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Astilbes, also known as splendor, are perfect for partially shaded or even shady spots in the garden. The perennial, which originates from the humid forests of East Asia, flowers magnificently even in low light, but certain conditions must be met for the optimal astilbe location.

In a nutshell

  • Plant in the semi-shade or shade if possible
  • especially avoid the midday sun
  • moist, nutrient-rich soil is essential
  • the sunnier the astilbe location, the wetter the subsoil
  • optimal pH between 5.5 and 7.5

7 most important location criteria

The lush, usually pink or purple flowering shoots of the astilbes only appear when the perennials are planted in a suitable location. Planted in the right place in the garden, peas are extremely easy to care for. So that the plants feel comfortable and you can enjoy the magnificent flowers, you should definitely observe the following 7 criteria for an optimal astilbe location.

Perennial for partial shade or shade

Most flowering perennials need a location that is as sunny as possible. Not so the Astilbe, because their wild relatives grow in the twilight of the East Asian forests. As a result, you should also use the plant in the garden

  • offer a shady place as possible
  • Partial shade is also good
  • provided that the sun only shines in the morning and/or evening hours
  • Astilbes do not tolerate intense midday sun
  • a partially shaded garden location is ideally well shaded over the midday hours

On the other hand, these perennials even thrive in particularly dark, north-facing places - in contrast to many other garden plants.

Notice: A change of location makes sense if the perennials do not really want to bloom. Missing flowers are usually the result of an unsuitable location, for example because it is too sunny or the soil is too dry.

Damp ground

The Astilbe feels most comfortable when you plant it directly on a stream or in the garden pond. The plant needs fresh to moist soil; it does not tolerate a dry, sandy subsoil. With regard to soil moisture, the rule applies that the sunnier the location, the wetter the soil must be. It can also be a little drier at dark planting sites. On the other hand, you should prefer other types for exposed plantings, such as rock or gravel gardens.

Ideal pH

If possible, plant peas in slightly acidic to pH-neutral soil. pH values between 5.5 and 7.5 are ideal for healthy growth and lush flowering. If necessary, you can improve the soil when planting with rhododendron soil or deciduous humus and thus lower a pH value that is too high.

Nutrient-rich subsoil

The ideal astilbe location also has a clayey, but loose and humus-rich soil. The perennials have a high nutrient requirement and therefore do not do well on poor soil.

Tip: Before planting, you can improve poor soil with plenty of compost to ensure the supply of nutrients.

Calcareous soil

Since the Astilbe needs a rather acidic pH value, lime is taboo. The garden soil should not be calcareous, nor should you water the plants with calcareous water.

Tip: The latter applies above all to astilbes cultivated in planters or in vases: Always place astilbe bouquets in rainwater or well stale and filtered tap water, and also only water potted astilbes with soft water. Otherwise you will not enjoy the beautiful flowers for long.

space requirement

There are around 20 different types of astilbe, some of which reach quite considerable growth heights of up to one meter and more. So that the plants have enough space to spread out and thrive, you should

  • for high-growing varieties a planting distance of 40 to 60 centimeters
  • for varieties that stay lower, a planting distance of 20 to 25 centimeters

retain. If you want to cultivate the astilbes in a planter - for example on the balcony or terrace - it must be as wide and deep as possible. In addition, you should water the plants regularly, because the dryness of the balls only puts the perennials under stress and quickly causes them to die prematurely.

The right plant neighbors

If possible, only plant the astilbe together with species that have similar needs in terms of location and soil. Rhododendrons and azaleas are ideal. Hostas (Hosta) and elfin flowers (Epimedium) are also suitable plant partners.

frequently asked Questions

Can you plant astilbes under trees or shrubs?

Such an astilbe location is especially perfect for lower species such as the dwarf astilbe (Astilbe chinensis var. pumila). Over time, this forms real carpets under trees and shrubs with its foothills. High-growing varieties, on the other hand, are more suitable for perennial beds.

Which astilbe species are sun tolerant?

We advise against cultivating the splendor in a sunny location. Even if the soil here is fresh or even damp, the plants will most likely dry up or at least suffer unsightly drying damage such as brown leaves. In addition, you would have to water regularly and very much. Basically, the so-called garden astilbes tolerate a little more sun, but these should also be planted in the semi-shade.

Should the garden location be more sheltered and warm or rather cool?

Put the splendor in a cool place, because it dries out too quickly if it is too warm. The perennials are also very hardy and reliably sprout again every year, even after very cold winters. Winter protection is therefore not necessary, you can only leave last year's shoots and inflorescences. They are only cut off close to the ground in spring.

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