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Asters are popular with garden owners. If you put the varieties together well, you can enjoy bright flowers all year round. Professional pruning is a prerequisite for flowering in the coming year.

In a nutshell

  • frost-free days in spring as the best time to cut autumn and winter asters
  • Cut back about 10 centimeters above the ground
  • Maintenance pruning promotes flowering and reduces self-seeding
  • long stems and few flowers indicate pruning errors
  • Spring, summer, autumn and winter asters with different needs

Aster varieties and pruning needs

Asters are a large family of flowering plants with diverse characteristics and needs. They are divided into spring asters, summer asters and autumn asters.

Asters blooming in spring:

  • low perennials with unbranched stems
  • for example alpine asters and early summer asters
  • suitable for rock gardens and nutrient-poor areas
  • radical pruning of all stems after flowering

Asters flowering in summer:

  • annual plants with large flowers
  • Propagation by seed
  • no pruning required
  • Removing faded flowers stimulates flowering

Asters blooming in autumn

  • for example cushion asters, smooth-leaf asters and borage asters
  • radical pruning in spring
  • regular removal of faded flowers
Source: Sandstein, Aster novae-angliae 'Barr's Pink', Elfenau, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY 3.0

In order for your perennial aster plants to stay in shape and soon surprise you with magnificent flowers, they need the right cut. Varieties that flower in spring and early summer are pruned in the fall after flowering. Fall-blooming perennials benefit from pruning in spring. You don't have any leaves at this point and you can see exactly where to start.

Notice: As long as night frosts are still to be expected, you should refrain from pruning. Choose frost-free, sunny days.

The tool

You don't need a lot of tools to cut back your aster plants. A sharp knife and sharp pruning shears are sufficient. Be sure to clean the tools thoroughly before cutting. We recommend disinfecting the knives and scissors before each use. The sharpness of the blades is crucial for the health of the plant. Blunt tools cause injuries that make it easy for pathogens to get in.


In the spring: On a frost-free day, cut off all dead shoots about 10 centimeters above the ground.
If your plant has only bloomed sparsely in the past year, cut off all the stems a hand's breadth above the ground. The radical cut stimulates flowering. Throw the cut plant parts on the compost.

During flowering: Cut off the faded flowers of the autumn aster regularly. Pick a nice bouquet of asters every now and then and enjoy the decorative blossoms. Pruning helps to significantly extend the flowering period. At the same time, autumn pruning reduces seed formation and prevents self-sowing.

In the autumn: Asters that flowered in the spring and summer are cut in the fall. Cut off any faded stems just above ground level.

Cut and propagate

If you want, you can combine the pruning of the aster with the propagation of the garden plant. At the end of April or beginning of May, cut off a strong shoot about 10 centimeters long from your autumn asters directly under a leaf node from the mother plant. Put this in potting soil and press it down. The cutting takes root quickly and a new aster will grow within 2 to 3 months.

Tip: Be sure to wait for the right time to cut the autumn asters in spring. Don't worry about the faded plant in winter. It offers insects and small creatures an important shelter.

frequently asked Questions

What is the difference between autumn asters and chrysanthemums?

The garden chrysanthemum is often referred to as the autumn or winter aster. Strictly speaking, she's not an aster. Asters and chrysanthemums both belong to the daisy family. However, they are different plants. Garden chrysanthemums can also tolerate pruning in spring.

My smooth leaf aster has white coating on the leaves. What is that?

Unfortunately, smooth-leaf asters are often attacked by powdery mildew. Help the plant with a radical pruning. Dispose of the infested plant parts in the residual waste bin. When buying other smooth-leaf asters, look for mildew-resistant varieties.

Can I cultivate autumn asters on the balcony in boxes?

That's a good idea! Low varieties are ideal for the balcony. When other balcony flowers are already hanging their heads, the autumn asters unfold their full splendor. Hibernation succeeds in the cellar or in a sheltered place.

Should low-growing carpet asters be pruned?

Carpet asters are decorative ground covers. They are suitable for bed borders, rock gardens and open spaces. A pruning in spring, just above the ground, ensures the flowering splendor in autumn and brings the plant into shape. At the same time, the pruning helps to reduce self-seeding.

The autumn aster has woody stems and rarely flowers. Why?

If autumn asters are not pruned, the stems become more and more woody and the willingness to flower decreases. Give your plant a new lease of life with a spring pruning close to the ground. It will surprise you with an unexpected abundance of flowers.

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