The undemanding kitchen herb can be cultivated in beds, in pots on the balcony or patio, or as a houseplant. However, the overwintering of the hardy lemon balm depends on the form of cultivation.

In a nutshell

  • Lemon balm in the garden bed is hardy
  • Protection against cold and frost is required in the bucket culture
  • No special precautions are necessary for indoor plants

lemon balm

The lemon balm, also called melissa for short, is the most well-known species of the genus Melissa (melissa). Botanically, the genus belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae). The homeland of Melissa officinalis, as the plant is scientifically named, is western Asia and the eastern Mediterranean. In Central Europe it can be found growing wild on forest cuts and forest roads. The herb is perennial and can live up to 30 years. In agriculture, it is grown in two- to three-year crops.

Overwinter lemon balm

Depending on whether you have planted the lemon balm in the bed or in the bucket, you have to consider different factors and instructions for the winter.

garden bed

Due to their good frost resistance, lemon balms planted in the bed do not need winter protection. Because the rhizome, i.e. the underground storage organ of Melissa officinalis, is hardy and can withstand temperatures down to minus 34.5 degrees Celsius. Withered shoots are cut off close to the ground in autumn, as they have no function for overwintering. Alternatively, you can cut the brown parts of the plant in early spring.

Winter care in the bed

Bald frost is Melissa officinalis' biggest enemy during the cold season. The characteristics of this weather are:

  • low temperatures,
  • little snow and
  • lots of sun shine.

This weather condition means that the plants suffer from a lack of water. Therefore, you should water the planted kitchen herb on frost-free days. But beware, too much water can cause roots and rhizome to rot.

tub culture

In contrast to the field, the kitchen herb in the bucket needs winter protection, as cold and frost can penetrate through the planter to the rhizome. Whether you overwinter the plants indoors or outdoors depends on conditions. In any case, you should cut off the withered parts of the plant close to the ground before overwintering the lemon balm.

Hibernation outdoors

If you want the herb to stay on the balcony or terrace during the winter, you should be able to offer it a sunny spot. Ideally, the pot is placed on the south wall of the house. Other mandatory measures against frost and cold are:

  • Wrap the planter in thick fleece or bubble wrap
  • Place the pot on a thick wooden or styrofoam plate (against the cold "from below")
  • Cover the substrate with brushwood, leaves, straw or sawdust (against the cold "from above")

The winter protection is removed when severe (night) frosts are no longer to be expected. If unexpected frost sets in, you can bring the plants inside overnight.

Hibernation in winter quarters

If the plants are to spend the cold season indoors, they need a frost-free but cool winter quarters. Heated living spaces are too warm. The question of whether the location should be light or dark is answered in different ways. The fact that you can prevent the kitchen herb from sprouting during the cold season speaks in favor of a dark location. Should the lemon balm sprout anyway, these shoots are cut off close to the ground in early spring.
The lamiaceae are only allowed to go outside again when no more frost is to be expected. If it overwinters in the dark, you can put it in a brighter spot in March/April so that the herb can get used to the sun.

Winter care in bucket culture

If the lemon balm moves to winter quarters, it also needs water during the winter. Therefore, you should water them with a little water from time to time. When wintering on the balcony or terrace, you should a. provide some water in case of frost.

Lemon balm as a houseplant

If the lemon balm is kept as a houseplant, you do not need to take any special precautions for wintering. However, you should adapt the care measures to the autumn or winter light conditions:

  • fertilize every six to eight weeks
  • Increase the distance between waterings step by step

When spring comes, reduce the interval between waterings again. From April onwards, fertilizer is applied every fortnight.

frequently asked Questions

Does my dwarf balm need winter protection?

The plants do not need winter protection if they are planted out in the bed. In the bucket culture, they must be protected from frost and cold.

My lemon balm is in the kitchen. Does she have to change clothes for the winter?

No, the plant can stay in the kitchen. As it is kept as a "houseplant" it can be cultivated continuously. However, you should reduce the maintenance measures.

Can I divide lemon balm before overwintering?

Yes, this procedure is even recommended in addition to propagation with cuttings.
