500 centimeters
  • Growth width: up to 150 centimeters
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Harvest time: mid-August to late September
  • Fruits: black-red, sweet and sour
  • Special features: does not form any runners

Tip: The sugar blackberry 'Asterina' provides particularly sweet fruits. This variety is also vigorous, robust and not very susceptible to diseases. It is very suitable for those with a sweet tooth who prefer to enjoy the berries fresh from the bush.

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