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Fresh hazelnuts from our own garden are a culinary dream. Here are the instructions for harvesting the local nuts and then successfully drying hazelnuts.

In a nutshell

  • Hazelnuts are only ready to be harvested when they fall easily from the hazel
  • Drying is possible in small bags as well as when roasting in the oven
  • They are also stored in small bags or when frozen
  • after drying, the hazelnuts can be eaten for up to a year
  • Hazelnut shell is not edible while the skin is healthy but produces a bitter taste

Hazelnuts ripe

The hazelnuts ripen between September and October. During harvest time you will always find nuts on the ground under the tree. At the same time, the trees and bushes are full of nuts. Even a slight shake of the branches ensures that the hazelnuts fall off.

Tip: It is best to catch the falling nuts with a foil or cloth and then tip them into a basket or bucket for transport home. You should definitely pick up hazelnuts from the ground every day. Otherwise mold can develop on humid autumn days. Immediately sort out the damaged nuts. These are good food for the squirrels.

If you have to laboriously pick the hazelnuts from the branch, the harvest time is still to come. Ripening is only complete when the hazelnut tree gives up its fruit itself.

Dry hazelnuts

After harvesting, the hazelnuts are dried. This is required for a period of between four to six weeks. The first step is to examine the hazelnuts to see if they are still intact. Damaged areas can allow moisture to enter, causing mold to develop. Common damages are the following:

  • fractions
  • cracks
  • holes

You can then dry the hazelnuts in different ways.

Air-permeable containers

Place your harvest on a plate or in a basket. At the same time you can fill the hazelnuts in bags. Turn the hazelnuts every two to three days to ensure even drying. Overall, the drying process takes between four and six weeks.

oven or pan

At the same time, the hazelnuts can be preserved by roasting them. Roasted nuts have a delicious aroma. First crack the nuts and remove the shell. Then roast the nuts in a pan without fat or put them in the oven.

Tips: Be sure to turn the hazelnuts regularly so that they dry and roast evenly.

Store hazelnuts

After drying is before storage. You also have two options for this:

  • Freeze
  • Air-permeable sachets

There are different options when it comes to freezing. Firstly, you can grind the hazelnuts beforehand. You can also use a nutcracker to core the nuts. On the other hand, you can also freeze the whole hazelnut kernels.
The hazelnuts also keep longer in air-permeable bags. Find a room where the humidity is low. Damp basement rooms are not suitable. Then pack the dry hazelnuts in small bags and hang them on the wall.

frequently asked Questions

Can hazelnuts ripen?

For fear of hungry squirrels, many gardeners harvest their hazelnuts early. However, the nuts are not edible when unripe. In addition, the fruits of the hazelnut tree do not really ripen, so you cannot dry unripe hazelnuts. Although there is a slight post-ripening. However, it is necessary for the hazelnuts to be at least ready for harvest beforehand. Green nuts should stay on the tree.

How long do hazelnuts last?

After drying, you can eat the hazelnuts within a year without any problems.

How do I know if the hazelnuts are dry?

The so-called shaking test is ideal. Take a hazelnut in your hand and shake it firmly. If it rattles when you shake it, it is an older and already dried specimen.

Do I have to skin the hazelnuts?

The shell of the hazelnut is inedible. However, there is often a thin skin between the nut and the shell. This is healthy. However, the skin of the hazelnut often creates a bitter taste. Consequently, you can remove the skin by friction.

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