Fuchsias are very popular balcony flowers, which are not only available in different single-colored variants. There are now breeds with two-tone and double flowers. Read here how to propagate fuchsias yourself.

In a nutshell

  • Fuchsias are well suited for balconies and terraces
  • they are not hardy, but can be overwintered indoors
  • Propagation is best done by cuttings
  • a suitable time is early summer

Fuchsias propagate by cuttings

tools and materials

  • healthy fuchsias
  • Secateurs and knives (clean and preferably disinfected)
  • rooting powder
  • Potting soil or comparable substrate
  • small pots with drainage holes
  • Cling film, freezer bags, transparent plastic hoods or similar
  • kitchen roll


Prepare seed pots

To make planting out later easier, it makes more sense to provide a separate pot for each plant. A piece of kitchen paper over the drainage holes prevents the soil from falling out. Potting soil is the most suitable, but you can use any other garden soil. Fill the pots loosely with soil almost to the brim.

cut cuttings

Shoots that are strong, healthy and not yet completely lignified can be used as cuttings. The best time is spring, but rooting works well into autumn. It is an advantage if the shoots do not have flowers, as you will have to remove them anyway. Cut off the shoot below the third pair of leaves.

Prepare the cutting

Remove the lower pairs of leaves and trim the stem again if the edges are frayed. Then dip the prepared shoot in rooting powder. This should make it easier to grow.

plant cuttings

Stick each shoot into one of the prepared pots. Press the soil down well all around so that the cuttings stand securely.


Water the cuttings thoroughly but carefully so you don't wash out the soil. Press the substrate down a bit.


Place the pots in a warm, yet bright place, out of direct sunlight. Direct sun can cause the cuttings to dry out. At room temperature, however, the cuttings root very quickly. If there is no suitable space in the living room, a heating mat for plants can also help. Just put them under the pots.


However, to keep the humidity high enough, the pots are covered. Appropriate transparent hoods are suitable for this, but freezer bags that are placed over the cuttings are also sufficient. It's even easier with a greenhouse. Put the pots in, put on the roof and ventilate from time to time.

recognize root formation

It is not easy to tell when the cuttings will form new roots. Usually it takes about four to five weeks. If the shoots form new leaves, this can be a sign that new roots have formed.

Notice: Occasional watering during this time. But not too much, so that the plants don't get waterlogged.

Repot fuchsias

Once the cuttings have grown, they are repotted in normal potting soil or straight to the place intended for them. Then water regularly and fertilize as usual.

Propagate fuchsias from seeds

It is possible to propagate fuchsias by seeds. However, the germination rate is not very good and it takes much longer for strong young plants to develop. In addition, there is no single-variety offspring, especially not in the case of hybrids.
The following tips can help:

  • Allow seeds to mature on the plant
  • carefully remove from the capsule
  • Let the seeds dry a little and keep them dry if they are not to be sown immediately
  • Fill pots or bowls with potting soil and moisten
  • Scatter seeds on top and press down
  • cover with soil, these are dark germs, but do not choose a layer of soil that is too thick
  • water carefully
  • Cover the culture vessel with foil and set it up in a warm and bright place
  • Germination occurs after a few weeks, then remove foil

Notice: Propagation from seeds usually takes a long time. The plants can only go outside after the next winter.

frequently asked Questions

Can fuchsias be divided?

Propagating fuchsias by division is unusual. It is only worth it for very old and large plants that need to be divided. The root system is damaged during division and growth is impaired. However, some fuchsias form runners that can be separated.

How are fuchsias cared for?

It is important to water and fertilize them regularly. Remove faded and dried leaves regularly. Since fuchsias are not hardy, overwinter indoors.

Can fuchsias also be rooted in a water glass?

It's definitely worth a try. Woody shoots are better suited for this. Place in a glass of water and see if roots form after a while. If this is the case, then plant the shoots carefully.
