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The little bloodsuckers are real pests not only for humans, but also for animals. It is therefore important to combat fleas effectively as quickly as possible. Can a hot shower help?

In a nutshell

  • Fleas suck blood from humans and animals
  • Flea bites are bright red, itchy, and usually arranged in a triangle
  • hot showers or bath drives away the beasts
  • Clothing must be washed at a minimum of 60 degrees
  • in addition, thorough cleaning of the apartment is necessary

Recognize flea bites correctly

The small, dark brown beasts, between two and three millimeters in size, can be seen with the naked eye if you look closely. Most of the time, however, the presence of fleas is only noticed after they have bitten. In such cases, quick action is necessary to get rid of these little animals. The flea bites several times until it hits a blood vessel. are flea bites

  • usually clustered in groups or triangles
  • sometimes also in a row in the so-called "flea street"
  • bright red in color and itchy
  • around 1 cm tall
Source: wikipedia, Fleabite, edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0

Despite the itching, the bites should not be scratched open, otherwise inflammation can easily occur. The itching can be relieved by applying anti-histamines in the form of cortisone creams or gels to the affected area. The bites usually go away on their own within a few days.

Notice: Human fleas used to transmit diseases such as the plague and typhus. This species is largely extinct in Europe. In this country, bites can only cause allergic reactions or transmission of a tapeworm.

showering helps

If the first signs of the presence of these little bloodsuckers have been confirmed, a hot shower or, even better, a hot full bath can help to drive these pests away. The animals do not like water, they would inevitably drown and can then be washed away with the water. It would be advisable to use a special flea shampoo from specialist retailers. These remedies are not only for animals but also for humans and are very effective in fighting fleas. However, a shower or bath alone does not help to completely remove the fleas, because they have already established themselves in the clothing. Therefore it is important

  • Wash worn clothing immediately at 60 degrees
  • thereby killing flea eggs, larvae and adult animals

To prevent the body from getting infected again, the skin can be rubbed with so-called deterrents such as "Autan" or "Anti Brumm Forte". These smells not only scare away mosquitoes, but also fleas take flight.

Clean environment

Since fleas also spread in the surrounding area, a hot shower is not enough. Fighting the pests in the apartment can be very exhausting and time-consuming. They are very resilient and multiply quickly. First measures to combat the fleas are necessary immediately:

  • Vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture several times a day
  • Close the vacuum cleaner bag tightly
  • Disposal in residual waste
  • Wash curtains, bed linen, pillowcases at 60 degrees
  • Beat and vacuum the mattress well
  • Use of steam cleaners
  • Store non-washable items in the freezer for a long time
  • repeat complete cleaning every one to two weeks

If these measures are not sufficient, there are alternatives

  • Dust kieselguhr (silicate dust) into holes, cracks, fur of pets, sleeping places
  • Flea sprays from the pharmacy
  • Fog rooms with so-called foggers
  • Contact pest controller

Tip: Flea spray can be made at home using lemon and rosemary cut into chunks. Boil all the ingredients in a liter of water for 15 minutes, leave to soak for a few hours and you're done.

pets and fleas

In the case of pet owners, the four-legged friends are very often to blame for a flea infestation. They bring the animals into the apartment from outside. Then they feel comfortable there. To fight fleas, the following measures are then useful for four-legged friends:

  • Use of flea collars
  • bathe regularly with special flea shampoo
  • Using flea powder or diatomaceous earth
  • comb and brush regularly
  • Spot on preparations, flea tablets from the vet

Notice: To combat flea infestation in the home, flea weed can also be laid out in the home, but only if there are no pets.

frequently asked Questions

How long do bloodsuckers stay on the human body?

Dog, rat and pigeon fleas like to use humans as intermediate hosts or false hosts. If possible, they also suck blood here several times a day. They leave the human body after about four to five days.

What is the maximum life expectancy that a flea can have?

Their maximum life expectancy is around 1.5 years. During this time, a female lays up to 50 eggs a day. It then takes about two weeks to develop into a larva. In addition, a flea can go without food for up to two months during its life.

When are people mainly bitten by a flea?

The bloodsuckers are mostly active at night. They are attracted to the heat and the moisture that is secreted at the same time. During the rest of the day they hide in dark and dry places like upholstered furniture and carpets.

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