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With good care, rosemary impresses in the spring with light purple lipped flowers. They magically attract bees. Is flowering rosemary edible? Does his taste change? We have the most important information for you.

In a nutshell

  • Mediterranean herb
  • blooming rosemary attracts bees and bumblebees
  • Rosemary flowers edible and healthy
  • Potency, taste and consistency of the plant remain unchanged during flowering


Alongside basil, mint, sage and thyme, rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is one of the most important kitchen herbs. It belongs to the mint family. Even beginners can grow the robust plant. After a few years, a vigorous bush will develop. The scent of the needle-like leaves, which is created by the high content of essential oils, has a pleasant and relaxing effect. Rosemary oil is used in aromatherapy.


  • evergreen shrub
  • Height up to 1 meter
  • Lip flowers light blue, pink, white, light purple

during flowering

In spring, numerous flowers form in a sheltered, sunny and warm location with well-drained, calcareous soil. The labial florets consist of a tube and five fused petals. Two petals form the upper lip, three more form the lower lip. They are colored white, light blue, light purple or pink and are pretty to look at.
Flowering rosemary magically attracts bees and flower-visiting insects. The kitchen herb is considered an important bee forage plant. Combine rosemary in a bucket or on the bed with lavender or thyme. By the way, blooming rosemary smells pleasant and strengthens the ability to concentrate. Put sprigs of rosemary in a vase and enjoy the aroma.


Flowering rosemary is edible. In the kitchen, it is used in both savory dishes and desserts. Game dishes are enhanced by the gentle taste and pleasant aroma. Lamb and pork in particular, but also vegetable and potato dishes, benefit from the aromatic leaves and flowers. The spicy taste of rosemary does not change during flowering.

Tip: Cut a few flowering sprigs of rosemary from the bush. Put this in a linen bag and hang it in the closet between coats, dresses and jackets. Rosemary is excellent for improving the atmosphere of the closet.

rosemary tea

  1. Cut a sprig of rosemary in bloom.
  2. Place the sprig in a tea glass and pour hot water over it.
  3. After a brewing time of four minutes, you can remove the branch and enjoy the tea.

Notice: The spicy, slightly bitter tea has a stimulating effect and is recommended for people with low blood pressure.

rosemary blossom butter

  1. Mix 250 grams of butter at room temperature with chopped herbs, such as chives and parsley.
  2. Mix in 10 grams of crushed rosemary flowers.
  3. Season the blossom butter with salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar.
  4. Decorate the blossom butter with a sprig of rosemary in bloom.

rosemary flower oil

  1. Cut a sprig of rosemary in bloom.
  2. Clean it gently without washing it.
  3. Place the sprig in a decorative bottle with a wide neck.
  4. Add extra virgin olive oil, sunflower oil or rapeseed oil.
  5. Seal the vial airtight.
  6. Store the herbal oil in a dark and cool place.

Notice: Over time, the rosemary aroma will become stronger. Refine salads with the aromatic oil.

Frequently asked Questions:

What causes flowering to fail?

A warm location in winter prevents flowering. The herb is hardy. In cold mountain areas, we recommend winter protection from brushwood and leaves. In temperate regions, the plant does not need shelter in winter. Potted plants need a cool, dark location with a maximum room temperature of 12 degrees. If rosemary overwinters in a bucket in a warm, bright room, it will not flower.

Does harvesting the branches affect flowering?

No, you can safely harvest rosemary sprigs all year round. This does not affect flowering. Remove faded branches. With a summer cut you prevent seed formation and stimulate flowering again. If the weather is good, you can look forward to a second flowering in autumn.

Is flowering rosemary toxic to pets?

Cats in particular like to nibble on sprigs of rosemary. Neither the branches nor the flowers pose a serious threat to pets. In large quantities, the herb is poisonous, but neither humans nor pets normally ingest the required amount. Allergic reactions may occur in sensitive pets.

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