Raccoons in the garden are not uncommon these days. They can cause great damage here and also become dangerous to the health of humans and pets. More on that below.

In a nutshell

  • Raccoons transmit diseases
  • uproot lawns, flower beds and compost heaps
  • Small bears are, among other things, a danger for nesting birds in the garden

recognize raccoons

The cute animals are nocturnal. On their nocturnal forays, raccoons can also cause damage in the garden. First signs of the presence of raccoons (Procyon lotor) can be:

  • messed up lawns, flower beds and compost heaps
  • there foraging such as grubs or worms
  • Harvesting of ripe fruit
  • overturned garbage cans
  • torn garbage bags
  • broken flowerpots
  • damaged garden furniture
  • Holes in the roof of garden houses, sheds etc.
  • looted bird and squirrel feeding grounds

In addition, the typical footprints and droppings indicate the visit of these wild animals:

  • splayed toes connected with metacarpals
  • length front paw 4 to 8 cm, width 4 to 7.3 cm

Tip: Installing a wildlife camera can clearly demonstrate the presence of raccoons.

Feces contain parasites

The droppings of the animals represent a particular source of danger. This contains eggs of the raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis). Under optimal conditions, these can develop into roundworms. The eggs can be transmitted through smear infections. Possible consequences are:

Raccoon droppings with easily recognizable food remains
  • tissue destruction
  • Organ disorders such as blindness
  • Disorder of the nervous system
  • disturbance of balance
  • comatose states
  • death

One gram of feces in infected animals can contain 20,000 to 26,000 roundworm eggs. These are able to survive there for several years. The development of an egg into an infective larva then occurs under moderate humidity conditions and temperatures. The droppings should never be touched with bare hands. The roundworm is one of the most dangerous zoonoses. Other intermediate hosts besides humans can be:

  • small mammals
  • birds and rodents

Notice: Raccoon roundworms have been isolated from pets such as dogs.

Clean up faeces thoroughly

In order to correctly interpret the legacies of these little animals, here are a few brief explanations:

  • Construction of latrines (“common toilets”)
  • several animals defecate there
  • “Toilets” are located on elevated spots
  • in the garden on boards or thick branches
  • sausage-shaped droppings
  • Length 4 to 6 cm
  • Admixture of hair, fruit stones and indigestible food
  • Color depending on food from brownish to reddish

Any raccoon droppings found in the garden must be removed immediately. There are a few things to consider in order to rule out a hazard and to destroy all germs:

  • Wear disposable gloves and shoe covers
  • Put on a mouthguard
  • Pick up droppings with a shovel
  • burn if possible
  • alternatively fill in plastic bag
  • close well
  • put in household waste
  • Clean droppings with soapy water and
  • douse with boiling water
  • alternatively use of vinegar or disinfectant sprays or
  • Using a roofer's gas torch
  • Wash clothes at 60 °C
  • Thoroughly clean shovel etc

Bite is dangerous

Normally, the animals shy away from encounters with humans. However, sometimes it can happen that both of them cross paths. Adequate distance should then be maintained as wildlife will bite and scratch, especially if they feel threatened and cornered. Mothers can be extremely dangerous with their young. A bite can cause painful wounds. Not only that, a wide variety of diseases can also be transmitted, such as:

  • rabies
  • distemper
  • rabbit fever

In addition, there is also a transmission of parasites such as

  • lice
  • fleas and
  • ticks

possible. Dogs and cats should therefore also be kept away from these small wild animals. It is also advisable to vaccinate pets against rabies and distemper.

Notice: When a raccoon makes growling or screeching noises, it indicates an aggressive mood. Then it's time to move away from the animals.

threat to native wildlife

The presence of raccoons also poses a threat to the native bird life in the gardens. They are active nest robbers and not only feed on the birds' eggs in the nest or bird boxes, but also on the young birds. Small animals nesting on the ground or reptiles such as lizards are also threatened. Many a garden owner is very worried when a raccoon settles in the green oasis, because it also doesn't stop at the fish living in the pond.

Prevent a visit

Visiting these animals in gardens is always associated with great chaos. In order to prevent raccoons from visiting or even settling in, a garden must be designed to be as uncomfortable as possible for them. The following measures are helpful:

  • definitely don't feed
  • Close any loopholes in garden sheds/sheds
  • close existing cat flaps with a chip
  • Harvest ripe fruit and vegetables early
  • Pick up fallen fruit regularly
  • do not dispose of in compost heaps
  • do not put leftover food on compost heaps
  • Use lockable compost bins or quick composters
  • lock simple lids with locks
  • do not leave pet food out in the open
  • Hang bird houses/nest boxes at least 350 cm high
  • including attachment of metal cuffs
  • Raccoons slide on it
  • no storage of rubbish such as bulky waste or building materials
  • are good hiding places
  • Check tree trunks for hiding holes
  • close if necessary
  • Installation of garden lighting, motion detectors or water sprinklers
  • Use of ultrasonic devices
  • Laying out mothballs

Notice: Related females (females) live peacefully together in groups in one area and males can be found in small groups of up to four animals. So where there is one raccoon, there are more.

frequently asked Questions

Are wild raccoons in Germany under nature protection?

No. In this country, they belong to an invasive species that spreads quickly by itself and thus becomes a threat to other native animal species. They are subject to hunting law in most federal states and can be hunted outside of the closed season. However, only a hunter in possession of a hunting license is entitled to do so.

Can raccoons be caught in a garden trap?

It is actually forbidden by law to catch the bears with a live trap and then release them in another place. However, this is possible in your own garden. But then you have to be killed by a hunter. A fishing permit is required to use deadly traps. In addition, catching mothers with litters is a punishable offense. This is poaching and animal cruelty.

For what reasons do raccoons come into the gardens?

In search of food, gardens are not spared during their nocturnal forays. Here they find ideal living conditions, which sometimes persuade them to stay. Not only is there food in abundance, served to them by the humans themselves, but also endless hiding places. These are not only used as a resting place, but also for raising young and last but not least as a place to spend the winter.
