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Currants are an example of how healthy can also taste delicious. Anyone who wants to grow the vitamin-rich berries in the garden should therefore follow our tips on the ideal location for currants.

In a nutshell

  • Currants in red, white and black
  • Requirement: a sunny to partially shaded location
  • the sunnier the location, the sweeter the berries will be
  • no waterlogging

useful information

  • red and white varieties: Ribes rubrum
  • black varieties: Ribes nigrum

The three varieties differ in taste. The reds are the most sour. The white currants taste a little milder. The black ones, on the other hand, convince with their tart, very aromatic taste.

Notice: Currants are named after St. John's Day, June 24th. On this day, St. John's wort begins to bloom and red currants ripen.

You can plant currants in your garden. They are available as

  • shrubs
  • standard
  • espalier or spindle fruit

location factors


The ideal location for currants is a sunny to partially shaded spot in the garden that is sheltered from the wind. The wild ancestors, on the other hand, grew at the edges of forests.

Wind and frost protection

Choose a location where the plants are protected from late frosts. The red varieties in particular are sensitive to low temperatures during flowering.

soil condition

The soil should be slightly acidic, rich in humus and nutrients. Good permeability is important, because the shrubs cannot tolerate waterlogging. Water the plants during dry periods.

space requirement

When choosing the optimal location for currants, the space requirement plays an important role. Therefore, plan about two meters apart when planting currants in a staggered manner. For row plantings, on the other hand, we recommend three meters planting distance. This allows the bushes to develop well and you can harvest the berries without any problems. When buying bare-root shrubs, look for healthy specimens with two to four shoots. Plant the currants about four inches deeper than they were previously in the nursery. Strong new shoots form from the rootstock.


Currant bushes can do without support, tall stems need a post. Therefore, when planting a currant, use a stake about two meters long, which you drive half a meter deep into the ground. Attach the crown to it.

Trellis fruit grows best on a trellis against a wall.

Notice: The birds also love the ripe berries. With a bird protection net you can protect your harvest.

frequently asked Questions

Why is it that the currant bush suddenly sheds its flowers?

The shedding of the flowers in April, the so-called "trickling", is a typical reaction to heat or drought. As a result, only a few berries form. Blackcurrants in particular should therefore be planted in partial shade, where they are protected from excessive heat.

Should the currant bush be fertilized when planting?

To fertilize currant bushes, put a mixture of compost and stone dust in the planting hole. This gives the berry bush a perfect jump-start.

Which plants are suitable for planting under the currant bushes?

We recommend underplanting currants with wormwood. While other garden plants are sensitive to a mixed culture with wormwood, currants benefit from it. The herb protects them from the dreaded pillar rust. Currants thrive when you plant different varieties together.

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