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Lovage can be cultivated in large pots on the balcony or terrace. In this article we will explain what you need to consider when sowing, planting and caring for your plants.

In a nutshell

  • if possible cultivate alone in a large bucket
  • wide and deep planter, at least two liters capacity
  • preferably sunny, warm location (e.g. south-facing balcony)
  • Fertilize every four weeks, keep evenly moist
  • spend the winter bright, cool and frost-free, not in heated indoor areas

planter and substrate

Lovage (Levisticum officinale) grows very large and therefore needs a planter with a capacity of at least two liters. The bucket should also be both wide and deep, as the plant develops thick, underground rhizomes and therefore needs a lot of soil. Nutrient-rich herb or vegetable soil, such as humus-based tomato soil, is suitable as a substrate. You should not use pre-fertilized flower or balcony plant soil, as this usually consists of peat and is mixed with plenty of artificial fertilizer.

Levisticum officinale, lovage, maggi herb


The herb needs a lot of sun for optimal growth. A south-facing balcony or terrace offers the best conditions in this regard. A south-west or east-facing location is also suitable, provided it offers several hours of sunshine a day. To grow young plants (e.g. by sowing seeds or propagating cuttings), it is best to place the pots in a bright and warm, but not directly sunny spot on a windowsill in the living room.


The fast-growing maggi herb can be easily cultivated by sowing. Growing indoors is already possible from February, but sow directly in the pot on the balcony from the end of April. The optimal time for sowing outdoors has come when the temperature is continuously above 18 degrees Celsius - the dark germinator loves the warmth. How to sow the seed:

  • Fill planters (pots, bowls) with herbal soil
  • Place seeds in wells and cover lightly with soil
  • water and keep slightly moist
  • place in a warm and bright location
  • Cotyledons become visible after 15 to 20 days
  • Place young plants individually in larger planters

Tip: The 'Verino' variety has proven to be particularly robust and vigorous. It is also resistant to many (fungal) diseases and is therefore very suitable for pot culture.


The planting of young lovage plants, whether purchased or self-grown, is done in this way:

  • Clean large planter and fill with substrate
  • Don't forget a drainage layer made of potsherds or similar on the bottom of the pot
  • needs moist soil, but does not tolerate waterlogging
  • Dig a planting hole
  • Put the plant in and press down the soil well
  • leave no air pockets
  • therefore tap the bottom lightly with a saucepan
  • Water freshly planted plants vigorously

Do not put the young herbs in the sun immediately, but slowly get used to their new location. Otherwise unsightly leaf burns will result. Initially, only place the pots outside for two to three hours in the morning, never after midday. Extend the period a little more each day.

Tip: The sunnier and warmer the location, the higher the water requirement for lovage plants. Therefore, make sure that the substrate is always slightly damp, but not wet.


Water and fertilize the maggi herb regularly. These tips will help you with optimal care:

  • calcareous tap water is well tolerated
  • however, soft rainwater is best
  • do not water with cold water straight from the tap
  • Use warm, stagnant water if possible
  • fertilize every four weeks between April and October
  • A liquid vegetable or herb fertilizer is suitable for this

Since Levisticum officinale is perennial, you can overwinter the plant. However, potted lovage should not spend the winter months outside, but should be placed in a cool and bright indoor room in good time before the first frost. The living room is not suitable for this purpose, but a bright basement room, a stairwell or an unheated garden shed is.

frequently asked Questions

What goes well with lovage?

Lovage is a pronounced loner that should be kept alone in a pot if possible. The kitchen herb can grow up to 250 centimeters high and very extensive, which is why it needs plenty of space. If you want to plant the maggi herb in a raised bed or similar, it gets along very well with fennel and parsley.

Can lovage also be cultivated on the windowsill?

Due to the lovage's eagerness to grow, we advise against keeping it on the windowsill. To keep the plant healthy and able to develop, it needs a large bucket and plenty of space. A sunny location on the balcony or terrace is therefore useful. If you don't have either, the plant can also be placed in a spacious and bright hallway or stairwell.

What is the best way to care for lovage from the supermarket?

Pre-grown plants are sometimes available at hardware stores or supermarkets. These were cultivated very quickly under optimal conditions in greenhouses and are therefore extremely sensitive. Slowly get them used to their new location at home, do not place them in direct sunlight and only plant them in a new planter and fresh substrate after a few days of acclimatization.

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