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Propagating a spider plant by cuttings is not difficult. Because with the right care, the plant constantly recreates the kindling. The following article explains how ideally to proceed when propagating.

In a nutshell

  • two types of children: young ones without roots and older ones that have already formed roots
  • Simply separate both with scissors from the shoot that grows out of the spider plant
  • Plant children with roots directly in potting soil
  • Place rootless children in a container of water before planting for rooting
  • Rootless children may be left on the mother plant and placed directly in soil, cutting off when roots have formed

Two types of offshoots

The green lily (Chlorophytum comosum) forms the so-called Kindel. These hang from a long shoot that grows out of the top of the plant. At the end and also in the middle of these shoots are the offshoots that can be used to propagate the spider plant. There are two different types:

  • Children without roots
  • still young and newly formed
  • Children with roots
  • already older
  • have already formed aerial roots

Notice: Depending on the size of the mother plant, it can form many children in one year, regularly distributed over the summer.

pull offshoots

Over the summer spider plants show more and more of the small young plants hanging on the long shoots. These can be used ideally for propagation:

  • Kindel leaves about five to seven inches long
  • without roots
  • separate from mother plant
  • remove lower leaves
  • place in a small bowl of water
  • wait here for the roots to form

Instructions for planting

If the runner plants have already formed roots on the mother plant, then these are also simply cut off. The lower leaves can remain here on the new young spider plant. Both types, already removed with roots or those that have now got roots through rooting in the water, can now be planted:

  • Roots about three to four inches long
  • fill a small pot with potting soil
  • A little compost mixed in is ideal
  • Create drainage from clay balls over the drainage hole
  • put young plants in a warm place
  • no direct sunlight
  • enough humidity

Tip: If you use a larger pot, you can also use two or three young plants here. Either you pull them apart again after a while, or you simply leave several plants in one large pot, which is also very decorative and does not disturb the plants.

Required tool

In order to remove the offshoots from the spider plant according to the instructions, not many tools are required. Since the shoots on which the children are hanging are very thin and light, they can be cut through quickly:

  • simple household scissors will suffice
  • also rose or pruning shears if available
  • it is important to clean the cutting surface
  • clean well before cutting
  • also disinfect
  • with pure alcohol from the pharmacy
  • alternatively appropriate disinfectant from the trade

Notice: Household scissors in particular harbor many bacteria or fungi on the cutting surface. If not removed beforehand by disinfection, these can penetrate both the mother plant and the young plants and damage them greatly.

frequently asked Questions

Do I have to remove the offshoots of the spider plant?

If the plant is healthy and strong, then many children will not harm it. This even looks very decorative in a hanging basket, for example, if many bushy children form all around. As long as these also look healthy and well taken care of, you don't have to remove them from the plant.

Can I also plant the Kindel directly without roots?

In order to save yourself a waiting time, you can also grow the small plants directly without roots in a pot with potting soil. For this, however, the children must remain connected to the mother plant. In this way, it also receives all the necessary nutrients from the large plant and can form roots in the soil. If roots appear, the offshoot can be separated. You have to keep the young plant constantly moist without waterlogging.

Is there an easier way to care for the new young plants?

Spider plants always need a little moisture, both at the roots and in the air. Therefore, the cultivation of new young plants that you have propagated and taken as offshoots is also very suitable in hydroponics. Because the young spider plants have not yet come into contact with soil and can be placed in hydroponics immediately after removal from the mother plant.

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