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Propagating hollyhocks is comparatively easy. In order for breeding to be successful, however, certain factors must be taken into account. We show how it can work and what is important.

In a nutshell

  • Propagating hollyhocks is possible in three ways
  • Cuttings and cuttings are good variants
  • Propagation via seeds is also possible
  • Breeding requires little effort
  • Location plays a crucial role


Regardless of which variant is chosen to propagate hollyhocks, the right location is crucial. The following factors are important:

  • bright
  • warm
  • sheltered from the wind

A spot near a wall on the south side is therefore ideal. East and west are also suitable, as long as the plants are protected from drafts and heavy rain.


There are three different ways to propagate roses:

  • seed
  • cuttings
  • offshoot

Each of these variants has advantages and disadvantages that should be weighed against each other.


The hollyhock is not particularly demanding when it comes to choosing soil. However, the following are ideal:

  • special rose soil
  • garden soil with compost
  • Potting soil with bark mulch

Tip: If the plants are cultivated in a tub, an additional drainage layer is useful. This prevents waterlogging and therefore forms an important protection for the plants.


Hollyhocks are deep-rooted. This means that the buckets should be as high as possible but still stable. The higher, the wider the pot must be.
A large container with a high volume also offers the advantage that the rose has more nutrients and a larger water reserve at its disposal. This makes maintenance easier and reduces the effort involved in pot culture.

sow seeds

Propagating hollyhocks from seeds is quick and easy in itself. They can be brought forward in winter so that they can be planted outdoors or cultivated in tubs in spring. Only the following steps are important:

  • Cover seeds lightly with soil
  • choose a warm, bright location
  • keep sufficient distance
  • keep soil moistured

If these points are observed, germination can be expected after two to three weeks. A germination temperature of at least 20 °C must be maintained.

Tip: When the young plants are about five to ten centimeters high, they can be placed outdoors and thus in nutrient-rich soil.

offshoots and young plants

Probably the easiest way to multiply hollyhocks is to use offshoots that have already been trained. The advantage of this is that the young plants have already developed roots. It is therefore sufficient to cut off, dig up and move the small plants with as much soil as possible. A spade is placed at the greatest possible distance from the young plant, pointing from the outside inwards. It should be dug as deep as the soil will allow. This creates a wedge-shaped excavation that can be moved directly to another location.
However, there is also the possibility that the substrate is completely removed. This is always recommended when the soil is already used up, diseases and pests pose a risk or a soil change should take place anyway due to the duration.
The recommended time is spring, when frost is no longer to be expected. This allows the young plant to grow and harden during the season to survive the winter without any problems.

Notice: The best alternative for propagation is the use of offshoots. The effort is extremely low. The chance of success is very high.


Another possibility is to propagate cuttings of the hollyhock, also known as the farmer's rose. The advantage of this is that it produces young plants of the same variety. With home-grown seeds, on the other hand, there is a risk that plants will grow that flower in different colors and shapes or not at all.
Only a few steps are required to grow new plants from cuttings. It refers to:

  • the right moment: The cuttings are best obtained in late spring when the plant is growing again.
  • clean cut: Each cutting should be 10 to 15 centimeters long. It is also important to use clean, sharp cutting tools. The cut should be made at an angle so that the largest possible cut surface is available. A rooting aid in the form of powder can also be used.
  • Earth: Cultivating soil is best suited at the beginning. This should be sterilized to prevent mold and rot by heating in the oven or microwave. This kills germs and pests.
  • deploy: The tips of the shoots should be inserted about a third deep into the ground.
  • transplant: When the young plants develop new leaves, they can be moved to more nutrient-rich soil.

frequently asked Questions

What is the best alternative to propagate hollyhocks?

Seeds and cuttings or young plants offer the most advantages and the greatest chance of success. Because they are easy to pull and only have a short waiting time.

How are the seeds obtained?

After flowering, the mature seed bodies are removed and opened by hand. Otherwise, they will open by themselves and the seeds will spread uncontrollably around the area.

How can hollyhocks be propagated?

They reproduce themselves by scattering seeds. As soon as the roses have faded, fruiting bodies form. These open and release the seeds.

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