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Mixed culture is rarely considered in fruit trees, although the trees stand side by side for several decades. Planting the right fruit trees next to each other can have a positive impact on their health and increase yield.

In a nutshell

  • Within a fruit tree species, different varieties can have different requirements
  • Apples, pears and sweet cherries need a pollination partner
  • if you plant fruit trees next to each other, you should always choose the same tree shape
  • Wild fruit trees can provide protection for cultivated varieties

Mixed culture table for fruit trees

We have prepared for you a free download fruit tree intercropping chart.

location claims

Before you start selecting the varieties, you should determine the conditions at the location. This includes, for example, the available space, how bright the location is or the quality of the soil. In the case of trees in particular, it is often difficult to subsequently change the soil conditions, as the roots can often be several meters long. It is therefore much easier to choose suitable varieties for the location than to design the location to suit the variety.

Notice: Some fruit trees, like apples, also don't appreciate windy locations. They benefit from a spot that is not in the front row or they should be protected by other measures such as wild fruit hedges.

Within the fruit tree groups, the location requirements of individual trees can also vary. The apple variety "Baumanns Renette", for example, is suitable for dry locations, while the "Ananas-Renette" prefers moist soil and develops better in a lake climate. Some fruit trees are particularly sensitive to late frosts. However, if they are planted in a protected area within an orchard, the damage can be significantly reduced. These include, for example, walnuts or pear trees.

growth height

A common mistake made when planting fruit trees in intercropping is not considering the height of the plant. There are several tree forums in fruit tree cultivation, including varieties that are suitable for small gardens and do not take up much space or are not very tall.

Tree Shapes:

  • clear trunk (height of crown base: 180 - 220 cm)
  • Half trunk (height of the base of the crown: 100 - 160 cm)
  • Bush tree (height of the base of the crown: 40 - 60 cm)

There are several variations of the bush tree such as the spindle bush or columnar fruit trees. However, within the mixed culture you should stay at the same height. Otherwise, if you plant fruit trees next to each other, it can happen that the lower tree does not get enough light due to the difference in height or that pollinators do not like to fly to them.


Pollination also plays a role when choosing fruit trees in intercropping for the garden. A common problem with some types of fruit is their yield, because despite their beautiful growth and lush flowers and many pollinating insects, they do not deliver. Within the mixed culture, you should have at least two trees of the same variety of varieties that depend on cross-pollination or plant a suitable pollinator variety. The trees should also not be in close proximity to each other or have the same genetic material.

Many cultivars have some form of pollination lock built in, which prevents self-pollination and also excludes cultivars in close proximity. In doing so, however, they increase the genetic quality of the following generation and the fruit becomes more beautiful and healthier.

The following trees are dependent on cross-pollination:

  • apple trees
  • pear trees
  • sweet cherry

Fruit trees that are self-fertile and do not need a pollination partner are suitable as a buffer to the pollination partner. These include the following trees:

  • sour cherries
  • apricots
  • peaches
  • plums
  • plums

Notice: In the case of plums, it depends on the variety whether they are self-fertile or not. There are some plum varieties that require a pollination partner.

Wild fruit trees as protection

Experience shows that those fruit trees that stand in the mixed culture at the edge of orchards are often less productive and more susceptible to diseases than trees in the middle. The reason for this is that the cultivated trees are often not as robust and would benefit from protection from wild trees. It does not have to be an ornamental plant, but a wild fruit tree that can be harvested, but does not have to be. Another advantage of using wild fruit trees as a buffer zone is that birds first pounce on the wild fruit and only then on the fruit.

Selection of suitable wild fruit trees:

  • Red and black elderberry
  • cornel
  • medlar
  • hazelnut
  • cherry plum

Notice: If we plant wild shrubs and fruit trees next to each other, also raise the wild perennials in tree form. As a result, they usually reach half-stem height and can provide better protection compared to the shrub form.

frequently asked Questions

Are there other plants for mixed cultivation in fruit trees?

Not only other trees are suitable as mixed culture partners, but also shrubs, vegetables or flowers. Nasturtium helps the rotting of parts of the plant, thereby bringing fertilizer into the soil. Currants repel voles and garlic or horseradish have an effect against various fungal diseases when planted around trees.

How big should the planting distance be for fruit trees?

How large the minimum distance should be depends on the respective tree shape. The clear trunk is between 8 - 12 m apart, the half trunk only needs between 4 and 8 m apart. In the case of bush tree forms, between 1 and 2 m are often sufficient.

Can I replace fruit trees in the intercropping with other varieties?

For example, if a tree dies, you don't have to replace it with the same variety, but you should stick with the same type of fruit. After decades that a tree has stood in the same place, the milieu is attuned to a certain species. If you plant a plum tree on a former location of an apple tree, it will take much longer to develop.

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