Thyme refines meat, fish and numerous other dishes in our kitchen. For long-lasting enjoyment of the plant, however, the harvest should be done correctly. But should you cut thyme or rather pluck it?

In a nutshell

  • If the leaves are plucked directly from the shoot, it can die due to the numerous injuries
  • If you cut off shoots, the plant is stimulated to shoot laterally at the cutting point
  • After washing the cut shoots, the leaves can be easily plucked off

Cut or pluck?

The question of how to harvest thyme correctly is answered quite simply: From the growing plant to the consumable seasoning, you should use both approaches - but at the right time:

  • Cut off shoots with sharp scissors at the base or in the lower third
  • Wash shoots under cold water
  • Pluck the leaves from the shoots
  • Cut or chop individual thyme leaves with a sharp knife

Notice: You can take the leaves directly from the growing shoot. However, no new leaves grow here.

If you cut whole shoots from the thyme, lateral shoots will sprout again at this point. This method is gentle on the plant and supports rejuvenation comparable to maintenance pruning.

frequently asked Questions

Can I eat the thyme stalks?

Basically, all parts of the plant are edible. However, the styles quickly become lignified and are therefore no longer tasty. Therefore, only use the leaves with a high oil content as an aromatic flavor enhancer.

How is thyme used?

Whether fresh or dried, the plant needs heat and possibly some moisture to release the essential oils from the leaves. This is how the taste unfolds optimally and is transferred to the seasoned dishes.

Are all types of thyme edible?

All of the types of thyme available from us as a spice plant are basically edible. Depending on the age and condition of the leaves, you may want to eat them as a whole sprig and remove them after cooking.
