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Shaded areas are often difficult to plant, especially if the plants also have to meet certain requirements. We introduce you to 26 beautiful evergreen plants for shade in the field, tub and apartment.
In a nutshell
- wide range of evergreen ground covers
- in the shade often moist soil
- So plants have to be able to cope with moist soil
- Underplanting of trees suffer from root pressure
- therefore select species that are insensitive in this regard
ground cover
Types from A - J
fat man (Pachysandra terminalis)
The thick man, also known as Ysander, is an evergreen boxwood plant. The serrated, leathery leaves form a dense green ground cover.
- also ideal for deep shadows
- needs moist, humus rich soil
- Growth height 15 to 30 centimeters
- Flowering time April to May
- greenish to purple flowers
Tip: No other groundcover can withstand as much shade and root pressure as the Ysander. The plant is perfect for awkward spots under trees and shrubs where nothing else will grow.
Elf Flower (Epimedium)
The elfin flower is a partially evergreen barberry plant with graceful, heart-shaped leaves that take on a beautiful reddish to brownish color when they sprout in spring and autumn.
- slow growing ground cover
- Growth height 20 to 30 centimeters
- Flowering time April to May
- many flower colors: yellow, white, violet or crimson
- needs humus rich soil
Tip: The species Epimedium grandiflorum develops particularly large flowers. The varieties 'Rose Queen' and 'Lilafee' are recommended here.
Periwinkle (Vinca)
There are different types of the native dogpoison plant: the small-leaved periwinkle (Vinca minor) only grows up to 20 centimeters high, the large-leaved periwinkle (Vinca major) is slightly larger at up to 40 centimeters tall.
Small periwinkle- bright blue or reddish flowers
- Flowering time April to June
- forms dense carpets
- ideal for planting under trees and shrubs
Kinds of K - Z
creeping spindle (Euonymus fortunei)
The creeping spindle is a classic groundcover, but can also be used as a privacy screen. To do this, simply let the plants grow up on a trellis.
Source: Loadmaster (David R. Tribble) This image was made by Loadmaster (David R. Tribble) Email the author: David R. Tribble Also see my personal gallery at Google Photos, Leaves-4137, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0- decorative, evergreen leaves
- red-brown autumn colour
- also ideal for deep shadows
- Flowering time between June and July
Lungwort (Pulmonaria)
Lungwort is a typical borage plant whose conspicuously mottled leaves often only die off after winter. Thus, this plant belongs to the so-called wintergreen plants. The new leaves often appear with the blue or reddish bell-shaped flowers in spring.
- bushy perennial
- Growth height 20 to 30 centimeters
- Flowering time March to May
- perfect for moist, humus-rich soils
- undemanding and uncomplicated
Waldsteinia (Waldsteinia ternata)
Golden strawberry, Waldsteinia, Waldsteinia ternataThe Waldsteinia, which is also known as the golden strawberry because of the characteristic shape of its leaves, loves the shade.
- vigorous
- Growth height up to 15 centimeters
- forms aerial spurs
- robust and adaptable
- golden yellow flowers between April and May
Bergenia (Bergenia)
The evergreen bergenia is a perennial of the saxifrage family. The right choice for a location that is dry and shady.
Bergenia, Bergenia- pink or red flower panicles between April and May
- Growth height 30 to 50 centimeters
- some varieties with red leaf coloring ('evening bells')
- also ideal for tubs
Christmas rose (Helleborus)
Christmas roses are evergreen buttercups that bloom at an extraordinary time: the middle of winter.
- white-pink, greenish or dark red flowers
- Flowering time between December and March
- different types and varieties, e.g. also native Hellebore (Helleborus foetidus)
- ideal for partial shade under shrubs
Notice: Christmas roses take a few years to develop into their full beauty. Only with increasing age does the perennial develop a rich bloom.
Saxifrage (Saxifraga)
Among the saxifrage plants there are countless species and varieties, of which the evergreen moss saxifrage (Saxifraga bryoides) is suitable for partially shaded and moist locations. The Lesser Shadow Saxifrage (Saxifraga cuneifolia) also feels very comfortable in darker places.
Saxifrage, Saxifraga- for moist, humus-rich soils
- Main flowering period between March and June
- large selection of different varieties
- carpeting
Tip: The saxifrage species Saxifraga x urbium loves shade. It is also commercially available as a porcelain flower.
Types from A - J
Mezereon (Daphne mezereum)
This pretty small shrub grows up to one meter high and grows very densely. You can cultivate it outdoors, but you can also plant it in containers.
Mezereon, Daphne mezereum- loves shade, doesn't tolerate sun
- Flowering time between March and May
- small lilac flowers
Ivy (Hedera)
Ivy is a woody climbing plant that is often found on walls and house walls.
- need moist, humus-rich soil
- also suitable as ground cover
- tolerates pruning well, tendrils that are too long can be cut off
- only old specimens flower in autumn
- black fruits poisonous to humans
Notice: Some types and varieties of ivy are also very suitable for keeping in a bucket or hanging basket in a dark apartment. In the living room, too, ivy greens partition walls or other things.
Yew (taxus)
The local yew also loves shady spots, which, due to their undemanding nature, also thrive in the deep shade under trees. The coniferous tree grows very slowly and can reach old age.
- tree up to 15 meters tall
- shiny, dark green leaves
- red fruit decoration in autumn
- very well suited as pruning-tolerant hedge planting
Tip: Caution, all parts of the yew plant are highly toxic and dangerous, especially for small children and horses (who like to nibble on the bark).
Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium)
The pretty, golden-yellow flowers of the evergreen mahonia appear between April and May. This develops blackish, edible fruits.
- Growth height up to one meter
- suitable for open land and tubs
- decorative glossy leaves
- for penumbra and shade
Kinds of K - Z
Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus)
Cherry laurel is fast-growing, takes pruning very well and is attractive thanks to its shiny, green leaves.
- can grow up to three meters high
- ideal for hedge planting
- but also as a solitaire or for tubs
- good privacy
Notice: Many biologists are very critical of the popular cherry laurel, as it has hardly any biological use. It does not provide any food for wild animals, birds or insects.
Rhododendron (Rhododendron)
Rhododendrons are heather plants that include a large number of species and cultivars. There are evergreen and deciduous species, of which the following keep their leaves:
- Japanese azaleas: semi-evergreen and evergreen, up to 100 centimeters high, conditionally hardy
- Large-flowered evergreen rhododendrons: two to four meters tall, different flower colours
- Dwarf Rhododendron: Rhododendron impeditum, growth height up to 45 centimeters
As typical bog plants, rhododendrons are extremely sensitive to lime and need acidic humus soil. Most species and varieties do best in partial shade and should be protected from the sun.
Holly (Ilex)
There are many different species of holly, many of which are semi-evergreen or evergreen and shade tolerant. The leathery leaves are dark green, shiny and often have thorny teeth.
These evergreen species are ideal for shady locations:
- Common holly (Ilex aquifolium): multi-stemmed shrub or tree up to seven meters tall
- Japanese holly (Ilex crenata): shrubby, up to three meters high, also dwarf forms
- Bushy holly (Ilex meserveae): very hardy, up to three meters high, ideal for hedges
Tip: There are many varieties of variegated and variegated holly, but they are not suitable for a shady location. These need more light, otherwise they turn green.
Broadleaf sedge (Carex plantaginea)
This easy-going species of sedge covers the ground with broad, evergreen leaves.
Source: Jay Sturner from USA, Plantainleaf Sedge, Plaintain-leaved Wood Sedge (Carex plantaginea) in shade bed at the Morton Arboretum - Flickr - Jay Sturner, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY 2.0- ideal for semi-shady to shady locations
- likes to be in the shade of walls or under trees
- Growth height 20 to 30 centimeters
- Flowering time May to June
Japanese sedge (Carex morrowii)
The Japanese sedge plant forms evergreen bushes in the shade, with the 'Variegata' variety boasting yellow-striped culms.
Carex morrowii, Japanese sedge- hemispherical growth
- up to 40 centimeters high and just as wide
- brownish flowers between March and May
- tolerates root pressure from trees
Shade sedge (Carex umbrosa)
This evergreen species adorns itself early in the year with dainty, up to 20 centimeters high, red-brown flower spikes.
Source: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, Carex umbrosa kz02, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0- flat growing
- easy to care for and very robust
- Flowering time between April and May
- forms dense clumps with overhanging leaves
Wood Marbel (Luzula sylvatica)
Wood marbel, also known as wood rush, is a native evergreen that likes shade and grows best under trees and other shrubs.
Source: Wildfire, 2007-04-01Luzula sylvatica02, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0- wintergreen
- Growth height between 30 and 50 centimeters
- broad, fresh green leaves with silvery edges
- large, brownish inflorescences between May and June
- vigorous
Tip: Shade grasses look particularly attractive planted with perennials such as columbines, silvercups, bluebells and wood anemones.
For the appartment
Ivy (Epipremnum pinnatum)
The shoots of the ivy can be between 50 centimeters and two meters long. It is best to place the climbing plant hanging picturesquely in a hanging basket.
- overhanging or climbing growth
- attractive heart shaped leaves
- needs nutrient-rich, moist substrate
- belongs to the poisonous arum family
Solid Leaf (Spathiphyllum)
This houseplant is also commercially available as a sheath leaf or leaf flag.
Spathiphyllum, single leaf- bushy perennial
- up to 80 centimeters high
- yellowish spadix flowers with white bracts
- strong green leaves
Lucky Feather (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
This evergreen plant is also suitable for a location in the shade.
- perfect for people without a green thumb.
- upright growth
- older plants grow overhanging
- stoloniferous
- repot every two years
- water and fertilize only a little
Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
The classic among indoor plants is best cultivated in a hanging basket.
Spider plant, Chlorophytum- overhanging growth
- raises numerous children
- pretty grassy leaves with green and white markings
- for partially shaded locations
Kentia palm (Howea forsteriana)
This elegant houseplant is also one of the most uncomplicated, as it requires little maintenance.
Kentia Palme- for sunny to shady locations
- needs nutrient-rich substrate
- water regularly but little
- non-toxic
Philodendron (Philodendron cordatum)
The philodendron or tree lover, as the popular evergreen plant in a pot is also called, also loves shade.
- overhanging or climbing growth
- well suited for hanging baskets
- fast growing
- shoots up to five meters long
- pretty heart shaped leaves
frequently asked Questions
What is the difference between evergreen and evergreen?Whether for the open air, balcony or apartment: deciduous plants are basically divided into deciduous (i.e. deciduous), wintergreen and evergreen. While evergreen species always keep their leaves, wintergreen ones only lose their previous year's foliage when new shoots appear in spring. We have therefore included them in this list because they are practically never completely leafless.
How do you recognize a partially shaded or shaded location?A location is referred to as partially shaded if it receives sun for part of the day and is in the shade for another part of the day. Away from the sun, on the other hand, means that the location is bright but not directly exposed to the sun. This is often also referred to as light shady, for example under a planted pergola. Only the full shadow, as can be found under trees etc., is a really dark area.
Can you keep rhododendrons indoors?In fact, the pretty flowering rhododendron is not only suitable for outdoors, but also as a houseplant - as long as you decide on a so-called indoor azalea (Rhododendron simsii). There are over 100 different varieties that bloom in a wide variety of colors between August and April. In summer you can also put the plants outside.