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When sunflowers bloom depends on various factors. These include, for example, location and care. You can find out what influences the flowering period and when it occurs here.

In a nutshell

  • Flowering time is very long
  • flowering can be influenced by various factors
  • Planting different varieties will bring blooms for months
  • good food source for birds after flowering
  • Waste not absolutely necessary

Annual sunflower

Annual varieties can be sown very early or brought forward. These sunflowers do not flower until May at the earliest and can last until September or October. However, you must reckon with the end of flowering at the latest by the first frost.

In addition, June or July are usually more realistic dates for the beginning of the flowering period.

Perennial Varieties

Perennial sunflowers are planted or sown only at the end of summer. Sowing can be done at the end of July or in August. Planting early young plants is best done in August.

With proper care, flowering in the first year occurs in May. In a mild climate, the buds can even open earlier.


Examples of small sunflower varieties are:

  • double dandy
  • Italian White
  • sunspot
Source: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, Helianthus annuus 'Italian White' kz1, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

They are ideal for cultivation in pots or tubs and can therefore easily be grown indoors. As a result, they often bloom earlier in the year.

Very large species are also known as normal or giant sunflowers. They can reach heights of 150 to 500 cm. They include, among others:

  • American Giants
  • Yellow discus
  • King Kong
  • titanium

While their size allows them to be grown indoors, they are not suitable for continuous cultivation indoors. The flowering time is therefore usually a little later. However, there are also exceptions, such as the early flowering Prado Gold.

Tip: Planting several varieties has the advantage that the flowering period can be significantly extended. In addition, a decorative picture is created by specimens of different heights.

environmental conditions

When a sunflower blooms also depends to a large extent on the prevailing local conditions. This includes:

  • pests
  • location
  • substrate
  • temperatures
  • draft

Tip: The milder the climate and the more sheltered the planting site, the sooner the plant will flower. The sooner it will open. A location on the south side and insulation from below are therefore ideal.

water supply

A sunflower is comparatively resistant and easy to care for. However, a lack of liquid can delay or reduce the formation of flowers. If, on the other hand, the supply is ensured, the plant can not only flower earlier, but also longer.

In rainy summers, however, the flowering period is often very short. On the one hand, this is due to the possibly existing waterlogging. On the other hand, that the moisture also collects in the flowers themselves. This allows them to rot from the inside out.

substrate and fertilizer

A comprehensive supply of nutrients is important for the overall growth and resistance of the sunflower. The same applies to the formation of the bud and flower.

The substrate should therefore meet the following conditions:

  • permeable and loose
  • provided with a drainage
  • nutritious

Regular fertilization is also important, which can be done, for example, by adding a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants to the irrigation water.

Sow or prefer

Another criterion for the flowering of the sunflowers is whether they are sown directly in the field or already grown indoors. If you want to enjoy the yellow, orange or red flowers as early as possible in the year, we recommend growing them indoors. Alternatively, the young plants can of course also be purchased.

The larger the sunflower is when it is planted outdoors, the faster it will bloom.


A trimming of dried or withered flowers is only necessary for perennial varieties. However, this should only be done when the seeds have fallen out completely or were used as food for wild animals.

On the one hand, this is a valuable contribution for birds. On the other hand, it can also be achieved, for example, that the sunflower sows itself. This reduces the effort for propagation.

Tip: If young plants emerge from several sunflower seeds, they may have to be dug up and planted at a greater distance from each other. Otherwise, growth will be restricted.

frequently asked Questions

Can the flowering period of sunflowers be extended?

With a sheltered location and an adequate supply of water and nutrients, this is quite possible. In the tub culture, the effort is higher due to the smaller amount of substrate. However, better protection against rain, waterlogging and frost can be offered.

Can sunflowers also be cultivated in the apartment?

Yes, they are also suitable as houseplants if the conditions are right. With sufficient light conditions - for example with a plant lamp and the right temperatures - they can even bloom in the dead of winter.

Which sunflower color blooms earlier?

There is no general answer to this. The time depends on the respective variety or cultivar and not just on the color.

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