The Incas grew the first potatoes. It took a long time before they were cultivated in this country. Proper planting is necessary to get a good harvest.
In a nutshell
- Always lay tubers in rows
- optimal depth for planting is at least 10 cm
- pre-germination in February/March is advisable
- New potatoes can be laid from the second week of April
- Eyes or germs must face upwards
Lay in rows
Potatoes should only be planted in the same spot every four years to avoid disease. Special seed potatoes or alternatively organic tubers should be used for planting. Planting can begin as early as March if the weather cooperates. Otherwise, the tubers are laid out in the second week of April. Soil temperature should be at least 7 degrees. Planting is done in rows. It should be noted:
- Row spacing 70 to 80 cm
- within the row 30 cm
- Plant the potatoes 10 cm deep in the ground
- Shoot or eye must point upwards
- then cover with soil
- never plant next to tomatoes
- otherwise transfer of late blight from potatoes to tomatoes is possible

Depending on the variety, the tubers are ready to harvest three to five months at the latest after planting. To speed up germination, you can cover the bed flat with garden fleece. This leads to an increase in temperature in the ground.
Notice: Let the potatoes sprout before planting. To do this, place them out in the light in February/March in flat boxes. However, it should have been stored in a cool place beforehand. At 10 to 15 degrees short, squat shoots sprout within 10 to 14 days.
Prepare the ground well
Already in autumn you have to prepare the soil for planting in the following year as follows:
- dig deep
- possibly incorporate stable manure
- this must be well rotted
- alternatively, incorporation of green manure as a catch crop or
- other organic material such as compost or manure peat
- in the spring only loosen the soil thoroughly with a cultivator
- must be weed free
Notice: When the foliage has reached a height of 10 to 15 cm, you should pile it up. This process is repeated at intervals of 2 to 3 weeks until the rows are closed.
Cultivate in the pot
In addition, a culture in a large pot or bucket is also possible. There must be enough drainage holes in the ground. The procedure is as follows:

- Bring in a 10 cm layer of gravel or expanded clay
- then fill in a 15 cm layer of potting soil
- Put the potato on it
- cover with earth
- water sufficiently
- when shoots are 10 cm high, fill up with soil again
- only leaf tips may be visible
- Repeat the process until the vessel is full
- the same procedure in the raised bed
- Harvest after 100 days
Suitable varieties for this are:
- "The Rat"
- "Golden Wonder"
- "Pink Pine Cone"

Notice: Many claim that vodka is a Russian invention. Unfortunately, that's not true, because the first vodka in Kraków, Poland, was not distilled from rye but from potatoes as early as the end of the 18th century.
frequently asked Questions
When is the best time to harvest potatoes?Usually the harvest time depends on the particular strain used. There are early, mid-early and late potatoes. In general it can be said that a harvest should take place when the above-ground herb has yellowed and dried up. Then it's time to get the tubers out of the ground. It should be noted that late varieties are harvested before the first frost.
What is the best way to store potatoes?The tubers must be stored dry, clean, undamaged and frost-free. A place in a cool and dark cellar is ideal. It should be aired regularly. Only late varieties are stored. Avoid storing apples, tomatoes or peppers nearby to prevent premature germination. To counteract germination, the tubers can be sprinkled with quicklime. Alternatively, setting up herbal oils helps.
How should the tubers be harvested correctly?The first potatoes can be harvested in mid-June. They are carefully lifted with the digging fork. From the end of July to mid-August it is time to dig up the new potatoes. These are removed in rows with the potato hoe. The beds can then be ordered with subsequent crops such as lettuce or green manure. Mid-early tubers should be harvested from mid-August and late varieties from mid-September to the end of November.