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The lawn weakens and no longer grows as hoped, so a mineral fertilizer is quickly used. But does this always make sense and does it bring the desired result? Information on the alternative lawn activator can be found here.

In a nutshell

  • Use lawn activator as a soil additive
  • Lawns are heavy-consuming monocultures
  • Use the additive correctly to promote lawn growth
  • Activator brings help with soil fatigue
  • takes effect just a few days after application

Lawn activator as a soil additive

A beautiful green lawn is the hallmark of any garden. The lawn area is put under a lot of strain throughout the year. Incidentally, lawns are heavy-consuming plants. Fertilizer application is not always the right decision. Over time, the soil under the green area suffers and can no longer fully supply it. In these cases, the use of a lawn activator makes sense. This is not a fertilizer, but a soil additive. It is enriched with rock flour and also contains other ingredients that benefit the depleted soil. When used correctly and repeatedly, a lawn activator brings many advantages such as:

  • Creation of structurally stable humus in the soil
  • Revival of soil life by growing new microorganisms
  • general increase in soil quality
  • Optimization of the water and heat balance in the soil
  • Guarantee for sufficient air supply
  • Improvement of the pH value, especially in acidic soils
  • Creating the conditions for healthy root growth
  • associated increase in the vitality of the lawn plants
  • Favoring an increased nutrient utilization of the lawn

You can use the lawn activator on an existing lawn, but also before laying a new one. The effect takes effect after just a few days.

Notice: However, the soil can only form humus permanently if it is supplied regularly. The content in the lawn activator is too low, so it makes sense to make additional fertilization with compost or shredded lawn clippings.

Different ingredients

The soil additive contains different ingredients that also have different effects on the soil. It includes:

  • Organic matter: Carbon fractions as an energy source for soil organisms
  • Main and trace nutrients: including rock flour, food for soil and plants at the same time
  • Lime: to increase the pH value, thereby simultaneously increasing soil bacteria
  • Clay minerals: such as bentonite to promote the clay-humus complex and increase water retention

These ingredients do not all have to be contained in a lawn activator. The composition is sometimes quite different from manufacturer to manufacturer. However, you should refrain from cheap products, since a high proportion of sand is often added here.

When to use activator?

In dry and humus-poor soils, especially under lawns, soil life retreats deeper and deeper into the earth until finally the soil organisms die off. The lawn is then no longer very vital and healthy. First indications can be:

  • faster dehydration in summer
  • therefore more frequent watering necessary
  • hard, compacted ground
  • more light spots in the lawn
  • Hardly any growth on compacted soil
  • generally inhibited lawn growth
  • increased fungal growth and moss formation
  • increasing spread of wild herbs
  • matted sod

Very often, a matted turf is due to too few microorganisms living in the soil. The soil organisms that are still present do not manage to transport all the dead material into the soil and decompose it there. Not only the lawn then needs fertilization, but also the soil. This is where the lawn activator comes into play.

Tip: Nutrients are also removed from the soil with every mowing. No new formation of humus can take place. The use of mulching mowers can help. If you chop the clippings into small pieces, it gets into the ground better and is broken down there.

Apply correctly

The activator is available as granules and also in liquid form, with granules being the most popular. These are also preferable to the liquid form, as they contain more ingredients. The lawn activator can be applied from spring to autumn, i.e. from March to October. However, you will achieve the best effect in the spring. You should pay attention to a few tips, i.e. use the activator correctly as follows:

  • Freshly mow the lawn
  • scarify well
  • Lawn must be dry
  • easy dosing possible
  • Application using a fertilizer spreader or universal spreader
  • also possible by hand
  • Pay attention to the dosage on the packaging
  • for existing surfaces 100 g/m²
  • for new systems 100 to 150 g/m²
  • then water well
  • thereby flushing activator between straws
  • finally infiltration into the ground
  • start of the implementation process there
  • don't mow for at least a week

Notice: Wash hands and all touched skin after application. Do not inhale dust when dosing. If necessary, wear a respirator.

frequently asked Questions

Can lawn activator be overdosed?

These are natural ingredients that stimulate the formation of microorganisms in the soil and are therefore intended to improve soil quality. Normally no damage can occur. Simply apply the activator correctly, according to the manufacturer's dosage recommendations.

Does it have to be fertilized in addition to use?

The activator is not a lawn fertilizer. Of course, the lawn should be fertilized two to three times from spring to autumn as usual. However, it should not be overdosed, as this accelerates the decomposition of humus in the soil, which in turn is bad for the soil quality.

How should the activator be stored correctly?

The container must be closed and kept dry. At the same time, it must be protected from access by children and pets. The temperature can be between + 6°C and + 35 °C. Storage that is too moist, cold or too warm can have a negative effect on the product properties and at the same time the conversion of nutrients can be reduced.

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