- detect mildew infestation
- effect of baking soda
- Use baking soda against mildew
- More tips on fighting fungal diseases
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Baking soda is a harmless home remedy for many uses. In the garden it helps, among other things, against mildew fungi. How this works and how to use baking soda against powdery mildew is explained in this text.
In a nutshell
- Baking soda stands for sodium bicarbonate
- the white powder is also known as baking soda
- You can buy it in the baking ingredients section of any grocery store
- Suitable for many uses in the home and garden
- fungal diseases can be successfully combated with soda water
detect mildew infestation
Powdery mildew is a different species of fungus on leafy plants. Each species specializes in certain plants.
Powdery mildew (fair weather fungus)
Powdery mildew on gooseberries- wipeable, whitish deposits on the leaves and shoots
- Coatings later turn brownish
- Affected leaves dry up and fall off
- Growth of the plant falters, later comes to a standstill
- shoots cripple
- this group of fungi prefers dry, warm weather
- particularly endangered plants: roses, cucumbers, gooseberries
Downy mildew (bad weather fungus)
Cucumbers with downy mildew- Upper side of leaf shows yellowish spots
- gray deposits form on the underside of the leaves
- Leaves die off over time
- these mushrooms grow better in damp, cool weather
- Particularly endangered plants: ornamental plants, leafy and cabbage vegetables
effect of baking soda
Mildew fungi need a certain pH value on the plants in order to be able to grow and thrive there. Baking soda changes the pH to alkaline. The fungus disappears over time or cannot take root at all. However, baking soda works almost exclusively on powdery mildew, downy mildew is not as sensitive as far as pH is concerned.
Notice: While baking soda and baking soda aren't the same thing, the difference doesn't negatively impact the treatment of fungus.
Use baking soda against mildew
First you need the following ingredients and utensils to make the soda water:
- 1-2 teaspoons baking soda, such as baking powder or pure baking soda
- 1 liter of water
- spray bottle
How to use the baking soda-water solution successfully:
- Mix the baking soda with water and pour into a spray bottle.
- Spray the plants with the mixture. Wet both the top and bottom of the plant.
- Wipe large-leaved plants with the solution.
- The mixture is also suitable for the preventive control of fungal diseases.
- Spray plants again every one to two weeks.
With vegetables, it is helpful if the mixture is also mixed with a little vegetable oil and an emulsifier. This intensifies the effect. Shake the mixture well before use.
Notice: An emulsifier ensures that water and oil can mix. A splash of washing-up liquid is enough in the garden.
More tips on fighting fungal diseases
Before spraying the plant, remove most of the affected parts of the plant. To do this, cut off as many leaves and shoots as possible without endangering the life of the plant. Thoroughly clean and disinfect the tools used afterwards. Generously change the soil underneath the plant, also remove any existing mulch layer. Do not dispose of all plant remains, replaced soil and old mulch material in the compost, but in the residual waste. Fungal spores can survive for a very long time.
frequently asked Questions
Is baking soda dangerous?Baking soda is approved as food and therefore harmless. In the garden, this means that people and animals are not harmed when plants are treated with it.
What alternatives to baking soda are there for powdery mildew?Mildew can be controlled with fungicides. Milk, which is used in a similar way to baking soda, can also be used as a home remedy. In addition, algae lime should help against fungal diseases.
Where do powdery mildew come from?The fungal disease spreads via spores that settle where they find optimal living conditions. This is why a dry, airy location is so important for all types of endangered plants.
What to do if the fungus keeps coming back?If infestation keeps recurring on plants, particularly in cold frames or greenhouses, applying an approved fungicide is one way to vigorously contain the infestation.
Can plants be strengthened against mildew fungi?Many plant species have resistant or at least robust varieties. Good care and the use of vegetable broths as a tonic also help. It is important to keep the plants as dry as possible, to protect them from rain and to water them directly at the roots.