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Although artichokes are also grown here, they often appear as real exotic species. The question arises as to when the flowers can be harvested for consumption. We explain when the right harvest time has come.

In a nutshell

  • Annual plants can be harvested later than older plants
  • A closed, tight bud indicates it is ready to harvest
  • Blossoms that have already opened can also be used as a decorative decoration in the flower vase

plant age and harvest time

In general, artichokes are harvested from summer to late autumn. The size of the plants and flowers alone means that there is a certain amount of growth time before they reach maturity, so that the harvest can only start in the middle to the end of summer. However, the harvest time is not always the same. It largely depends on whether the artichokes are in their first year of growth or whether they have already overwintered:

  1. First year: maturity from late August to mid-September
  2. Subsequent years: Ripening from the end of July

Attention: If unusual weather conditions occur over a longer period of time, or if your location of the artichokes is very one-sided, the time for harvesting can vary significantly!

Recognize the harvest time by the artichoke

In addition to the season or the calendar weeks and months, you should be able to distinguish ripe from unripe based on the artichoke blossom itself. This is the only way you can identify any deviations in the harvest time and, if necessary, take action earlier or sometimes later. To be ready for harvest, the flower must have the following characteristics:

  • compact
  • fixed
  • still closed
  • brown flower spikes

If the bud has already started to open, you need to act quickly. You can still harvest for a short time, but after a short time the hearts and the petals lose their aroma and consistency.

Tip: If you missed the time to harvest the artichokes, don't throw them away. Because even in the flower vase, the large-format flowers can convince with their sheer size and the bright blue-violet colors.

frequently asked Questions

It's already the end of August and my artichoke flowers are still not ready to harvest. What am I doing wrong?

You are not doing anything wrong. But little sun and water can delay development. Water the plants during severe drought and look forward to the only delayed harvest.

I'm not sure if the flower tip is brown yet. Can a harvest be done too early?

In general, a slightly earlier point in time is not critical. However, the yield is then usually lower because the bud is still small. On the other hand, if you harvest much too early, the still bright green bud is inedible.

Why do older plants mature earlier?

In the first year, the artichokes need strength to grow in size. Only then does the flower growth follow. Perennial plants come out of the winter with reserves and a certain head start and start flowering earlier.

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