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Whether acorns are poisonous or edible must be answered in a differentiated manner. In the raw state, the fruits are harmful to health. However, if they are treated before eating, you can eat the acorns as well.

In a nutshell

  • since oaks are poisonous in all parts of the plant, acorns also contain toxins
  • tannins are responsible, which can lead to gastrointestinal complaints
  • if the substances are washed out, the fruit can be further processed and eaten


Acorns are the fruit of the oak tree (Quercus). In Germany, trees take up a good 11 percent of the forest area. The dominant species are the sessile oak (winter oak, bot. Quercus petraea) and the German oak (summer oak, pedunculate oak, bot. Quercus robur). Red oaks, which originally come from North America, account for around 0.5 percent of the German forest area.


Oaks contain vegetable tanning agents in all parts of the plant. Their function is to protect the trees from predators, including humans. In order to ultimately ensure propagation, the proportion of tannins in unripe green acorns is particularly high so that they are only spread by various animals when they are fully ripe.
Nonetheless, the entire deciduous tree is classified as mild to toxic. Eating raw acorns can cause serious gastrointestinal problems, such as:

  • irritation of the gastric mucosa
  • Vomit
  • diarrhea

Notice: Since raw acorns taste extremely bitter and tart due to the tannins they contain, they are usually spat out quickly.

The main toxic active ingredients are:

  • catechins
  • catechin gallates
  • catechin glycoside
  • dimeric proanthocyanidins
  • ellagitannins

The content of these tanning substances in the cotyledons as the bulk of the fruit is between four and nine percent of the dry weight. The proportion of tannins in acorns is therefore given as 7 percent.

eat acorns

The toxicity of acorns is one thing, but you can still eat them if you strip them of the tannins before eating. Proceed as follows:

  • Remove the peel from the fruit
  • let it dry for two days
  • Crush acorns (mortar or small nutcracker)
  • place in a bowl of water
  • Renew fluid every 12 hours

If the water is clear after a few days, the acorns have been washed out. Before you process them further, you should let the pieces dry.

Tip: If they are then ground, you get acorn flour. You can use this to bake acorn bread or muffins. If you roast the pieces of acorn, you can eat them as a snack or serve them as an accompaniment to roasted meat.

frequently asked Questions

What do drained acorns taste like?

Acorns that do not contain tannins have a sweet and nutty taste. Acorn coffee is said to taste more like green tea than coffee.

How can I store acorns?

Untreated acorns should be stored in a cool, dry place. Treated fruit should be processed immediately.

Do I need to see a doctor after eating raw acorns?

Normally, drinking plenty of fluids should help. However, if the symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor, as vomiting and diarrhea are associated with high water loss.

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