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If you discover large mounds of black-brown soil in your garden, a mole has probably settled. Many gardeners are not very happy about the hills in the garden. But what time does the mole actually dig them?

In a nutshell

  • Moles live in tunnel systems
  • both diurnal and nocturnal
  • Active 4 to 5 hours in the morning, afternoon and around midnight
  • most of the hills in winter and spring

Characteristics of the mole

Only the European mole (Talpa europaea) is native to Europe. While the molehills in the garden can be discovered quite quickly, moles are rarely seen. They spend most of their lives in underground passages that the mole digs itself. They only leave their tunnel system occasionally, for example when there is acute danger. Moles can be characterized by the following criteria:

  • cylindrical hull
  • long, pointed snout
  • 14 - 16 cm tall including a short tail
  • short, dark gray fur
  • shovel-shaped hands with claws
  • Lifespan: 3 - 5 years
Moles are rarely seen.

notice: Moles are under special protection according to Section 1 of the Federal Species Protection Ordinance and Section 44 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act and may not be disturbed, caught or killed.

Mole tunnel system

Moles live in underground tunnel systems, just below the surface of the earth. The tunnels show a certain resemblance to those of the vole. The size of the underground systems depends on the food supply and varies between 1000 and 6000 square meters. Each tunnel is about 100-200 meters long and connected to other tunnels. They serve as

  • sleeping place
  • nest chamber
  • ventilation system
  • pitfall for microorganisms

When does the mole dig?


Moles have adapted to the darkness underground and therefore do not have a regular day-night rhythm. Instead, they have 3 active waking periods a day, lasting around 4 to 5 hours. During this time, the small mammals go in search of food and, if necessary, expand their tunnel system. These phases usually occur in the morning, afternoon and around midnight. However, there is no exact time. This is followed by a rest phase in which the moles sleep.

The mole throws up the characteristic mounds throughout the day.

notice: Moles have very high food requirements. That's why they have to eat every 12 hours at the latest and also dig with it. They cannot survive more than 24 hours without food.


Moles do not hibernate and are active all year round. However, the microorganisms that the mammal feeds on move less in winter. In order to continue to find enough food, the mole has to actively search for it. To this end, the mole digs more. Therefore, there are more molehills in winter than in summer. The mammals are also particularly active during the mating season between January and March. In search of females, male moles dig many new tunnels.

frequently asked Questions

Why does the mole make hills?

When digging the tunnels, a lot of soil accumulates. To ensure that the tunnels are well ventilated and accessible, the mole transports the excavated earth to the surface. This is how the characteristic mounds are formed.

Can I flatten the hills?

Flattening the hills is not recommended. Since they are there for ventilation, moles simply dig new tunnels. So you have more hills in the garden after leveling than before. It is better to remove the loose soil and use it as a substrate for flower boxes.

Will moles damage my plants?

On the contrary. Moles do not damage roots when digging the tunnels. However, they loosen the soil through the tunnels so that rainwater can drain off better. They also eat garden pests and are therefore rather good for the plants.

How do I get rid of a mole?

Tracking, catching and killing moles is prohibited by law. However, expulsion is permitted. Means that irritate the sensitive olfactory or hearing organs of the moles are suitable for this. Spreading buttermilk or garlic water in the aisles works best. Loud tapping on a metal rod stuck in the ground is also effective

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