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What would a garden be without scented flowers. Fragrances are just as important as colorful flowers and leaves. The scent of the garden flowers can occur at different times of the day and night and can vary in intensity.
In a nutshell
- Depending on the species, fragrant flowers smell in the evening, at night or all day long
- Different scents and aromas
- From the delicate scent of vanilla to the appetizing aroma of chocolate, gummy bears, mint, honey or liquorice
Strongly scented spring bloomers
Perennial Silverleaf (Lunaria rediviva)
- perennial, up to 120 cm high
- with growth heights of 30-150 cm
- Flowering period from May to June
- bright light violet umbels of flowers
- strong floral fragrance with pleasant freshness
- decorative fruits from August
Tip: The perennial silver leaf is a so-called night bloomer and night scenter.
Sweet violet (Viola odorata)
Source: Jörg Hempel, Viola odorata 02, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 2.0 DE- flat-growing, carpet-forming and stolon-forming garden flowers
- between 5 and 15 cm high
- bloom from March to April
- Flower colors white, pink or violet
- strong sweet scent
Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) 'Bella Rosa'
- Perennial, herbaceous or shrub-like, up to 90 cm high
- large-flowered beauties with lush blooms
- blooms in June
- large, pink double flowers
- delicious fragrance reminiscent of roses
Strawberry Jasmine "Silver Rain" (Philadelphus)
- upright, compact, dense
- up to 100 cm high
- medium green, lanceolate foliage
- June to July simple, pure white flowers
- richly flowering, intense scent of wild strawberries
Tip: Immediately after flowering, faded shoots should be cut back to the next strong branch. Also remove bare branches underneath.
Hyacinths (Hyacinthus)
- upright growing fragrant flowers
- Growth height 15-30 cm
- Flowering time April to May
- racemose inflorescences, strongly scented
- white, yellow, pink, red, violet, blue or multicolored
Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)
- carpet-forming fragrant flowers, areal spread
- between 20 and 30 cm high
- Leaves broadly lanceolate, entire
- Flowering time May to June
- single white, bell-shaped flowers, strongly scented
Attention: All parts of the lily of the valley are highly toxic and can easily be confused with the non-toxic wild garlic.
Poppy Bun Flower (Scrophularia chrysantha)
Source: Karduelis, Scrophularia chrysantha-1, Edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0- unusual figwort
- compact growth, growth height of 20-30 cm
- large, light green, softly hairy, intensely fragrant leaves
- smell of fresh poppy seed rolls when touched
- yellow flowers from May to June
Polychrome Tulip (Tulipa polychroma)
Source: Ю. Данилевский, Tulipa polychroma Y002, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0- very rare perennial bulb flower
- between 6 and 17 cm high
- nodding buds
- flowers from March to April
- multicolored, white with a yellow center
- lovely fruity scent
Wood Phlox (Phlox divaricata) 'Clouds of Perfume'
Source: Cbaile19, Phlox divaricata, 2015-05-06, Bird Park, 02, Edited by Gartendialog, CC0 1.0- prostrate, creeping, partly rooting
- Heights of 20-30 cm
- blooms from May to June
- single, umbel-shaped, purplish-blue flowers
- intense, lilac-like scent
Fragrance from early summer to autumn
Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus)
- upright growth up to 60 cm high
- Flowering time from May to August/September
- pink, red, white or multicolored cymes
- plain or filled
- strong scent of cloves
Diptam (Dictamnus albus var. 'Albus')
- Garden flowers with a bushy, upright habit
- up to 100 cm high flower stalks
- Stems and buds purple
- Foliage pinnate, oval, coarse, dull
- Flowering period from June to July
- whitish-pink flower clusters with a strong fragrance
fragrant muskrat flower (Centaurea moschata)
Source: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, Amberboa moschata kz01, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY 4.0- only annual knapweed
- between 60 and 80 cm high
- narrow, pinnately divided leaves
- flowers from June to August/September, depending on the location
- yolk-yellow, finely feathered flowers
- intense musky, heavy-floral fragrance
Fragrant night phlox (Zaluzianskya capensis)
- about 30 cm high
- blooms from July to September
- small white star-shaped flowers
- Buds only open in the evening
- then unfold true fragrance fireworks
- strong marzipan-like night scent
Fragrant Lilies (Lilium 'Muscadet')
Source: Photo by David J. Stang, Lilium Muscadet 3zz, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0- upright garden flowers
- Size depending on variety from 40-180 cm
- Flowering period from May to September
- large funnel-shaped flowers
- different colors and color gradients depending on the variety
- intense breathtaking scents
Tip: Particularly beautiful varieties are 'Royal', 'Black Beauty', 'Stargazer', 'Muscadet', 'Elegant Lady' and 'Rodeo'.
Scented geraniums (Pelargonium odoratissimum)
Source: Photo by David J. Stang, Pelargonium odoratissimum 4zz, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0- standing, hanging, shrubby
- depending on the variety 20-40 cm high
- Continuous bloomers from May to October
- innumerable flower colors and colorings
- numerous fragrances, intense fragrances
- citrus, mint, rose or cinnamon-like, fruity or of pine needles
Fragrant scabious (Scabiosa canescens)
Source: AnRo0002, 20140810Scabiosa canescens1, Edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0- deciduous, perennial, herbaceous garden flowers
- Growth heights of 20-50 cm
- narrow green foliage
- pink to light violet flower heads from July to October
- strong orchid-like fragrance
Scented Stone Rich (Lobularia maritima)
- flat-growing, cushion-forming, up to 20 cm high
- dense abundance of flowers from May to October
- Flower colors white, light yellow, lilac or violet
- intense scent of honey and vanilla
- suitable for balcony boxes
Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
Source: Dinkum, Pois de senteurs - Parc floral 2, Edited by Plantopedia, CC0 1.0- strongly fragrant wild form of the vetchling
- annual climbing plant, 50-150 cm high
- pinnate leaves
- blooms from June to September
- racemose, strongly fragrant inflorescences
- white, pink, red, orange, violet, blue or multicolored
Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)
Source: Hardyplants at English Wikipedia, Asclepiascommon, Edited by Plantopedia, CC0 1.0- persistent, herbaceous, 100-200 cm tall
- erect, finely hairy, rarely branched stems
- from June to September large stalked, white-pink flower umbels
- strong fruity honey scent
- parrot-like fruits
Hybrid tea 'Acapella'
Source: Geolina163, Rosa 'Acapella' Rosen Tantau 1994 01, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0- Very upright, well-branched garden flowers up to 120 cm high
- very good leaf health
- blooms from June to November
- Flowers double, cherry red, silvery
- very strong scent
Tip: Rose varieties with a particularly strong fragrance are 'Abraham Darby', 'Comte de Chambord', 'Astrid Gräfin von Hardenberg', 'Jacques Cartier' and 'Rose de Resht'.
Fruit Gum Flower (Cephalophora aromatica)
Source: Tubifex, Helenium aromaticum-2, Edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0- Perennial, herbaceous fragrant flowers, 30-45 cm high
- spherical, yellow button-shaped flowers from June to September
- Flowers and foliage strongly fragrant to the touch
- fruity-sweet scent of apple and pineapple
Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis)
Source: AnRo0002, 20220729Oenothera biennis2, Edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0- biennial, rosette-like, upright, 50-100 cm tall
- Leaves lanceolate, acuminate, glossy green
- Flowering period from June to September
- Fragrant flowers with single, yellow, cupped flowers
- only open in the evening hours
- strong evening primrose scent
Tip: The flowers of the evening primrose are edible.
Common night violet (Hesperis matronalis)
Source: Helge Klaus Rieder, Common night violet H1a, Edited by Plantopedia, CC0 1.0- bushy, upright, clump-forming osmanthus
- Growth height between 60 and 70 cm
- Leaves lanceolate, serrate, finely hairy
- Flowering period from June to August
- Cupped purple flower clusters
- strongly scented, most intense in the evening
Tip: The flowers of this perennial are edible, but only in moderation.
Wallflower (Erysimum cheiri)
- upright, bushy, clump-forming
- between 60 and 100 cm high
- dark green lanceolate leaves
- Flowering from July to August
- Flower clusters, strongly scented
- yellow, orange, red or multicolored
Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)
- upright, expansive, overhanging
- Growth heights from 100 to 350 cm
- Leaves ovate, acuminate, entire
- blooms from May to June
- white flowers scented with vanilla
Small-leaved lilac (Syringa microphylla)
- compact, arching overhanging growth
- up to 200 cm high, shedding leaves
- New breed, particularly strong scent
- blooms from May to October
- lilac-pink paniculate flowers
Nodding Catchfly (Silene nutans)
Source: Armand Turpel, Silene nutans (14208165251), Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY 2.0- Perennial herbaceous, 25-60 cm high
- lush green rosette of spatulate leaves
- blooms from May to September
- white, radiating, loose, racemose inflorescences
- spring-like scent of hyacinths
- Scent particularly intense at night
Carnations (Dianthus superbus)
Source: 阿橋 HQ, 長萼瞿麥 Dianthus superbus v longicalycinus -台北花博 Taipei Flora Expo- (9190650013), Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 2.0- loose, cushion-forming, perennial
- Growth height between 25-60 cm
- blooms from June to September
- delicate, light purple-pink feathery flowers
- clove-typical strong fragrance
- particularly intense at night
Chocolate Flower (Berlandiera lyrata)
Source: Kaldari, Kaldari Berlandiera lyrata 01, Edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0- not related to chocolate cosmetics
- perennial, herbaceous, 30-60 cm high
- Flowering period between June and September
- bright yellow, cup-shaped inflorescences
- Fragrance flower smells like milk chocolate
Chocolate Cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguineus)
- upright, rosette-forming growth
- between 40 and 60 cm high
- Flowering time from July to October
- velvety red, violet-tinged flowers
- strong scent of dark chocolate
Vanilla flower (Heliotropium arborescens)
- annual, upright, dense, bushy, 20-60 cm tall
- blooms from May to September
- cymes with violet-blue individual flowers
- sweet vanilla scent caressing the senses
- not hardy, hibernation possible
White Campion (Silene latifolia)
Source: gailhampshire from Cradley, Malvern, U.K, White Campion - Silene latifolia (49399740926), Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY 2.0- Annual to perennial herbaceous, 30-120 cm high
- Stem branched at base
- flowers from June to September/October
- Night bloomer with white flowers
- only open fully in the evening
- Fragrance then particularly intense
Whitetip (Layia platyglossa)
Source: Neelix at English Wikipedia, Bright6, Edited by Plantopedia, CC0 1.0- annual, non-native rarity
- Flowering period June to October
- long flower stalks
- large, yellow flower heads with white tips
- extraordinary scent of eucalyptus candy
Miracle Flower (Mirabilis jalapa)
Source: Apurv013, Mirabilis jalapa, 4 o'clock plant; Bengali name- সন্ধ্যামালতী , Edited by Plantopedia, CC0 1.0- upright dense growth, 60-100 cm high
- blooms from June to October
- emits an orange-like fragrance at night
- funnel-shaped white, yellow, pink, red, sometimes bicolor flowers
- Regularly pluck faded flowers
frequently asked Questions
How is the scent of many plants created?Flowers produce scents to communicate and attract bees, butterflies and other insects, but also to deter ravenous enemies.
Why do some flowers smell particularly intense in the evening and at night?At this time of day, moths are out and about, attracted by the scent of the plants. The scent behavior is also influenced by humidity and wind conditions.
What is the difference between scented and aromatic plants?Fragrant flowers emit their fragrance without being touched, while aromatic plants only release it after rubbing the leaves, twigs or bark.